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>hunting down the remaining survivors and shaving their heads live on stage
Too far desu someone needs to stop him

Society has become nothing but REACT to whatever the media puts in front of us and you are only allowed to REACT in the approved way.

No, hes CK

hopefully he will be jailed

proactively shit all over their everything if that's the case

Post a link to the audio, and let us decide. Posting twitter screenshots are pointless.

The puritanical left is in outrage mode again.

you really are a lazy cunt

I mean CK does to dark and brutally honest humor. I'm not surprised and I'm glad he's not falling prey to the PC bullshit

Well no nobody's talking about how he jerks off in front of unwilling women. So I guess it's a good move.

>dozens of other threads i could be interacting with at any given time
>expecting me to stay in this one
>expecting other people to source retarded shit nobody cares about
spare people the effort if you want a discussion

What does unwilling mean? Were these woman chained to a chair?

Sarah Silverman said she was cool with it
She let him do it a few times

Five threads up, and no links. I’m just in the stands in your circus. There’s no point in making this dumb thread without an actual link, newfag. Before all you Reddit refugees showed up, this shit never happened. It’s just lazy flooding because five other threads JUST LIKE THIS are all over the board, and every one of them are useless.

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you're the type of person who writes to McDonald's threatening to go to Burger King

nobody cares faggot


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no they just needed work. and if they wanted work they had to watch CK jerk it is all.... they had to watch him jerk it or they would die from lack of CK work???

// watch him pull his meat or die

His rights end where your feeling begin?

I hate liberals so much I'm now supporting cuck king

Supposedly he blocked the door from a few women in the room. But I mean, most of them probably sat there for a shot at getting screen time in one of his movies.
I'm not forgetting that most of this 'me too' stuff is women who think they deserved more favors for their sexual submission. But I'm sort of setting that aside right now.

>Leaked Audio
Of a public performance in front of dozens of people

nobody wants nor cares about your opinion on the topic. its a low-effort twitter post meant for shallow, kneejerk reaction

if you wanted to provide valuable content (which wouldn't be your opinion on the topic) you would go find and share the link instead of expecting an opinion toolkit to be dumped into your literally who anonymous nobody lap

I highly doubt this guy ran to the door and blocked them with his dick hanging out. You probably are right though that he used his fame to get off on this. Nothing wrong with that though, I would let a man jerk off in front of me if it meant getting a job at google.

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It wasn't particularly funny, but Louis CK has never been very funny. That being said, good comedy challenges PC culture and I applaud him for doing it, even though he's a Jew bitch that apologized to the Left once already and has nothing to lose. The Left ruins everything, soon there will be nothing.

I can't. He's just lost the backing of his rainbow haired she-twinks and their wii-cuck soiboislaves. Now he's got to find another fanbase. Fuck him. I hope the women he tries to masturbate for get fucked by black dudes.


He cracked a fucking joke... Jesus christ cunts relax

It was funny and you're all a bunch of faggot triggered snowflakes
Go the fuck back to Twitter

Sorry, I just can't give a fuck in this war of faggorty.

Yeah. That’s OP’S job, newfag. I didn’t make this pointless shit show of a thread. I really don’t care about the story CK hasn’t been funny after his second year.
What I do care about is all you newfags learn that this is a shit thread, just like the other five threads because all of them only contain screenshots. You’re a worthless meatball of a human to even defend this useless thread of unsourced bullshit. You’re the cancer of Jow Forums.

umm sweetie I've been on Jow Forums since the 90s

Correct. It's CK.

No you haven’t, newfag. You’re defending a thread with zero facts in it. The board is flooded with these pointless shit posts, and you are defending it?
You are new, and you’re cancer. It’s obvious in every word you type.

So much SJW fagg journalist in your country. What the fck happened to you?

I listened to the whole thing it's funny
It's all just jokes

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