Can you be an INCEL but not blame/hate women?
Or does that just make you into a nice guy
Can you be an INCEL but not blame/hate women?
Or does that just make you into a nice guy
Both are meme terms. but
>Or does that just make you into a nice guy
you are right about that. It doesn't matter whether you hate women or not, as long as you don't have your problems sorted out, they will not like you. The best approach is to just not care about women at all and not let your failed advances bring you down. leave Jow Forums, leave reddit and just try to have a normal social life and a career and something else beside relationships to look forward to. when you are a happy (not bitter), confident, independent person, you will eventually find someone. and if not, just be happy for the things you already have
INCEL, in its most literal definition, means Involuntarily Celibate. In other words, virgin, but not by choice.
The people who call themselves INCELs are generally women hating black pill taking loners. However, if you were going to take the term literally and you are a virgin and it's not your choice, you could call yourself an INCEL.
However because of the black pill connotation, I'd really not recommend you refer to yourself as an INCEL even if it's true. Call yourself a virgin, and it doesn't mean you blame/hate women.
You entire premise is wrong. The definition of an incel is an angry virgin who does not want sex, but lies about it. So if you say things like "it's impossible for me to get sex", and when shown all the ways you actually could and reject them, then it makes you just a less angry incel.
It's kind of an issue if the chicken and the egg, if you're born ugly and women choose not to fuck you then you will inevitably start to hate women for discriminating for you based on factors outside of your control (while living in a society that is supposedly obbsessed with equal opportunity and acceptance), and this will make you even more unfuckable. There may be a few exceptions but these are just betamales who don't even have the inner conviction to get mad.
You should know, however, that literally involuntary celibates are pretty rare. The vast majority of you could get laid if you put in enough effort.
>factors outside of your control
This retarded Jow Forums meme again. There are plenty of men who were dealt a worse hand in life than you and still manage to get laid just fine.
What if you've had a decent amount of relationships and that's how you got the incel mindset?
I guess that wouldn't be incel then. memes are so confusing sometimes.
For me, the issue is that women really are hateable. I'm not an incel, I've had various relationships and fucks, but I have grown to distrust and generally not respect women. They have this ridiculously high idea of what rights they are entitled to (both politically and in personal relationships) but almost never care about the rights of men, when they want something it has to happen or you're *insert ridiculous and nasty male insult* but if you feel like it's your turn to get something it depends entirely on their mood, and they won't be even slightly apologetic about this. This mindset has made it a bit harder for me to get laid, the thought of giving money or other resources to women without getting something in return burns me up inside. The prospect of buying some roastie food or tickets or clothes or whatever only to have her exercise her socially established 'right' to ghost me without explanation is so fucked up that I'm not sure I could make myself take a girl on a date if it wasn't pretty fucking clear we were a thing and I was going to get something in return (doesn't even have to be sex, just appreciation and good faith).
I do get laid lol, I'm talking about that small minority at the bottom who can't and that much larger group who theoretically could but the amount of work they would have to do to make up for their base ugliness is unrealistic and unfair.
If you get laid, why do you keep spouting retarded incel cult memes?
>If you were born with rich parents then why do you keep spouting retarded working class cult memes?
Because I understand the shitty hand they've been dealt and want to protect them from unfounded hate, also most of this issues effect all men.
They haven't been dealt a shitty hand, stop lying. They are choosing to shut themselves from society, they are choosing to not get sex, they are choosing to hate everyone and blame everyone else for their own failures.
All you have to do is have enough experience with women to know what they're really like. Most the people here are young as fuck and still have that Disney movie mentality about relationships because they've only had 1 or 2. They have zero experience with the real world but run around here like they know everything calling even people in their 30s with tons of relationship experience an incel for not sugar coating it for their childish world view.
That's ok though because I had to learn the hard way too. Guess it's part of growing up.
You sound confused. The Disney movie worldview is what incels have. That's why they are so disconnected from reality.
Lol now you're the one just spouting cult memes, there's truth to all that but there are a lot of factors that are really obvious if you dont come at this from an autistic perspective of hate for white males with issues
I can guarantee you that this guy is a virgin, anyone who has had actual relationships with women knows how exploitative and careless they can be (and usually are)
Where did the incel defense squad come from? Is Jow Forums leaking again? Being an incel is a choice, everyone knows this. And now somehow pointing out the truth makes the angry teenager virgin incels spout "hurr u r virgin" ?
