The ethics of doxxing aside, I've found this to be true...

The ethics of doxxing aside, I've found this to be true. Which begs the question Why are white nationalists so afraid of being named/exposed? Aren't you proud tough guys?

Attached: name the incel2.png (677x624, 555K)

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oh look this honeypot thread again

>Why are white nationalists so afraid of being named/exposed?
If that were true, they would be wearing masks like those faggot commies.

why do antifa wear masks?

Jews are violent towards me when they find out that I don't support mass immigration.

I can't help that I am the victim and they want to kill me.

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Because some people don't like commies breaking down their doors and vandalizing their property.

Saged, slide thread Shlomo.

>In a demonstration, a union member tears the mask off of an anonymous person who has just broken a window. “Take responsibility for what you’re doing instead of hiding yourself.” To be visible is to be exposed, that is to say above all, vulnerable. When leftists everywhere continually make their cause more “visible” — whether that of the homeless, of women, or of undocumented immigrants — in hopes that it will get dealt with, they’re doing exactly the contrary of what must be done. Not making ourselves visible, but instead turning the anonymity to which we’ve been relegated to our advantage, and through conspiracy, nocturnal or faceless actions, creating an invulnerable position of attack. The fires of November 2005 offer a model for this. No leader, no demands, no organization, but words, gestures, complicities. To be socially nothing is not a humiliating condition, the source of some tragic lack of recognition — from whom do we seek recognition? — but is on the contrary the condition for maximum freedom of action. Not claiming your illegal actions, only attaching to them some fictional acronym — we still remember the ephemeral BAFT (Brigade Anti-Flic des Tarterêts) — is a way to preserve that freedom. Quite obviously, one of the regime’s first defensive maneuvers was the creation of a “banlieue” subject to treat as the author of the “riots of November 2005.” Just looking at the faces on some of this society’s somebodies illustrates why there’s such joy in being nobody.

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Masks are for faggots, agreed.


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lol did they photoshop the wrists to look darker