Premise 1: everything that begins to exist has a cause
premise 2: the universe began to exist
Therefore, the universe has a cause.
Bring it atheist braintards
Premise 1: everything that begins to exist has a cause
premise 2: the universe began to exist
Therefore, the universe has a cause.
Bring it atheist braintards
This doesnt reference a god.
The UNI has all ways been here. From layman mortal grasp prsptve... Lefty Lickers Get Focked!
>the dunning kruger effect in action folks
No argument for the application of the Causal Principle to the universe can be drawn from inductive experience.
your premise is flaw. the universe did not "begin" to exist, it just has edges.
>athiests: we haven't figured out the cause yet
>kikes: haha dumb athiests can't disprove yahweh created everything *rubs hands*
If your god needs no cause to exist, why does the universe?
I see no reason to substitute one prime mover with another.
Evolution created God
>debunk this atheist
>Therefore, the universe has a cause.
Btfo I'll show myself the door
>Evolution created God
God is a English term from the Celtic-Germanic word for God, Godin, Wod, Godan... Today known as Odin.
Man creates God.
Man evolved to put a persona the Universe
Nope, can't debunk you, Russ bro.
>premise 1
Thats pretty fucking assumptive of you.
>Man evolved to put a persona the Universe
Correction: Man evolved to give a persona to the Universe
Is that a portrait of robin penn wright?
Reminder that evolution is not a gradual process. That is simply wrong. The sun micronovas, sending out UV radiation, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. These all change dna. The surviving species are changed, and their offspring are entirely new species.
>Evolution created God
Silly user. Everybody knows only men create gods.
1. Consciousness exists
2. Nothing can exist without the there first being the potentiality for that thing to exist
3. The potentiality of consciousness pre-existed the universe in whatever created the universe
4. The only difference between theism and atheism is if whatever created us is conscious
5. It was
6. God Exists
Existence and causes are social constructs
>its true cuz i say so!!
Is that picture a planetary nebula? AKA a star that went nova and sent off a blast of EMR followed by a dust shell containing most of teh elements? Yes, it looks like one. Cool. Notice the star still in the middle of the explosion. It did not supernova and blow itself apart.
The ultimate cause has to be outside time, which the universe is not.
>The potentiality of consciousness pre-existed the universe in whatever created the universe
Nothing existed before the universe. Ergo no need.
God existed before teh universe. Duh.
>3. The potentiality of consciousness pre-existed the universe in whatever created the universe
I reject this premise. How did you arrive at this conclusion? Consciousness is contingent upon the universe, how did you arrive at this conclusion?
>4. The only difference between theism and atheism is if whatever created us is conscious
>it was
It was conscious? Again, how did you arrive at this conclusion?
It's called Microsoft Paint
You dont know this.
True nothingness is void of everything including potentiality. It would be impossible to arrive at anything without there first being it's potentiality.
Since at least the times of Plotinus we have know this...
Not saying that there's not some cosmic intelligence, on the other hand, your two premises logically rule out your conclusion.
Think of things like a video game. A video game can't create new levels that were not already written into it's code from the beginning. The potentiality of consciousness had to have already existed before it's actuality. There is no such thing as "emergent properties" in the grandest sense of things. Everything that exists, pre-existed in potentiality.
>Evolution created God
And still not debunked
The universe encompases time.
Wrong, it’s based on observation, you know, like science
>Think of things like a video game
Analogies dont demonstrate the claim.
>A video game can't create new levels that were not already written into it's code from the beginning
It certainly can, dungeon crawlers can randomize variables in maps and create levels.
>The potentiality of consciousness had to have already existed before it's actuality
I assumed it was a reference towards a God being that consciousness that was pre-existing. If all thats being acknowledged is natural potentiality, then I have no issue with the claim in this context. The proof just had a bigger issue with proving a god.
Prove it through the scientific method
Atheist retard is retarding
Modern cosmology has proven the universe began to exist
>Premise 1: everything that begins to exist has a cause
The universe does not need a cause to exist, and if it did have one, we could most likely never discern it. It just is.
Yes, the universe does need a cause to exist, retard.
It began to exist and all things which began to exist require a cause
>t. Future mtf
>There is no such thing as "emergent properties" in the grandest sense of things.
ITT: I am undefeated. Are you not entertained? Bring it atheist shits!
So when did the universe begin?
Probably 14 or so billion years ago
>skips first post.
How about this one?
