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Didn't el goblina post her worn out shoes recently from all the door to door knocking for her campaign?

Don't bully my waifu please.


Wall-- never mind

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wasnt her sex tape supposed to be leaked today?

Get better taste.

Any thread with the word powerful or Jow Forums in it deserves a instant permanent ban. OP is a faggot

this is what happens when someone takes fake glasses on instagram as intelligence. thots will bring down western civ for certain.
god these people are so fucking stupid

Bitch can’t even form or frame a coherent opinion let alone form a slab of concrete or frame a wall.

>hand under chin
>looking up
>faint smile or smirk
jesus she seriously posed for this one

Reminder that all ocasio cortez threads are shill threads
They have to keep her relevant, thats why they make thread after thread after thread about her, even if each thread is more retarded that the last one
>In all fields

Jesus Christ. This is the epitamy of what Victor Davis Hansen calls the pajama boys. Pheaux intellectual. She is the residue of the Obama Era. Look at the glasses and the pose. She knows what's best for us let's give up out right and our money to her and her friends and let's expand the government.

>"We cant knowck on anybodys doors, we have to build our own house."
thats unironically the most ethno-nationalist phrase i've heard. houses have walls and doors, implying BUILD THAT WALL

>Any thread with the word powerful or Jow Forums in it deserves a instant permanent ban.
The mods make 90% of the shill threads

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You can taste my fist in your mouth pleb.

Alexandria is gorgeous, intelligent, hard-working, honest, and above all, a real human bean.

"When your shoe laces are untied, use your hands and fingers to tie them." Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

...wait, what?

Im inspired

>Be possessed by the demon mind virus.
>See other demons as angels.
>Be 100% insane, convinced you are sane.
>Worship authoritarians.
>Be like Golem from LOTR.
>Up is down, left is right, good is evil and evil is good.

Such is your psychology.

This. Stormweenies gtfo of Jow Forums it's not your board anymore.
Alexandria is queen of Jow Forums

Breath oxygen every day.

>when a stormweenie tries to be poetic

Retard leftist tranny is retarding

>ppl still think this goblin relevant

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was this directed towards the hondurans ? thats the only way this would make any remote sense

Correct. It is good advice for all would-be immigrants.

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How can you look at her and trust anything she says? She's got those bat shit crazy eyes.

I'd love her the same if she was a right wing conservative. Stop putting so much importance on your political opinions, at the end of the day they mean nothing because the wealthy are going to do what they want to do regardless of who is in charge of the government.

Dont b jelly cuz she more smart dan u

>Has filters off.
>Thinks it's the real experience.
>Earnestly replies to slide threads.

Th.. the commies own this board now! G... get off storm fags!


Is that supposed to mean something?

Isnt the UK filled with pedophiles and I'm not just talking about the Muslims.

Those eyes are demonic. The woman is a loon and only other loons can't see it. Pick someone sane, it's safer.

What the fuck does that even mean? It sounds like an AI random motivational poster generator

>other skin people cant raise their own kids.
>all white people live in a suburban area with fences.
What a racist cunt.

>Alexandria is gorgeous, intelligent, hard-working, honest, and above all, a real human bean.

The problem with Alexandria is that for years she's been spouting her stupidity to guys who have been agreeing with her, re-enforcing stupid beliefs, while staring into her tits and begging to bang her.

Like 99% of all women she's an idiot. An overgrown child and she needs to be treated as such.


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Isn't america full of double digit IQ retards who can't accept that they will become a minority soon?
Alexandria is the future of your country. Accept it, cousin-fucker!

Stop trying to tell your betters what to do. You're white trash, no one cares about your opinion except other white trash, you are nothing. Alexandria is in congress while you are shitposting on Jow Forums.She managed to kick a swamp creature out of office with her own message that wasn't sterilized and toned down by (((optics))) cucks. Not bad for a "crazy" chick.

Race toward your dreams
The water is wet

Who is Mark Dice?

Mark Dice must be a blithering idiot....

It's Jayden Smith levels of word salad bullshit. It means nothing, the best slogans are intentionally vapid so that the audience fills in the blanks with their own preconceptions of what that retarded cunt means to them.

>trying to trigger libtards epic style
Just ignore the fact that you would chug a mug of her pussy juice just to see the hole it came out of.

Yeah. What's shocking is that if a girl is pretty that's all they need to have a pathetic guy get attached to her. Pretty doesn't work on me anymore because I evolved.

Yeah this bitch literally made it a defining feature of her campaign that she bragged about endlessly about how she was constantly knocking on doors.

Goddamn I hate socialists, and I hate people who don't see how fucking fake they are

>Just ignore the fact that you would chug a mug of her pussy juice just to see the hole it came out of.