Lol you just keep proving that you're from reddit
>The Disney movie worldview is what incels have.
Remind me of the movie where the guy calls the woman a roastie again? lol that's some horrible mental gymnastics.
A) choose better women
B) men aren't different than women in this regard, you just aren't trying to date the men who are similar
C) honestly all of humanity is really hateable and that's just a fact, men and women both
I’m an incel but I don’t hate women. I know that I’m just not physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually attractive enough for any woman to ever want aside from being a meal ticket. And that’s okay with me.
Some people were just made to lead quiet pathetic lives and die alone. I can’t blame anyone for that. There comes a point where you can’t even cry or whine about it anymore and just accept your fate. So I’ll live out the rest of my days stoically then hopefully die with a semblance of dignity & sobriety.
Nice guys are good guys who just got the short end of the stick.
Incels hate women. You're just a virgin and it's ok. Not all virgin men are bad or "losers". I've seen attractive IT nerd guys who were 21 and still single that I liked and had good personalities but they're sadly not popular with the girls.
Nice guys are nice guys. Why are you bringing them up in an incel thread?
And at no point does this look like a self fulfilling prophecy to you
At no point do you think, "I need something to be more important than dating women in my life"?
Like I don't mean to razz you super hard but come on, doesn't this feel like you're just giving up because it's the easy route?
Lol those are all stupid assumptions and reddit memes, I've never met a woman of reproductive age who wasn't extremely exploitive and self-centered.
Incels like you have nothing but lies. Incels have the Disney movie worldview. They think that there is out there a pure virgin waifu who will unconditionally love them forever. But for some reason everyone else in the world conspired to take it away from them, and everyone else is a roastie whore. It was the unjust society that forced them to drop out of high school and shut themselves the basement. Nothing is their fault.
If that's actually true than you're just a cuck, everyone else who was been screwed over by nature and society exercises their right to get pissed about it.
You couldn't shout out "I'm an angry kissless virgin basement-dwelling incel" any louder if you tried.
Lmao you're a broken record, just get laid you fucked faggot
Well it's not Jow Forums's fault your taste in women is abhorrent, now is it?
Actually it may be, but...
>Incels like you
Didn't read the rest but I was getting blow jobs before you were even a thought in your parents mind. Hahahahaha git gud.
If you've got blowjobs from your brother, why do you still identify as an incel?
Taste has nothing to do with it and you'd know that if you actually talked to girls, unless you're a 10/10 millionaire who has mastered PUA you pretty much take what you can get. Anyway, I got laid way before I started coming to Jow Forums.
He never said he was, you fucking retard. "Incel" doesnt mean "I think women do mean shit", it means "has never gotten laid and never will", it's pretty easy to get laid and once you do you can't be an incel no matter how many roasties you rape and torture.
Holy shit that was pathetic. Is this what passes for banter in your limp wristed generation?
I know, jesus fucking christ. Idk if these 'you criticized women in some respect so therefore you're an angry incel haha just be nice xD' posts are from one guy who just is off is game today or from several people and this is the stupiest one but they're really sloppy today.
Bro. There’s two kinds of sexists in the world.
>Sexists who are successful with women
We got to leisurely observe how and why women want us (being assholes)
>Guys who utterly failed with women
They learned from bitter experiences (cuckolding, divorce, being laughed at, rejected constantly, etc.)
And it has been proven scientifically that women do prefer sexist guys.
Like I said it's not my fault your taste in women is shit. I've had exactly one who's exploitative; after that I did a smart thing and realized it had indicators and red flags that would tip you off if she's got that streak in her personality.
I've been seven years with a woman who fulfills me in ways I didn't think women even could. No exploiting, no badgering, no cheating.
It's just that you guys have this tendency to date exactly one or two kinds of town who do nothing but manipulate people for their own good. But then, you tend to be the kind of self-centered people who prefer to be pandered to than to earn things yourself.
That's some pathetic samefagging. Nobody has posted anything like you said, it's a typical incel lie. All incels are liars. Their cult is based on a lie.
There is definitely one you can recognize from thread to thread that does nothing but white knight. You can tell it's him because no matter how bad something is he will be at the defense of the woman instantly. He even made a thread about remaining anonymous on this board after someone called him out.
>N-Not all women are like that!
>My unicorn will never hurt me!
>Y-You’re just going after handrubbing evil women!
K bud.
