Pat Buchanan - It's Too Late To Save The USA

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Old thread got filled by shills edition.

[E]ven if Trump delivers on the loftiest of his promises, Buchanan fears it will be too little, too late. Sweeping change was needed 25 years ago, he says, before thousands of factories vanished due to the North American Free Trade Agreement, before millions of illegal immigrants entered the country, before trillions of dollars were squandered on regime change and nation-building.

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Pat is a boring author.. One-dimensional.

No one wanted to vote for him in 1992 either.

God damn it, old thread >

“We should have listened” is an understatement.

Good. Fuck the USA and fuck kikes

He's right though. Whatever comes out of this, old America is dead.

>Pat is a boring author.. One-dimensional.
Pat Buchanan is a Saint and you're a dumb faggot

Dr. William Luther Pierce- Why They Hate Buchanan

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Made a post just as old thread is dying, will repost.

It always annoyed me how Mexicans go on these rants about how "we stole their land". Then you have white cuckold lapping it up, and agreeing.

I dislike the idea of balkanization, or the country falling apart but I hate what it is now even more. So do the ones who created it (Europeans) leave it behind, or try to carve out a chunk after it collapses? Do they hold onto the past, and try to keep the US alive despite it being diseased? The situation in the new world is different than Europe, in that the countries are so much younger. On one hand you have more incentive to hold onto your colonial country because you may have had family here for hundreds of years since the beginning. But anywhere Europeans go civilization is made, which would lessen the blow of losing a new world country. But to see a place carved out of wilderness, and turned into civilization decay into shithole-tier status is sad.

Mexicans, hispanic mutts and the likes try to stake a claim as you said. It seems like everyone wants of piece of this pie but the piemaker himself. Anywhere Europeans go the minority hordes follow. You don't even need a lot of land, considering the size of European countries and their success. But none of this matters to the Mexican hordes. Their "La Raza". They think their aztec blood gives them claim to the southwest, and some even go as far as all of North America. They are mutts, and not all of them are Aztec. Funny how the Central American Injuns wouldn't unite the ward off the Spainards, but their mutt descendants will move to the land of the Red Man and claim it was always theirs to begin with.

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Pat was right about everything and he presented a serious insurgency in 1992. I know because my dad was a GOP chairman at the time and after he lost the primary and Bush's continued screwing over the base they faced a flat out mutiny and Perot pushed their shit in.

The US will survive by shedding the weak states and forcing them inline. It will happen. It was always inevitable. Same cycle throughout history.

>I know the fucking score you sack of god damn shit

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>Fuck the USA
No, user. Fuck you. Move somewhere else. I hear the favelas in Brazil are particularly nice this time of year. Just hum this a lot -

>fuck kikes

On this we agree! Kikes are parasites and are responsible for the biggest crimes against humanity. Just think, if we could wake up tomorrow on the 1st day of the new year, and find that all of the kikes had disappeared. Swallowed up by their saviour, Satan, and their devil spawn all gone. What a wondeful world it would be.

While I am pretty much completely in agreement with you in principle and that sentiment informs guides and is party to many of my decisions in most facets of my daily life, in practical reality I find what you describe to be the stuff of diy post apocalyptic novelists (and there are some really good ones) sold to my kindle and various video games.

Folks need to settle down and turn off the news. The world is supposed to end every week, right? Sure, keep your powder dry. It's what we (Americans) do. But relax and be prepared for things to go well and to take advantage of that as well. Enjoy your life. Go outside.

when the USA finally balkanizes,i can't wait to see the brown parts of the country fail and fall to ruin. niggers and spics can't run a country (bolsonaro isn't a spic) even a white and brown mutt will do better than a pure spic.

Brown states already are failing.

Nice post. I don't know if balkanization is the answer but the current state of affairs is untenable. Something big is going to have to change, and soon.


Preparedness is fine, isolationism is not.

What is coming is the collapse of white demographics and with it, the collapse of all the equality and Feminist bullshit. This happens over the next 20 to 30 years. Techno cults with weapons of mass destruction will emerge to bring about Mousolini styled Facism, the merger of the state with the corporation. Additive manufacturing is going to go parabolic in the late 2020’s. Get ready!

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Pat's so fucking based

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Many Germans said the same during Weimar. Nothing is impossible.

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The most important thing is to keep our options open and keep propagandizing towards what we want. Maybe the country collapses, maybe it doesn't, either way our goal is the same.

>Preparedness is fine, isolationism is not.
Please point out where I argue in favor of isolationism. I think you have me confused with somebody else. I think of isolationism as a stick that we hold poised over the backside of the world; it's to be used sparingly.

Was Hitler wrong? Or a prophet of the near future only a century later?