Yeah. I'd fuck her and gulp down her pussy juice. That is what she is here for...a man's pleasure.

Doesn't change the fact that she an idiot.

So why did the goblin come live in our houses?

just add it to your filters so you can skip these bot slide threads.

>Not realizing that most people who seek and gain positions of power have narcissistic personality disorder.
>Considering it an accomplishment to be authoritarian.

Wow. Imagine being you. Now I know why you like her, it's exactly what I said:

>We have to build our own house.
By stealing the funding to build said house from white people, then contracting white people to build the house for you, and then defaulting on the payments so you have both the house and the money, and they can't do shit about it because you're the government.

She really is a low IQ retard, isn't she? Like really, on ape level?

lmao. Someone needs a nap.

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She's dumb as a brick lmao

sage anons!

AOC is really going after Wikifeet

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>beats an entrenched establishment democrat with a shoe string budget in a democrat stronghold.

Man, what a moron! She's only one of the most well recognized new politicians since Obama! Total failure! Sad!

This is your brain on Trumpism, ladies and gents.

Hear, hear!

White trash still sharing his opinion? No one cares you fucking loser.

>a real human beaner
The only thing you got right faggot.

Then why is this socialist cunt after other peoples money?

>White trash

Can you come up with anything better? or is that your autistic brain maxing out?

Holy shit that's good! Haha

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Houses need walls.

So accurate it hurts

Can she just show us her glorious tits already?

Why does AOC have beef with Barry and Michael?

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Scraping the bottom of that barrel already? Fuck off back to rebbit for your next talking point. Real Jow Forumstards are talking here boomer scum.

>goblina wiki feet rating
please dear god tell me this is real

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...what does that even mean?

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>Supes adobrs clogs.
>Knows what some abscure shoe that no one has ever heard of is called.
>Cares about fashion as if it's super important.
>Fashion and looking persentable are two different things. (One is egotistical, the other is not.)

Her IQ is about 30 in that tweet.

You do realize you're a poor loser

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Get out jew.

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Why are stupid "educated" people always left-brained dominant? Left-brained people are always worldly and NEVER real intellectuals.

>>beats an entrenched establishment democrat with a shoe string budget in a democrat stronghold.

How hard is it to get a district of mouth-breathing progressives to vote for you?

She is an idiot - that is not in dispute - and people who voted for/support her are proven to be just as stupid.

Anyone can get elected as a democrat if you voice vapid nonsense.

It's fake you monumental mongoloid.

>Still seething over being called white trash.

The reason that insult hurts you so much is because it's accurate. No matter how much money your boomer parents left you, you'll always be worthless trash who can't do it on his own.

Nice rebit spacing lol. Anyway, shes in congress, you aren't. So she is better than you and so am I.

So she's already qualified for your Presidency, then?


You are aware that Oncleenfoiréville is in Quebec? And that Quebec is part of the Dominion of Canada under Her Majesty The Queen and not part of Juche America, right?

Why does she wear her watch so far up her arm?

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im with this user on this one. this beaner bitch is more fake and gay than hillery fuckin clinton

This Pajeet looks familiar, who could it be?

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>shes in congress, you aren't. So she is better than you and so am I.

This is the one sentence that defines you.

You think that people in government are better than everyone else when they are in government specifically to only service themselves.

This ( and you ) are why government will always be the problem and never the solution.

oi you got payment for the debt on those building
materials? can't pay we'll take it away.

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Nah mate you are the one that recoils and slurs.He is just presenting you with facts and the only thing you can do is either move the goalposts or to keep insulting cause your intellect is not enough to engage in proper dialogue ,let alone win an argument.See the thing is that he could very well be the one doing what you are right now.Insult you and move on.Problem is he would be right to do so cause you are indeed an inferior human being.But that's the white man's burden and quite often his downfall : he engages with animals and tries to treat em as equals ,giving them his attention ,love and resources.And the reason you keep spamming this thread? You know all of the above to be true and your ego cant handle it.You crave his attention and at the same time you can pat yourself on the back pretending that not only you got him to engage in dialogue with you,an animal by all means, but you won the argument too. Your existence is sad but only because you dared look up and realise the truth.Lower your head ,keep your eyes on the ground and everything will be fine again,i promise.

Aww keep crying you poor incel. You do realize you're objective ugly, poor, and low IQ.

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It's surprisingly difficult for leftists to win elections in the US. FFS, California elected a right-wing Senator in 2018!

God damn I just want to fuck this goblina slut

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You realize left vs right brain stuff is complete pseudoscience I hope.

a 'unique form of child guardianship' is a hell of a way to describe child trafficking. I suppose all the rape that happens is just a different cultural way of showing love.

Sure glad im apart of the better looking political ideology.... haha......

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She makes Bush Jr. seem like Mensa member

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