What do I do if I hate the place I was born in? Everything about it is awful: the climate, the people, the vegetation...

What do I do if I hate the place I was born in? Everything about it is awful: the climate, the people, the vegetation. Should I just off myself already because I wasn't supposed to be born?

The worst part is that I don't even have the means to defend myself from thugs, which means that me and my family are in constant danger of losing our belongings. I work nearly 10h a day so that a criminal can steal everything I bought in a whim. Why the fuck was I born in such a situation, bros? How the fuck do I keep motivated to work through all of this bullshit?

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Have you tried moving to another place? Brazil is a 'uge country, it ought to have several different climate zones.

I already live in, suppposedly, one of the coldest places available. Still, during the summer, it gets close to 45ºC, due to the weird geography of the place.
I was born poor and still am amassing money, but life has been shit so far and I'm not sure if I can keep going until I can make a change for good.

Couldn't you become an international student?Works for chinks.

Also op please don't kill yourself.Grit your teeth,understand life can change.Even if it takes awhile.

Work a shit ton of hours, save up money, buy a small cheap on the outskirts of where you want to live, move amd start working your ass off again, save up/get a promotion, move more to heart of where you want to be. If for you its another country, learn the language and save up twice the initial cash

I unfortunately have low IQ, and although I work on a STEM field I believe most employees would rather work with Indians or Chinese. I really might be doomed, fellas.

I'll be pushing 35 before I can start truly "enjoying" life. Even so, is it really worth it? Life was rigged from the start when my parents decided to have a kid while having no money.

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you hate the place you were born because you are stupid.

the smarter you are, the more of the world should be easy for you to live in. try moving a suburb over.

>How the fuck do I keep motivated
You don't.
The only constant in life is suffering.
Once you accept this you'll start seeing through all the lies. Just remember that EVERYONE around you is suffering and constantly lying to themselves that they're not.

Southern Brazil is nice faggot. move there

Wtf yo. At least you got Edy Lemond

Buy a gun to defend your property. If that isnt legal in brazil then set up booby traps capable of killing men. Liter your property with the skulls of animals. Assemble different parts of the animals to make up scarier hybrids. Set them up in a ritualistic manor as if you were casting spells and shit. A couple of rotting corpses really goes a long way. I mean bones are one thing but the smell will really scare off even the most hardened individuals. Make sure the outside of your house looks like absolute wretched shit. But as soon as you walk in it will look like pic related.

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I'd dare you to switch places with me, but that wouldn't be fair to your parents who probably struggled for you to have a good life. In any case, my life has already been wasted working shitty jobs and studying in shitty places, not that much of a difference.

It depends though. What if you were born in places like Switzerland, Norway, Austria? Your problems aren't life threatening, even though they might be more complex (depression, diassociation). My complaint is that when the safety of your family is not assured, hard work seems meaningless and you lose all motivation. I'll never walk through the Fjords, or climb the Alps. I'll always wake up seeing pic related. Wouldn't that break you as well?

Already here. Still a shithole.

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what do you mean you'll be 35 before you can enjoy life?
You don't need a high iq to go uni.Look up international student to another country find out what you need to qualify.Also apply for overseas jobs looking for forigners some may sponser etc.Is it worth it?Of course life is worth living.There is a giant difference between late and too late to enjoy life.It doesn't mean much since I don't live in a country like brasil but i hope all works out for you.Please don't give up friend.

I can tell you from experience that it gets much better than that, depending on what exactly you're looking for. Even if for the most part it has that kind of 3rd world vibe going on that, honestly, a lot of people who live here think of fondly despite the mcmansions and easy money.

Because, according to my current economical situation, that's when I might be able to leave Brazil to go somewhere else. I've already graduated in Electronics (Bachelor of Technology).

I don't give a shit about mansions or even richness, just comfort and safety. Like I mentioned before, if I was born in a place like Austria or Norway even if you have below average skills your life is pretty good, without the need to worry about most basic hazards.

I spent time a lot of time in Brazil in 2017 for business. There’s a huge difference between the haves and have naughts. Seeing the difference between the favelas in Rio/São Paulo and the high end neighborhoods with nightclubs and residences on par with anything in NYC, London, Paris, etc. made me realize the appeal of people like Lula and Roussef regardless of the charlatans they might be.

I’m a pajeet and spend time in Delhi and have to say the depth of poverty is worse there (food, shelter, opportunity, etc.) and the social mobility is way worse because of a socio-culturally enforced caste system. However, the common thread between both is the catastrophic failure of the state in addressing the basic needs to operate in a modern economy. The travesty that is the public education in both countries and the ongoing damage being done to the youth of both countries is sufficient for revolution. This combined with a reliance on gibs in both countries hobbles the people’s ability to be self sufficient because it’s just a better bet to get a shitty govt job and wait for a pension. I mean, just look at the ponzi scheme concursos in Brazil are.

Then main difference tho, is the level of degeneracy in Brazil. It’s truly unbelievable. The alcohol, drugs, and sex would make a Thai lady boy blush.

The above acceptance of suffering, and working hard is good advice and this Mongolian yodeling board is a surprisingly good source of high level guidance. The other thing I’d advise you on is to avoid degeneracy and slowly phase out the people in your life that overly indulge in it. All you can do is work hard for your family and community and slowly build up. In terms of specific economic and professional opportunity it’s hard to give guidance without specifics about you and your circumstances.

Happy new year and good luck user

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Can't Brazilians move to Uruguay?

>parents who probably struggled for you to have a good life.

that's the opposite of what happened. the only reason I am alive is because of government handouts.

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unironically shittier than brazil.

Dude a lot of places don't even have broken glass installed on top of the walls, or even an electric fence on top. Get out and look around.

OP seems to be concerned about climate and crime rates and both seem to be better in Uruguay. I kind of forgot that Brazil doesn't speak Spanish though.

Even so Brazil most likely has higher homicide rates than those places. It has more to do with criminal culture than with poverty.


This is more than the total Syrian's war casualties.

I rest my case.

Possible but unlikely. I'd rather move to Chile, to be honest.

Holy fuck, you must have had one scary ass childhood user.


Brazil is a fuckhuge country. It's not all rio. It's barely even all favalas.

Currently it's illegal to own a gun in Brazil unless you justify it (which means you have to bribe people during the process). Maybe that will change with the new government, but that would be wishful thinking.

Even if you manage to kill a few thugs, their relatives might seek retaliaton towards my family, and I really wouldn' t want to see them hurt. It's much like mexican cartels in that regard, they assure that you won't mess with them by spreading fear.

If you read the article you'll notice that's the TOTAL homicide count for 2017, so overall the country is not safe unless you manage to live in the countryside (which implies that you have the means to support yourself either through retirement or having plenty of fertile land).

45 is still cold

That's Celsius, not Fahrenheit.

Well yeah obviously it's going to be somewhere in the countryside. Sure maybe US cities are a lot safer and nicer, but there are plenty of people who run shops or work in shops in some little town or other with a big Jesus the Redeemer at the entrance. There are even small malls and shit.

It doesn't seem like a bad life to me if you don't want to live like it's the Wild West out in the woods or farm for a living or whatever.

Even small towns are currently targeted by criminals, specially smaller banks, shops and other businesses. It's expected to get worse unless somehow the laws towards criminality change in the next government.

It's hard to find a way out when the people themselves are corrupt and prone to criminality, you can't really escape a country's culture.