Remember that time Trump went all SJW calling Pat a racist back in 2000?

>Or a prophet of the near future only a century later?

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But, what came after Weimar was nothing like the old Republic. That's the point - no matter what, the old America is dead.

My misunderstanding. There's plenty of "retreat to your cabin in the woods" types around the dissident right.

>old America is dead!
Literally only a non-event. Life goes on and Christ still reigns supreme


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There will be no balkanization.
Only the remainders of the traitorous left and their invader pets fleeing the country for Canada or dying in camps.

If the US balkanized Mexicans would immediately start moving from El Aztlan into the US for gibs.

Measure isolationism is based.

Only a retard globalist wants to kerp olicing the world.
I am in favor of closed borders, particularly to any nation with a substantial muslim population.
Trade and immigration should be severely limited with nations outside the country.
Trade should only be done with countries where it benefits the population here.
Visas should be strictly enforced, overstay and 5 years in prison and permanent expulsion.
Visitors are fine, but not muslims or hiv positive Haitians.

Why on Earth would any red blooded American not be in favor of some level of isolationism?
Because some deep state corrupt politician or post modern professor claims isolationism is a bad thing?
Nationalist. Protectionist. Militant Isolationist.
Best policy.

Yes, which is why our current Jew-run immigration policy of inviting the indigent populations of the world has to go, along with the people that put it in place.

Isolation from the world, good. Isolation from our society = Ruby Ridge.

Honestly, you could probably do a lot by courting the Mexicans properly. Abandon Constitutional Free Market Conservatism (this is just liberalism anyway) and embrace statist social conservatism with a Catholic bent. Purge blacks from the civil service and reward Latinos/Asians instead and redirect gibs to Latinos instead of blacks. Run strongman candidates instead of cuckservative free-marketeers.

>implying we need the civil magistrate to preserve the Church
>implying the Church isn't preserved by the power of God for His glory

Christianity spread while under persecution, has survived and thrived countless persecutions, and will continue to survive persecution. We need make no alliance with the forces of darkness to ensure this, just as we didn't then

Of course, you wouldn't understand this because you come from the view of darkness that all the Church cares about is how many attendees she has in her services. The truth is that the people who have left the Church only reveal that they were never saved to begin with, which is why they've fallen away and not persevered.

Sweet bro, I'm sure your highly religious kin the Boer feel great knowing Jesus loves them while they're raped to death by niggers.

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This. Based

>We need make no alliance with the forces of darkness to ensure this, just as we didn't then
Except for, you know, the whole tolerating Jews thing. Almost as if Christianity is a religion for goyim cattle and Judaism is the religion for the masters.

We might well see the Brown coalition fracture with the white Hispanics leaving their Mestizo kin behind. The Jews remain the real problem.

It worked in Brazil more or less. Mexicans like gibs and strongmen. We're already giving out lots of gibs, why not just redirect them to people that don't necessarily view us as the enemy?

Not that I disagree here. I was speaking in terms of foreign policy.

However, Ruby Ridge says more about a government with too much power than a man just trying to raise his family separate from the deep state.

>Because some deep state corrupt politician or post modern professor claims isolationism is a bad thing?
>deep state corrupt politician or post modern professor
>assumes he's the only one ever read a book
Do you really want to be that guy?

Here's what I think in a format you'll be familiar with. It pretty well sums it up and self justifies if you think about it a bit. Based on 3 ideas: 1) The world and mankind at large are imperfect 2) There WILL BE a hegemon 3) Better to be the hegemon than be subject to him.

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If you wanna be fedora idgaf really.

But if you ally with Muslims or push degenerate atheism or paganism you will be lumped in with the leftists when we build the camps.

The US only needs MAD and a big stick.
We don't need to control the world.
We aren't some shit landlocked country without resources.

2,899,488 people voted for him in the primaries in 1992. Yes, it's only a third of what Bush Sr. got, but for a candidate as far-seeing and radical as Buchanan, it's a lot.

That's against a sitting president in his own party, the support he got is tremendous when you consider these factors.

I just overall disagree with your premise.
We can be isolationist and still have allies, a military, and a world leader.
I just think refugees, ebola, and the third world should be contained in their shitholes and not allowed here.
Business agreements should benefit the nation not just a business here.
Immigration is a mistake and politicians in support of mass immigration or helping muslims colonize Europe should be strung up and hung in public.

History supports me much more than you. That's ok, though. Stay in your house and wring your hands and feel frustrated while the rest of us are out prospering. Happy New Year!

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Yeah, I know. Brazil del Norte is a possibility for us as well.

You can't escape the state by defiance. It has to be infiltrated, subverted, or killed. Again, America as we would like it is gone. Whatever comes after will be very different.

