Get married Jow Forums

Get married Jow Forums

Attached: TvdkgrV__400x400 (3).jpg (240x240, 11K)

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to whom?

A stay at home daughter

Attached: 6248f575fbc4979cd995f857da7880e7.png (306x342, 164K)

that's david rothschild.


oh I'm pretty sure i'm right.

That guy is ice cold.
He prays for faggots to be sent to hell instead of them getting saved.

Don't Listen to this guy, become Amish, if all else fails go donate to a sperm bank, at least your DNA might live on

>become Amish
Why havent you?

Not American

That is not stopping you from not using electricity

Take the Amishpill!

Wait, aren't pills forbidden too?

already on the list, bride of christ awaiting
the marriage.

Attached: 2014.08.21-mrconservative-53f631ae67897.jpg (550x335, 42K)

Amish are free loading faggots we see them at the clinic free of charge

Paul specifically advises against marriage on numerous occasions.

>30 seconds in and a coal burner passes by with her ape and mutts
The absolute state of christcucks on Jow Forums

Attached: Coal Burner.png (1366x768, 1.7M)

Amish pay for their own healthcare
For people that dont need a woman
So no porn or fornicating

Attached: goddamn 2.gif (398x344, 506K)

>For people that dont need a woman
>So no porn or fornicating
That should go without saying as the bible specifically condemns fornication.

with whom?

>you can fornicate if you dont have wife
this is retarded and fuck you all
you cannot cheat if you dont have anyone to cheat on

Just wanted to make it clear
a woman (assuming you are a man)

Attached: 1517435068525 (2).jpg (1280x988, 915K)

Fornication is not the same thing as adutery, hence why they are always listed together and not used as synonymous.