what do mature and interesting people aged 30 do for fun?
What do mature and interesting people aged 30 do for fun?
34 here. i dont have much of a life. i go to work and on my days off i play xbox or ride my motorcycle. its impossible to make friends after like 25. and the only people i talk to are family and coworkers. both of wich seem to want less and less to do with me with each passing day.
YeAh, i get what people do just to get by. But there must be people over the age of 30 who are having fun, right?
Drink alone at home.
people marry and have kids
that's it
I am married and have kids. What now?
Doesn‘t sound like a lot of fun
Get divorced and remarried.
my dad is single in his 50s. he golfs and smokes stogies at a local bar with his friends. just take up some boomer hobbies like fishing
Invite people over for a bbq so all the kids can play together on the lawn while the grown kids get drunk.
If things are really boring, you swap wifes and until people stop inviting you.
that's it
I have no desire to do that.
But i‘m not a boomer.
My dad is also in his 50‘s and single and would also go out to a bar with his friends or to some festival.
What do you do when you‘re not old enough for retirement but not young enough for party?
Something a bit less degenerate preferably. I mean, we do the bbq bit but not the wife swapping bit.
It depends on what they find fun.
Some ideas are Netflix and chill, read a book, go to museum, zoo, park, go to gym, work out, go on walk, join an adult sport class, book club, water park, theme park, hobby like where you make stuff
The usual. Go out to meet friends, travel, sports, outdoors, video games, sex, and whatever else we feel like.
Thirties here.
Friends come and go. You may have a few left over from your younger years and that might be all that's left. If anyone proves to be true to you, they are the ones you can keep close. Making new friends as you age becomes more difficult since life has likely hardened you. We learn to not trust as easily and we tend to be very choosy. I don't just strike up conversations with anyone and try to get close to them. Most people, quite frankly, fucking disgust me. I don't have time to waste on these self-entitled millenials or the putrid ass vomit remnants of Generation X. My time is precious to me and every passing day makes it more so.
As for what I do, I keep a bunch of hobbies alive. I have things to look forward to outside of work. If all I did was work and had nothing else, then I would have seen no further point in living. Luckily, I know what can make all the bullshit worth while. I'd suggest that anyone concerned finds out how to fill their lives with enjoyment no matter what that entails. Don't waste time with toxic people and find your goddamn soul. Life can really begin after thirty if you allow it to.
>its impossible to make friends after like 25
I found most of my friends at 28-30 because I moved to another country at 26.
We meet a few times a month but I just sit on the Internet and spend time with my gf all the remaining time.
23 and only just started to have self esteem and trust other people here.
Is it too late for me or do I still have time to make close friends?
Well I'm 26 and I make a fuckton of friends at work. I work corporate, in a place with over 700 employees. You're bound to find 2 or 3 retards that will like you.
I may not be 30 yet, but I understood the fact that you don't need many friends in life. You have 2 or 3 closer friends in your life, and it's jackpot.
Spend the money they wasted their youth acquiring.
>its impossible to make friends after like 25.
What a dumb thing to say
Stay home
Either you have a family you have to take care of, or everyone you know has a family they have to take care of. So you just stay home
I hardly managed to make friends in college. Im fucking done for.
I ask myself that every day
>My time is precious to me and every passing day makes it more so.
... spends precious time on Jow Forums. lol
we're not particularly interesting I think, some of my friends are 35+; who knows what mature even means anymore
friday beers at the office are actually fun
go to the movies with friends; a lot of them do yoga for some reason but i don't
go for beers and such with friends
sometimes we go to short city trips
sometimes travel to other places together but like 2-3 times a year
every couple of months or so we have game night and it's usually ~10 people playing board games for 5-6 hours
it's not that different from what everyone does in their spare time really
note that this is mostly the people without kids; I've barely gone out with people who have kids, for obvious reasons
there's also loads of people going clubbing; males mostly go to find 20something thots but none of my friends do that so I dunno the details
and obviously vidya*
but I usually avoid mentioning this with people I don't know very well because it's looked down upon after a certain age, at least for men, because you really are expected to just be some idiot who makes money for other people, and that's about it; the ultimate goal for a male adult is to be useful to others without question
sometimes, once they realize you're an actual person with a brain and ideas that don't only relate to your career, they become more open to getting to know you, but it takes a while and requires patience and lots of "easing into"
One thing I’m finding is that I do a lot more SCHEDULED stuff and a lot less spontaneous stuff, but I actually like it that way.
