G-guys, I'm also redpilled and want to save the white race

G-guys, I'm also redpilled and want to save the white race...
But look at this

How anons...
How are we supposed to compete against THIS?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wow, how will whitey ever reach the G spot in her lung?

That penis will kill that poor lady.

kys degenetare

BBC is real.

Be nigger
never be able to utilize more than 10% of his meat

>0 not visible on the ruler
No trickery going on here I am sure.

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This. The preferred size from multiple surveys from women is well below 11 inches. It's around 7. If your near there you're golden and if you're 5 or below you'll still find a woman who doesn't give a shit. Own up to who or what you are and be the best version of that you can be.
Concern threads like this are cancer.

How can wh*ties compete? BBC kills chicks litally

women want their pet gorilla just like we want our asian sexbots, it's ok. sexbots don't give you AIDS/niglets/murdered

just use your hands, im a vagina and gf gets off on hands alone. plus i can support a family.

Dicklet detected

by not being a nigger



it would have been better if you just didn't post

maybe 5% of all girls can take this
and among those 5%, maybe 30% will actually enjoy it

no competition is needed, nogs can keep the abnormally large useless genitalia trait

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Since millenia human female need/want provision and protection
>muh cock-size
Stop wasting thread space user, and an happy new year.

Reminder that a Chink microdick from Jow ForumsAsianMasculinity is the one who spams these threads.

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I'm 7,5 and I bottomed on every chick nothing so good as pelvic bone rubbing against the clitty sends them to heaven, besides he's measuring from the side so take an inch off as you're supposed to measure from the top to the pelvic bone. I see no use for a dick bigger than 8 inches. Besides only a tiny minority of men are 8+ regardless of race, the big nigger dick is a kike porn myth.

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Lucky nigger still has intact foreskin

>tfw my dick is 6 inches but it's thicker than tyrones
>tfw I still hit my gf's cervix from behind

why would she need anymore? I'm already hurting her. Let's meet her in 10 years and see how she's doing, if she has a husband maybe he can find out what she did and ruin the marriage lol

Is this a Rate My Poo thread?
Who measures their turd?

Op doesn't understand his own meme pic.

I’m white and about 10 inches, I recommend letting me breed your wife in the name of the master race

And about 2 more after that as the ruler probably doesn't start at 0.

Be a retard who cant read a viagra bottle. And be a nigger who feeds viagra to thwir kids.

That feel when still white.

Keep trying to make yourselves feel like you're worth something.

Ooga booga


>7 inches
>fucked up my exbfs IUD with power thrusts and frequent sex
>tfw you cant fuck him hard anymore

>tfw my dick is only 4.5 inches

You seen the videos of niggers smoking blunts with their 3 year olds. Makes you wonder what other substances their parents are slipping in their meals.

>Turning a whitepill image into a blackedpilled one
Fuck off kike. Not even giving you the (You). This image is supposed to convey how unrealistic it is to be envious of monster dongs when the average woman's belly button tops out at six inches so at least five should be more than enough. I'm a fucking six inch dicklet doomer and even I see through your schemes.

Any penis above 7 inches will kill her, 10 inches is straight up impaling. She must be either a dwarf or a child.

Jesus fuck, its fucking new years eve.
Stop with this fucking cuck threads, kill yourself.

>How are we supposed to compete against THIS?

The point is... you're not SUPPOSED to compete against this.

The quicker you learn this the better... women who judge a man by the size of their dick aren't worth competing for. If they want the BBC, let them have it, because they have nothing of interest to you.

The same goes for men who judge women by the size of their tits.

Physical looks are fleeting; what matters in a mate is a shared belief system, a common morality, and the ability to build a life together.

daily reminder: that dick dangles in the toilet water when he shits. no wonder blacks are rife with AIDS.

Kys Jew.

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>no wonder blacks are rife with AIDS.
No, blacks have aids because they are almost all of them gay.

Fucking kikes and their meme flags. Bbc is a Jewish myth

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you know it hurts them right? I dont have to compete with it, woman dont like to be hurt when they have sex. They want pleasure, which means you need to learn to eat pussy if your so scared of your manhood, im saging this post for stupidity


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i like these photoshops, but they should be part of a story

Niggers need 10 inch dikkks because NIGGER SHEBOONS have such FAT ARSES it takes 10 inches just to reach a NIGGERS pussy lips.