1. How many forms can something take? - Infinite
2. How many forms can nothing take? - One
3. Wouldn't this mean that something is infinitely more probable than nothing?
You've never given any evidence that god is the cause, so the universe beginning to exist doesn't imply divinity.
“Something” can only take infinite forms if there is an infinite amount of somethings which implies past eternality.
Jesus/god/abrahamic religious stories are stolen mishmashes of previous religious texts from unconnected religions thousands of years earlier.
The bible, the Quran, the Torah - it's all bullshit.
>What else is bullshit is globe Earth, evolution, big bang, and so on.
Wake up. Earth is level, and Jesus is not real.
NOBODY knows how tf we got here, it's really that simple.
>All oceans on earth are level, therefore earth cannot be a ball/oblate spheroid/pear/testicle.
The cause has to be outside of time and space, and must be eternal and incredibly powerful.
I.e. GOD
>it’s all bullshit
Where did you get your PhD?
>The only proof of Ball Earth, is in cartoons.
Cartoons are not proof of reality.
Wake up.
No real images of Earth exist from space.
>The cause has to be outside of time and space
>I.e. GOD
What's your evidence?
How? Saying a condition has to be doesn't make it so. I can make proclamations too.
You're not undefeated. Answer my questions.
>Need to be in a cult to do science
>Analogies dont demonstrate the claim.
But can be used as a tool with it's similarities
>It certainly can, dungeon crawlers can randomize variables in maps and create levels.
For one, it's not random, just a complex code, and even if it could create new things, it would still have to do so under the pre-established framework.
>I assumed it was a reference towards a God being that consciousness that was pre-existing.
The difference between atheism and theism is if what created us is conscious, I don't see a way that consciousness, or anything for that matter could exist if it didn't already exist in potentiality before creation.
Something from true nothingness can not be a possibility. I would say absolutely everything, including consciousness existed in what gave rise to the big-bang. Now it might not be God as we have traditionally thought of God, it would be a lot more like "the One" Plotinus talked about.
I think you went full retard and brought the thread with you, Aussie cunt!
>still conveniently skipping my posts
Science belongs to the individual, not the institution.
>“Something” can only take infinite forms if there is an infinite amount of somethings
What do you mean by "there is an infinite amount of somethings"? A "thing" doesn't have to be anything specific. It could be a random amalgam of matter that has no meaning, shape, or purpose, but it would still be one of the infinite possible forms of something. And I could always add another atom or whatever it's made from and make another new form.
>which implies past eternality
Which asshole did you pull that one from? That's just wordplay, there is no meaning here.
which implies past eternality.
90 percent of these posts are automated bots replying to automated posts.
>Fuck 4ch
You don't know that, since the rules of physics, including time, were written by the big bang itself. Read up on inflation and the big bang theory, when the early universe "inflated" far "faster" than C allows in our present universe. We don't have a clue how old the universe is, guys like Neil Tyson just try to explain it in terms that retards can understand.
Since time is restricted to the material universe, the cause by definition has to be outside of time, braintard.
My evidence is in the deeuctive argument I gave, braintard
But we cannot determine a cause, and if there is a cause it is outside our possible realm of knowledge. Unless we discover a way to obtain information from outside the universe, all we can ever hope to see is the spark at the beginning, not whether or not anyone or anything lit it. Because it is unknowable, the answer is irrelevant.
Prime mover.
>it make boom boom
>Boom boom led to highly complex biorobots
The absolute state of atheshits
If there’s a finite amount of matter in the universe then there is a finite amount of combinations or “something’s” that can occur, braintard
>Sometimes appears with bulls horns.
Aaand it's Moloch.
That's only the approximate time at which the (already existing!) universe, concentrated into a single point with a lot of mass, finally burst out (again?). We call this the Big Bang, but perhaps this wasn't a singular event, but one that happens periodically. Matter expands, then contracts again into a single point, only to expand once again, and so forth.
>the cause by definition has to be outside of time
Why is that cause a god?
>My evidence is in the deeuctive argument I gave, braintard
I keep asking and you keep ignoring: why is the cause a god?
Wrong, the Big Bang requires the laws of physics to be in place when it Happened
Are there no true challengers??
We can infer what the cause must be, braintard
Earth is flat. This defies physics but thats actually fine because our reality is a simulation and the REAL world on the outside is a ball.
I mean if consciousness just came about, where did the ability of it coming about come from?
Of course, I just skipped that to make the argument more succinct. Even if the universe is finite(which we don't know that it is) the argument still works, just replace "inifnite" by "that much more" in the last step.
