ITT we invoke a new years happening

ITT we invoke a new years happening.

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119 was an inside job

from January onward, Winter-Chan will work 24/7 for the many next centuries.

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bump for more new year happenings.

China, Iran and Russia declare war on israel

what are the odds of someone driving a car or truck into people today? its been a while since it happened last time

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Trump builds the wall

it's already the new year you faggot niggers

Poos finally learned how to use a toilet
it only took them a 168 year

I roll and actually get one of the hot asian girls above as a waifu

Also white woman die off this planet as a species

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California will experience a mass extinction event this year.

LA will be no more

let the numbers speak for themselves


A lighting bolt strikes Netanyahu on top of his head and kills the demon for good, Kek willing.

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Smoke some bomb ass weed.


The indicments are unsealed, there are televised trials, the deep state's links to the international globalist syndicate around the world are revealed simultaneously.
Long Nose Tribe Land is attacked on all sides and Greatest Ally is too busy with wall-building to help.

ayys visit and kill the majority of earths population that is evil

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wwiii confirmed

With who, Vlad?

driverless cars will develop racist ideals

child eaters get the rope
et disclosure