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I'm 7.5 and the only chick that said I'm not TOO big is an Asian woman I paid 20 to give me head who normally sucks nigger dick for heroin. I think were fine at 7

yes because their big dicks touch toilet when they shit, you fucking retard.

lol all these BBC posts are actually funny
like my dick is just as big, you guys are freaks

and no you can't see it

its easy when the rabbi dont chop your dick when you are a kid

sucks to be you shlomo, you'll never be able to compete
all you can do is try to cope by creating racebaiting threads pretending to be something you are not while hidding behind a memeflag in a chinese anime board
what a sad life you have

>because muh dick is long, I think I should be the one to procreate over others

t. nigger

cope harder, your queens belong to us now.

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Believe it or not but not every women want the dick the size of a newborn shoved up their vag.

this, i have a 7.5 inch cock super uncomfortable for some women but girthe af so it pleases

Nigga what

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ITT: Dicklets rationalizing

You do realise a lot of chicks dont like a horse dildos smashing the back of their womb right?

And that thanks to warped views on the world they're mostly worried their vagene ends up looking like a badly wrapped kebab?

You do also realise that a lot of fellas with massive cocks never get to experience full sexual pleasure because girls dont get paid to recieve these dongs?

dicklet cope
bigger is always better
And no, don’t cope.
If you’re above 6-7” you might hurt her, but despite how much women will say, “oh thats painful” — they’re all willing to suck a 12” cock if it exists.

It's really sad

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with GMO
then we will see whombst be the niggerest

>suck nigger dick for heroin
what a fulfilling existence

moral of this post, ITS JEWISH /thread

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>blacked shit

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but it isn't ment for her. Dicks like that is for chicks like pic related

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Just leaving this here

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Fellow white brothers.
Also most like Niggarius is a down low brother too. So any burner getting hit with it will be HIV.

lmao you probably are the dicklets wishing you had a black shlong or a strong black bull to fuck your gf
kys retards

there is "big dick" and there "comically large grotesque dick" and your virginity is showing if you think girls prefer the latter

Please, please just kill yourself. You are so pathetic, it is difficult to find such a loser of a specimen. You deserve death, nothing else.

For those who care - penis has to match the vagina, that's all. So a mammoth dick has to natch a mammoth snatch.

It's all about balance, nothing to do with size. Don't fall for this absolute BS.

OP - fuck you. Die a slow, painful death you absolute piece of shit.

you cant

These are true though.


Bad comparison. Donkeys can still be useful. Even outside Tijuana.

>said the incel porn addict

It’s the same virgin rage fag posting these black cock threads literally 30 times a day. Just hide them.

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I know right. I just wanted head from an Asian for once.. her name is Kim and she's probably dead already. I remember she said she had to eat waffles before she could suck me off. so i waited till she was done.. my dick smelled like a pancake house until I got home and washed it.

If only the brainlets on this board were as smart as you user.

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Made for this.

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I'm half black half hispanic, and plenty of times I get turned down because I'm too big.

Fuck off.

jupiter is Zeus the messiah and the sexual
chakra belongs to him, when he returns
say good bye to your genitals if you do
not accept him, see why they have what
they have now? take it for granted, will
lose it.

don't think it won't happen, they show
angels without genitals in the movie
dogma and elsewhere.

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Well of course you are right good sir but this is pol.

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You're right.

"Size of cock always triumphs in battle."
Dim Sum Tzu

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>be nigger
>have gigantic nigger dick
>doesn't help hold down a job
>slutty white women see you as an autonomous sex toy
>be incapable of existential thought
>come to Jow Forums
>"muh dick wh*Te boi"
>get shot by the cops

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Whatever makes you sleep at night.

This thread is at the top here so

After wading thru all the JIDF Block cock worship here...shit happening in France...Live Steam up



>too *nig

with a horse?

Fuck dude I wish I could tell Beet happy new years.

>shamed topic

black skin without a single nigger trait all white traits yeah sure you just want a tanned white chick

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you want that bbc Charles?

no Ruptly stream?

TFW you have head space for dick.

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Proportionally she's only about 5'0''

The fact that women like that and their vaginas triple in size during arousal, like women's opinions, don't matter. Enjoy your fat lying whore

Get used to it. 2019 is the year of BBC.

>How are we supposed to compete against THIS?
You can't. The white race is done for. And that's a good thing!

I want that girl to be my gf.

>t. dicklet

Analfaggots dont count. You can have your own AIDS thread you genetic dead-end.

go suck a black dick OP