>(((We))) build the camps
Christians refuse to acknowledge the JQ. They refuse to admit that the Jews are responsible for the Browning and subversion of America, that Jews pushed the faggotry and transgenderism of Weimar and of America, that they as Christians nurtured and protected these vipers.

>It's too late
>So let's just keep making all the same old mistakes instead of even trying to fix anything

Balkanization requres something like what the USSR went through.

If it happens, the US won't even be a ghost of its former self for at least 20 years. You may as well immediately uproot and move to a new country if collapse happens.

>Immigration is a mistake and politicians in support of mass immigration or helping muslims colonize Europe should be strung up and hung in public.
You can absolutely think that and say it and paint it on your house if you want to. That is also part of our greatness. Your not-so-subtle threat fails to impress, however. You're a child.

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like where? you have either other indio shitholes, arab shitholes, african shitholes, or slav shitholes that will become african/arab shitholes once the rest of the world becomes shitty enough

t. boomer suffering from terminal normalcy bias

Some states just need to band together and secede. Nothing else will fix this

Your failure to distinguish Operation Paperclip from the wholesale importation of millions of room temperature IQ Africans and Mestizos is noted. Do you think beyond platitudes?

Where do you see an advocacy for the same old mistakes?

Cut your wordcount in half

Of course its too late. Trump cant undo 40 years of beaner immigration, he cant unfuck the brains of millennial and gen x socialist faglords. he can't turn back the clock and make transgender surgery for children illegal

this country is fucked, there is no saving it.

Big problem with balkanization is the real divide is cities v. rural, and it's everywhere.

Whites need to make an active effort to move to the northern half of the US and occupy both city and country. That can lay the groundwork for secession

Yeah, because he and his generation already killed it.

Pat Buchanan is Nixon's successor. And like Nixon, we let the Jews win

Is Canada still whiter

if the internet was wide spread in the early 90s Pat would have been president.

Is that a signed copy of Death of the West? I thought about getting one

He was one of the only voices standing against this horseshit. He was hated for basically being a Jow Forums shitposter when his views were shared by no one.

No he's not. He supported Nixon and helped him win reelection, but Buchanan was 1000x more conservative than him. Nixon didn't even listen to Buchanan very often.


When even a pyrrhic victory is out of grasp, and there is no afterlife to fear, what is stopping you?

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I've said this elsewhere, but I do think the US is on the edge of authoritarianism and autocracy, either from an insurgent right wing or the current Liberal order. Obviously the Liberal order is already doing that to some extent, but in the next ten years I see Caesars coming out of the mists and laying claim to the proverbial empire. It's simply a matter of who those men will be.
I put my stock on the right winning, even in partial collapse scenarios, but more broadly I see a new right-wing revolution politically as inevitable. The situation is Weimarian, or at least, semi-analogous. Already old conservatism has died, and those discontented with both liberalism/socialism and having recognized the failure of conservatism, will probably shoot for top-down overhaul, forcefully, using means within the system to take power. Donald, currently, is the proto-leader of tomorrow, at least in the method by which he won power and in his bullishness. The men who seize power tomorrow will be necessarily opportunistic, nihilistic towars the old order, nationally sentimental and totally without holds. Reason for boundary isn't there when you're in an existential fight, which both sides truly are. This, coupled with polarization and the new waves of thinking will probably reach fever pitch and create a time of strongmen. Spengler spoke of it.
On that note, I don't think Jow Forums, Donald, the dissident right and left, the cultural gestalt nor the media realize what they are necessitating and creating, in the big picture.
I do accept that it could very well be leftists who rise, as much as the right, but it is undoubtable there will be a transformation, a dictoral/despotic one, and I hedge my bets it will not be from the left , as they are the incumbents in the halls of power.

>Buchanan fears it will be too little, too late.
And he is right.
All that's left to do is expand the lists.
Who is behind George Soros?
Who funds George Soros?

Old America was dead after 1861. Then the other old Americas died after 1933 and 1965.

Yeah, I want to get Republic not an Empire as well. Those are the only two special editions.

Literally, the only reason for this is mass immigration. The republic might hold on if ANY check can be put on mass immigration. Anything. Otherwise, yes, we will have either Stalin or Hitler--and it's up to us to make sure it's Hitler.

>WARREN 2020
>WARREN 2020
>WARREN 2020
>WARREN 2020
>WARREN 2020
>WARREN 2020

I got my moderate lib brother who likes Nixon The Greatest Comeback, I think there'll be lots of redpills that stick

>The republic might hold on if ANY check can be put on mass immigration
its way to fucking late for that, I'm in ground zero (California), I am a minority and the beans dont stay here, places like Colorado, Washington, etc all filled with beans too.

its fuckin over for this piece of shit country, but it will hang on for another 40 years maybe just to make sure we suffer

Yeah. Trump, Duterte, Bolsonaro, those are the way forward. Globohomo will rule via democracy or autocracy, but /our dictator/ could win as well. I'm throwing my lot in with populist authoritarianism.