Because it’s a set of characteristics that we commonly call god.
Call it whatever You want, braintard
>Because it’s a set of characteristics that we commonly call god.
What are those characteristics?
If nothing existed before the universe, that means that the universe sprang from nothing. How do you think this happened?
>I-I just skipped that g-guys
Outside space/time, creative power, eternal
Yeah, I did, but I guess you'd rather argue details that actually discuss the argument. Typical.
Sure, we can. We can study the spark as much as we like, but searching for a "creator" is anthropomorphizing.
We are discussing MY argument, braintard.
It’s my thread
Not if we are created
If the Earth is level that would imply that you could have an unlimited view, except when it’s blocked by something tall. Why can’t you see Europe from Australia if the world is flat as you claim it to be.
He is a handsome lad
It's not that "nothing" existed before the universe, but if anything did exist we have no way of comprehending it so it might as well be nothing. The universe is a closed system.
>We are discussing MY argument, braintard.
No, you were JUST discussing MY argument in but then you stopped and started your retarded sophistry, which shows me you're not really worth talking to.
>the universe began to exist
Nice assumption there brainlet.
>Outside space/time
Okay. So far, in your line of logic, something characteristically outside of space/time created the universe. Let's see what's next.
>creative power
You have no evidence for that.
Outside of space/time and creative power doesn't imply god by most people's definitions - it doesn't even closely resemble theism since creative power doesn't imply intent, and nothing you said implies intervention in daily lives.
Once again: what's your evidence a god or anything with intent did it?
You're losing. :)
Wrong, the universe had a beginning thus it is not closed (BTFO)
>we have no way of comprehending it so it might as well be nothing
Atheist arguments everyone
Based penissizeshitposter.
God is real. What he/she/it is actually like, no fucking idea. And what they want out of the everything they created, again no possible way of knowing.
Now what is REALLY BTFO are ALL theologyCU CKS. Because what our present knowledge tells us is that there are for all intents and purposes 999999999999999999999999999 different possibilities and combinations of God's (different properties goals etc) and forms of realities (heaven, hell, purgatory, quantum worlds, vibrational dimensions etc).
Inb4 MY religion is RIGHT. My 1 in a 999 trillion chance is better due to 2000 years of history (fucking lol) than your new age 1 in a 998 scientBULLSHIT theories. Wahhhh wahhh jesus is God himself accept him wwaahhh.
Please someone ask these faggots the eternal BTFO question?
Christians, how can I believe in someone who hasn't shown themselves to me?
Please answer I am a lost youth in need of guidance.
It had to be eternal braintard. You’re just referring to a multiverse which itself still requires a beginning according to modern cosmology
>you’re losing
Oh, sweetie...
>For one, it's not random, just a complex code
You made a statement and I demonstrated why it was wrong. That's all I was trying to explain.
>I don't see a way that consciousness, or anything for that matter could exist if it didn't already exist in potentiality before creation.
How do we know it didnt? Do we know everything required to make this assumption? We have no clue what the potentialities were during that time in the universe, so I dont know why this is a point.
>Something from true nothingness can not be a possibility
Atheists dont say something can come from nothing. "I reject your claim" doesnt mean we have to take the opposing theist view, it can just be "I dont know"
>I would say absolutely everything, including consciousness existed in what gave rise to the big-bang
But this is an opinion. Which is fine, but it doesnt get us to a god.
I fuckin hate this garbage fighting
>God could not just set evolution in motion being all powerful and all knowing, he had to create everything as is personally, he loves to create new flu mutations every year
both sides of argument are fagets, enlightened christian scientists rule
>whining about people skipping things
>while skipping the first post that demonstrates how stupid my argument is
Dishonest idiot.
>It had to be eternal braintard
>You’re just referring to a multiverse
Stop ignoring my questions and then pretending you're not losing.
Outside of space/time and creative power doesn't imply god by most people's definitions - it doesn't even closely resemble theism since creative power doesn't imply intent, and nothing you said implies intervention in daily lives.
Once again: what's your evidence a god or anything with intent did it?
You are by definition referring to a multiverse. A non-eternal past string of universes from which ours emerged
I’ve addressed that question elsewhere ITT
The Bogdanoff created the universe
>I mean if consciousness just came about, where did the ability of it coming about come from?
It's not my question to answer if you're stating theres no such things as emergent properties. Which we have examples of in reality. So I'm not sure why you assert this.