Explain yourselves pagans

if odin or thor or whatever the fuck you believe in is supposed to be the ultimate truth. then why do other intelligent races even exist? shouldn't it just be nordic/germanic people? and also why did other races have civilization and technology but you vikings were literally nigger tier civilization. i honestly think you're just a bunch of faggots with no culture who got dominated by Christians or at the very least, western civilization.

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The religions present archetypes that carry esoteric wisdom through the ages. You are not to take the shit literally.

Literally no one gives a shit about anti-pagan or christian thread anymore.

And this is why they're called LARPagans. If you don't unironically believe in your religion then you are larping atheist.

>then why do other intelligent races even exist?


pagans are just edgier atheists now


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That's how most non-Abrahamic religions work. Do you think Japs unironically believe that their karaoke set is possesed by a spirit?



still, there is nothing wrong in being interested in pagan mythos, be it norse, greco-roman, celtic, etc
the LARP begins when you label yourself as a pagan

Says the christcuck who believe second coming of a virgin defenceless kike who got nailed to a stick and think anyone not believing him will by default go to a imaginary place of suffering known as hell.

>That's how most non-Abrahamic religions work

How does that ago against what he said you moronic poo? If they genuinely believe in that autism, then they're not LARPing.

Divide and conquer shilling still OP?

And Christians are more cucked version of muslims.

The Japanese are basically atheist, user. Those that claim Shintoism and Buddhism and all that other nonsense are larping. They don't believe shit. They like to larp about spirits and souls because they don't have any, they're emotionless slave insectoids.

The only people who aren't larping are the ones that have literal faith with regards to their religion. Those people are called retards though.

>still, there is nothing wrong in being interested in pagan mythos, be it norse, greco-roman, celtic, etc
>the LARP begins when you label yourself as a pagan
Why is it so hard for people to just admit they're atheist but that they're interested in the morality and tradition of paganism in comparison to the slave morality of Kiketianity?

>Assumes I'm a Christfag
Not surprised, that's the double digit streetshitter IQ for you. Your entire country is synonymous with fecal matter. You need to kill yourself you are a subanimal of the lowest fucking order.

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> implying that worshipping failed genetic experiments and bathing in a trash swamp is somewhat better

go back to the call center rajesh, your pooping time is over

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because they saw (((vikings))) and now they are all lagerthas and ragnars


>If they genuinely believe in that autism, then they're not LARPing.
And you call me moronic. Its not LAARPing if it is ironic.Great job chimp.

>even worshipping garabge is more sensible then christ faggot.

Christcuck triggered.

Moon Day
Tyr Day
Woden Day
Thor Day
Freyja Day
Saturn Day
Sun Day
The *Stars* are conscious
Jews worship Saturn which is why they celebrate Sabbath on Saturns day
The Christian Trinity is the worship of Saturn *God the Father* the Sun/Apollo *God the Son* and Venus *the Holy Spirit depicted normally as a dove or a 4/8 point star*
The celebrate the sabbath on Sunday day worshipping Jesus/Apollo the Sun of God
Muslims worship on Freyja’s day *Venus, Ishtar* they also worship the Moon *Luna/Diana/Artemis*
Just look at a Muslim flag many have Luna and Venus right on them, although Venus is hidden as a 5 pointed star

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Its not supposed to make sense its an edgy identitarian lifestyle some confused white people adopt if they are unconvinced by christianity.

You might as well ask why so many neopagans fixate on Viking age nordic paganism and not something else from the myriad of gods and philosophies the Europeans followed before christianity

Or if they actually are nordic (95% of time they arent) and want to worship the "religion of their ancestors" why not whatever they believed before the viking age (because paganism evolved over centuries too) or medieval catholicism of norse crusaders or fundamentalist lutheranism of Gudtavus Adolphus.

Neopaganism doesent have any coherent theology with which you can agree or disagree, they dont even agree on whether their gods exist or not. Its a fad, a subculture made of DnD, metal music, viking LARPing and History chanmel documentaries.

I am not a christian but the christians here at least all ahree on whether you are supposed to believe in god literally or not.

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Did you not watch Marvel films or what? There are clearly niggers in Asgard retard

oh fugg you're right