Lol you don't know shit about me or the dating situation for young guys these days, the girls who are naturally nice and dateable are so rare that they have 20 cocks chasing after them at any given time and this inevitably turns them into exploitive and objectifying cunts because that's the only way they can handle that situation, I managed to fuck one for about 2 weeks before she decided I didn't have enough money and status and left to fuck a drug dealer (and this is college so the only way you can get that kind of money is by being given it by your parents or crime)
>And it has been proven scientifically that women do prefer sexist guys.
Okay? Got a source on that?
I think you're right, the writing style is pretty consistent even if the level of effort changes, I wish would just get a trip so we can ignore him like literally hitler, but at least literally hitler has more than 2 sentences worth of material taken directly from r/inceltears
Yes I’m one I just focus on losing weight and obtaining girls
Proof: I have gotten laid and you havent
(There are also actual sources but this is such common knowledge why bother)
It's sad how clueless the nice guys are. lmao
Don’t worry
I’m ready for you to start attacking the source itself and handwaving the findings
Interesting you'd say that because I don't see anyone who's been whiteknighting or defending women. All I see is a bunch of crying incels getting angry that they are being called out as the virgin manchildren they are.
I know lots of fat guys who don't even shower regularly but still get laid
>benevolent sexism
That sounds weird
>I don't see anyone who's been whiteknighting
That doesn't surprise me one bit with how clueless door mats are.
It's just a fancy term for chivalry
Wow what a great argument, really made me think
Lol this, dropped that women are Angel's shit in high school and been gettin steady pussy since. Women love to fuck what they hate
From the article I understood it to mean stuff like "traditional gender roles, man is the breadwinner and makes the decisions". They define "Hostile Sexism" as the typical incel behavior and, surprise surprise, that's not attractive.
Women hate this type of knowledge getting out because it puts them at risk of having their masquerade broken. The feminine imperative would be compromised if every man know their true nature. The social narrative is that women are exactly like men and want to be monogamists who aim for their own league.
What's interesting to me is how fucking obvious this is, like I basically knew it before I entered middle school
Takes some of us longer to get there, but I'm glad I never looked back
Yeah we know all that, 'incel behavior' is bad, what we contest there is whether or not it's the only factor and if all of these guys could have great sex lives if they just said nice things. The point here is that white knighting is also stupid, at most its just marginally better than incel ranting. Men need to be men, and real men don't worship pussy like its the only thing that matters.
Incels act like they have discovered some huge secret that's kept under wraps by a feminist conspiracy. Being ignorant and clueless is part of being an incel.
There's not much difference between incels and whiteknights. The main difference is that whiteknights try to hide their intentions while incels are openly hostile.
Lol what none of that made any sense, kill yourself
Well they're both pathetic losers but in extremely different ways, personally if I had to be one I would much, much rather be an incel
Stuff I do with women
>Order for them in restaurants and pay for everything
>Leave them in charge of housechores
>Change oil
>Mock for swearing or drinking
>Periodically grope to assert dominance
>Order her to do stuff in a casual but sincere way
>Tease when they try to do masculine activities
Women appreciate this stuff way more than they pretend they don’t with strangers
Society drills it into many young men’s heads that women are equal to men and they suffer for it.
They taught me they were equal in everything men were supposed to be good at but better in everything else, but despite this they were oppressed and I owed them something while they had every right to shit on me.
Why would you want it? This sucks all the remaining fun out of your predicament. At least your anger can be targeted at someone who is not yourself.
Exactly, this is what I've been saying. This whole 'roll over and take it' mentality is the reason why most of these guys (self-labeled incels and others) can't get laid. Getting mad makes you want to get up and make a change. It might not instantly get you to the gym or to a job interview but it'll get you on the right track to getting shit done. Even if it doesn't work, it's way better to be an angry asshole than a depressed faggot.
Doesn't seem to work for incels. They are angry, and yet it doesn't push them to do anything. On the contrary, it makes them shut themselves out even further.
Plenty of them grow out of it, most of the male virgins I know just act like they don't care at all and have made peace with failure.
I've actually had good looks work against me. If I was average looking, I probably would have a much healthier sexuality, because certain things which fucked me up would not have happened.
Yes, and in the process, they stop being angry. Or they stop being angry, and then realize they've been wrong and start fixing themselves.
This, I'm not an incel due to getting laid, but last year I had a very incel mindset. When 2018 started i decided to stop all that shit and now i have a gf with steady pussy access. Use that anger for change.
It's not a matter of stopping yourself from every getting angry ever again, it's about getting inspired and satisfying that urge.