The real origin of Pizzagate

The truth will surprise you

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how many shekelz for shilling?

I want too, please.

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They should do the anatomy of a fake rape story.
Fuck Rolling stone.

I am checked and the article is interesting.


archive or green txt the article faggot, I'm not giving that site any clicks

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nice propaganda. do we have a lot of military bases in australia or are these rogue shareblue shills?

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what the fuck since when did they auto filter archive .is links as spam?????? really shady


so it's not all archive links but this particular one about this particular topic is fucking auto filtered as spam when the link was only archived 2 months ago. make of that what you will

>The revelations overcame Edgar Maddison Welch like a hallucinatory fever. On December 1st, 2016, the father of two from Salisbury, North Carolina, a man whose pastimes included playing Pictionary with his family, tried to persuade two friends to join a rescue mission.
>Welch told his friends the “raid” on a “pedo ring” might require them to “sacrifice the lives of a few for the lives of many.” A friend texted, “Sounds like we r freeing some oppressed pizza from the hands of an evil pizza joint.” Welch was undeterred.

this article is absolute trash

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On the same page

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>all mock/prop devices
>literally no explosives were found

Yea, we better call them EXPLOSIVE DEVICES even though they demonstrably weren't and then get upset when people call us fake news.

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>Kek'd & checked
Click2ad ur self to the FBI database of suspected terrorists


Moto of santanism

i remember those " " explosive devices " " the same kind sent by that crazy injun right?

>Giving Domino's & NF bad image
Slander case

Anatomy of a faggot OP

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Who does secret service work under? oh that's right the department of homeland security. Always running their silly little training scenarios, like spooky mail bomber

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the initial interest in comet ping pong was because they came off as creepy fucking weirdos with weird ass shit like Eli's restaurant review

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