It's a hard argument to refute. Our hope is that we can push through the new normal to a better future.

Faggot spammer

The US will survive. It will be great again. White people will flourish. But it won't look anything like the USA of Pat's youth

Hopefully, he'll see the light one day if he's a moderate

Is KY north enough?

Trips of truth. Maybe the northern half of the US can be saved and potentially turned into a de facto ethnostate. I think a civil war would be catastrophic and best to avoid if at all possible, and if they would simply do something about immigration (anything), maybe that could happen. But people are so stupid and repeat history, and they'll do nothing, and we'll have a massive war and a series of Caesars. It's fucking depressing watching this play out.

Yup, sure. Somebody posted a map somewhere that basically just excludes the southwest and deep south

World police dipshit here

You fuckers push world police status because that's helping you make payments on your $1,000,000 house in McLean, Virginia while your policies destroy the middle class and the rest of the country suffers

Well me my family and our stockpile of slavshit guns will weather the coming storm then. IN should be good ground to hold as is most of PA. MI is good outside of Detroit...not as sure about OH. WV is looking OK for the moment also. Anyone else want to add to the list?


And it's in the pre-widespread internet era, when political dissidents only had small newsletters, old men's jacket and tie dining clubs and night slots on AM radio stations to spread their message.

Earlier, I was looking at the population of countries as opposed to their size. The number of blacks, hispanics, and other (mutts/asians/injuns) doesn't need as much space as in pic related. (Said minorities living in the southern part) The problem is the population centers, and ethnic majorities in parts of the US. It'd be easier to go something like pic related than to only lose a few states. You could give the blacks Louisiana and that'd be enough. Mexico is big, there's no reason to have so many of them here. You give up land, and they'll just move into your new white country unless you actually strictly enforce it. Things going the way they are, and worsening will hopefully shake more people awake.

Putting things like moving millions of people aside, if you just go on a land size basis you could give blacks Lousiana. I said this above, because it's slightly bigger than South Korea which has 50 million people. We have about 40-ish million blacks so they'd be fine. It'd be packed, they probably would fuck up the farming and have constant blackouts but it's enough land. Illegals, anchor babies, and the likes shouldn't get anything. Cutting the southwest off as a diseased limb is more like it, due to their non-stop invasion. Things are overwhelmingly cucked these days, so pic related having as much land lost as it does seems like it'd happen. If you could secure the northern half as it's own country (White America) it'd be better than the whole thing turning into Brazil.

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This is a man addicted to the concept of Empire and has forgotten that America is supposed to be a Republic. Americans must choose, because mass migration may make the empire temporarily stronger, but at the cost of the Republic.

Empire or Republic.
Choose because you can't have booth.

The Christian right united with corporate Republicans and open border democrats to kill our country. Jesus christ and his religions betrayed us because of the color of our European skin. God is dead and so is America. Whites have one option. Accelerationism. Abandon Texas move north. Stop paying taxes it goes to literally replacing you through the Christian right. If the system resists usand attempts taxation without representation we should blow up their federal buildings for replacing whites

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Leftists will try to implement something resembling Latin American "socialism" with American characteristics (as in, with an undercurrent of racial vengeance) which will provoke a reaction from the right.

Republics are bad.

just because you're too fat to stand up against it doesnt mean there wont be patriots

because monarchies, socialist, communistic, religious caliphates, etc. have worked out so well in the past.

Monarchies lasted for hundreds of years until (British) liberals got butthurt and decided that we needed a Parliament or something. The US won't make it 250 years on the best plot of land on the planet, being practically invincible to invasion and having as many natural resources as it could ever want.

There's a reason republicans were often socialist/communist.

We live in a Progressive caliphate right now

remind me how britian is doing right now?
i will agree with monarchies on this point, some people are lower than others, like how you're lower than me being this retarded.

You're contribution to the thread is suggesting we capitulate to spics and bow down before a throne. Fuck you, livestream yourself blowing your head off

Britain has Parliamentary supremacy and started going to shit immediately after it was established.

No, I'm suggesting we have the throne. You bow down to oligarchic patronage networks right now, so would a crown be any worse?

>hey goy, you already bow down, just bow down to me!
You're a faggot

Yeah, that was the same attitude the Whigs had when they implemented the whole oligarchic patronage network thing. They called it democracy at the time.