So, I’m in a group where every other tuesday night we take turns hosting movie night. Host makes dinner (doesn’thave to be fancy, btw, chili, or chicken and mashed potatoes usually). It’s kind of nice because it’s on the calendar and I scheduled everything else around it.
Also, I meet up every third thursday with friend for lunch and we talk about life, and business stuff.
I have one really good friend here, and he and I usually meet up one night on the weekend for a drink or to go to a movie.
What I RARELY do anymore these days is start texting a bunch of people on Saturday afternoon and figuring out who knows a cool party we can go to. It’s not very spontaneous. But, like I said, I’m doing freelance work full time, and trying to launch a new venture evenings and weekends, so don’t really feel like I have a lot of time for spontaneous stuff anyway.
I have to admit, and it’s painful to admit, that I feel like I missed the boat on having a wife and kids. Not too late, I guess, but I am getting older. Also, grass is always greener, so who knows, because it seems like some friends of mine got hit with the divorce beast and that sounds like no fun either.
Anyway, my advice would be, start small, invite a few people to your house to watch a movie. Order pizza or whatever. Give them like a week’s notice. Just see if you can get a regular thing going.
30 is a weird age because you're on the intersection of "proper middle aged adult" and "young adult".
Other than work and potentially have/raise kids? There's people who just do sports all day everyday whether they bike or run or do MMA or swim or whatever. There are others who just play video games. A lot of them dust off their packs of Magic The Gathering cards or tabletop RPGs and re-connect with high school friends ro make friends with other adults who are still into that or just got into it. Lots of them start developing a skill or several skills they never had the chance to get into like woodworking or drawing or playing an instrument, etc.
When you're 30, ideally all of your education is behind you and you only have to worry about work, so you have plenty of free time.
A lot of people do things alone. I produce music and play guitar. I meet a lot of other musicians my age through this shared hobby.
I can't wait for my kids to be old enough to take fishing and play vidya with. When they get to the stage they don't wanna hang out with me anymore I'll have plenty else to do.
I think people who don't want or have hobbies meet people through church or something.
>middle aged
That's why I said "on the intersection of". Middle age is 40, being a dumbass kid but still legally an adult is 20. 30 is right down the middle.
I like to arrange my pantry sometimes.
Fellow 30+ anons what's your opinion on board games? I've never really been much of a party guy plus I did all my party and drinking back in college and recently I thought maybe get a couple board games and invite people over would be a good way to spend the evening.
Being single and working 4 days a week I do whatever the fuck I want. Range day? Sure. Spend all day reloading or reading? Sure. Start drinking at 8 am? Sure. Hang out with my friends? Sure. You get the pictue.
There's a guy near me who runs a meetup group that's literally that every week. He has a large house with a huge game collection, a dozen people come over to play. Dude seems pretty happy with it.
It doesn't seem to matter what age you are. If you went to clubs in your 20s you'll probably still do something like that in your 30s. If you travel, go to events and festivals, visit friends in the evening and eat food with wine or whatever (the list of things people do is endless) then you'll probably do it at 30, 40, 50, 60...
Here's some fun shit I did in my 30's.
Take trips a few days long. Try to vary it up, trains, planes, drive, etc. Go to all the cities within a one day drive. Go to all the cities you can get a direct flight from your nearest airport.
Learn to cook a few things fairly well. Not fancy shit, but a few standbys pretty good. You're going to need some 1-2 good quality skillets, olive oil, peppermill, knife and cutting board. I'm thinking a pretty damned good fried egg, sauteed mussels in white wine and butter, baked salmon, sauteed or broiled asparagus... Nothing exotic there, but enough to get you laid. Learn a little about wine and what is half-ass good with what you learn to cook; keep some on hand so you can get laid.
Volunteer for a couple weeks overseas someplace sorta scary. Paint your bedroom; get windowdressing, nice bedding, etc. Learn how to dress nice. Learn to grow a plant; golden pothos is an easy one. Get a HEPA filter and run it while you sleep.
This has not been my experience. My activities have varied pretty drastically over the decades. If you're doing he same shit at 60 you were doing at 20, what the fuck was the point of the last 40 years?
Middle age is 50 and up, idiot.
>middle age
The majority of people won’t live to be 100
Obviously depends on the game but generally a fun thing to do
Surprisingly, a lot of the girls l’ve dated have found it cute, too
I go out. Concerts, comedy, drinks and dinner with friends. I play poker occasionally. I travel when I can, but it doesn't happen too much now that I have kids.