How come ISIS never attack when there are big events such as Christmas, New Years or big concerts/festivals. They attack only during election time meaningless targets.
Is isis false flag?
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They are Israelis.
has anyone actually ever seen these guys fighting? They only seem to exist in propaganda videos and photos where they're all dressed in the nice uniforms.
Ishmael=Israel. Jow Forums is so dumb they think being a kike is about religion.
I still think ISIS is a psyop on retardo muslims to attack/destabilize areas/regimes. The entire war Of terror's premise was to "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here." They purposefully create enemies and incite violence so they can bring targets out of hiding and have an excuse to attack places they want to attack. Theres this classic video
In 2013 there was an article about the Taliban retaking Afghanistan by 2017. (cant find the article after a quick search, will try to find it before thread dies). The actual people running the show, not the doofus president, know what they are talking about. And they arent fighting and causing havoc to "keep america safe" they are doing it for global power, economics, influence, etc. In 2011 the Iraq government told the US to fuck off and keep to Bush's timetable of leaving. This didn't sit well with the war rhetoric brainwashed faggots in the country, and lo and behold, here is a new perfect reason to go back handed to the American public on a silver platter. Super well made propaganda ISIS videos distributed across the globe. How convenient.
Based Ron Paul isn't openly denying the existence of ISIS, but he is hinting on it and has some good points.
To me it's all fake.
>Horrifying experiments are being carried out on ISIS prisoners as the terror group tries to develop chemical weapons, documents reveal.
>Iraqi special forces have uncovered details of the use of human 'guinea pigs' - who died during testing - after Mosul University was recaptured from jihadists.
>Papers seen by The Times show terrorists have been using easily-obtainable pesticides to develop chemical weapons in experiments likened to Nazi research.
>It comes after it emerged ISIS has recruited weapons experts from around the world and shifted its research operation to Syria.
anyone remember this silly shit? its all a big joke.