
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

WH Public Pool:

>KAC on FoxNewsSun 12/30/18
>OMBDir Mulvaney outside WH 12/28/18
>OMBDir Mulvaney on F&F 12/28/18
>PressSec Sarah on CBS This Morning 12/28/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive @JBAndrews 12/27/18
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 12/27/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania meet w/Military Leaders in Iraq 12/26/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania w/the Troops 12/26/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Visit the Troops in Iraq 12/26/18
>Corey Lewandowski on FBN 12/26/18
>CEAChair Hassett on FBN 12/26/18
>CEAChair Hassett outside WH 12/26/18
>TrumpTweet: Merry Christmas! 12/25/18
>Pres Trump Christmas Teleconference w/Troops 12/25/18
>Pres Trump Christmas Press Conf 12/25/18
>Merry Christmas from Team Trump 12/24/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Take Christmas Calls 12/24/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Christmas Eve Service 12/24/18
>WHStratCommDir Schlapp on F&F 12/24/18

OP pastebin:

Attached: pocahontas.jpg (1125x813, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 3574575765757.png (717x999, 331K)

>leaf delivering
you're getting senile old man

Attached: 1515259631358.png (555x440, 361K)


Attached: 1546064964846.gif (500x650, 1.07M)

>chink is pro police state


>AKA Biff
lmao Don Jr. BTFO

We should all vote for Avenatti in 2020

Attached: IMG_20181231_125433_260.jpg (600x283, 35K)

but when she speaks it's like the intellectual equivalent of air slowly leaking out of a balloon? Who would put money on this vacuous dummy?

Sounds like we're heading towards Minority Report style policing

>posting fake tweets with real content
i'm on to you

Attached: 1476601845538.png (928x960, 311K)

Yea, Im ready for Warren to get out of her office...

Attached: babylon bee warren injun.png (1182x852, 1.32M)

>if you don't like the government watching everything you do and having spy systems in every aspect of your life you're a paranoid luddite
i miss the days when people like this would get shot

Attached: 1529690466333.png (599x779, 162K)


oh you fucker, that was clever

Already lost

>Does your wife know you are a certified milflegate
She shoulder surfs mu Jow Forums browsing user. I do it on my living room big screen TV

>just laugh it off
>>wow look at those weird japs!
Incidentally me and her watch JAV together on occasion. For some reason she's really into zentai.


Attached: ethnostate2.jpg (971x1024, 98K)

Can Warren win?

Attached: D74AAC86-4D52-451C-A43F-366976A45DDB.jpg (900x899, 96K)

>Can Warren win?
If she panders for her white nationalist base, of course!

Attached: ethnostate.jpg (1024x627, 61K)

>either of them
one drop

Attached: 1519377993128.png (600x756, 362K)

no, she won't even be top 3 dem candidate

> Falling for user's fake tweets which are identifiable from the thumbnail.

lmao at mouth breathing maga rats being this stupid

Attached: 1530998780466.png (115x100, 29K)

Schiphol Airport BTFO.

Attached: 1aaa16.png (869x1172, 140K)

Attached: liz warren MRI halitosis.jpg (803x810, 94K)

the virgin Richardberg Spencelstein

Attached: zElizabeth Warren nasty breath.png (814x611, 574K)

if you don't vote for Elizabeth Warren, PEOPLE WILL DIE!

Attached: ewarrennike.jpg (960x540, 44K)

This is likely just an mis-translated sexual emergency. Where is Captain Sweden?

It will end up being Biden/Beto

Attached: stank breath liz warren.png (718x555, 449K)

Sphincter Airport?

Attached: poodestaa.jpg (1920x1080, 961K)

Trump secures a solid trade deal with china making the farmers of America happy, simultaneously shutting the des Moines register up for being the fake news communist propoganda they are

We Psycho Pass now? Are Thought Crimes a reality?
Can I at least get a Dominator in all this?

Attached: crime coefficient.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

>suspect pacified
>most likely a false alarm

We are really the country of the borderline HAPPENINGS, yet it's not happening most of the time.

I have a feeling 2020 elections will be a gigantic whos got talent show. It won't be long before people are "phoning in their votes"

Attached: 1545015129524.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

The Senate report on Russian trolls is comedy gold.

Attached: IMG_20181231_140400.jpg (1616x1172, 288K)

I don't want to know

Is it possible to pronounce "Krassenstein" without their semitic syllables sounding like something between vocal fry and a mosquito hovering by your ear?

Attached: 4576476757675.png (718x1074, 171K)

Attached: john podesta protest sign.jpg (480x480, 141K)

The real happening is the rapid replacement of your population. Terrorism is really nothing more than an incidental byproduct of having Muslims in your country.

> Does having a thing for Carmen Sandiego, MILF Supreme, since my earliest age makes me a race traitor?
Although she's likely spaniard meaning it makes me a nation traitor instead.

Attached: jonatan-saenz-carmen-sandiego.jpg (1920x2716, 422K)

>mfw he has to equate Daddy Don to a fictional character who's guilty of fictional crimes because non exist in reality

Attached: 1522951778233.png (561x424, 246K)

A nice shot through the ribs. Crack a couple, bruise a lung. Just enough that every breath he takes for the rest of his life he’ll be reminded of that stupid shit he said, and that what happened to him was merciful compared to the destruction of his character he would have faced should he have stepped out of line in his own system.

Attached: 1BE3D59D-43FD-46B7-9574-781B04C0D314.jpg (910x1036, 138K)

>It will end up being Biden/Beto
> A ticket with two Irish men pretending to be leaders of the "rainbow coalition"

>fake tweets

Those tweets were rescued from Silicon Valley's Memory Hole. An intrepid redditor gave them to me on a USB drive, desu. I'd include the archive URL but people get upset about which archiver I use, or which URL shortener. I just want to make everyone happy!

Attached: 444.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

>Although she's likely spaniard meaning it makes me a nation traitor instead.
>nation traitor INSTEAD
confirming there's no difference between spaniards and moortugals

Attached: 1545101084378.jpg (218x232, 38K)

Attached: 2019.png (948x714, 1.22M)

Coming from Leafland, that's pretty rich.

>FvD/PVV cabinet fucking when?

not unless she has more aesthetic feet than AOC

Attached: 576575675757.png (727x689, 128K)

>we need a new underground railroad
Why the left loves human trafficking so much?

>it's america's responsibility to vaccinate the rest of the world

Attached: 1516238808776.gif (500x212, 1.44M)

A hah so the other Portugal is ms Portugal. Has she proven to be a non npc?

Attached: 06F2444B-BCF2-4C3B-B4EE-8031C35C8114.gif (540x304, 535K)

>I don't want to know
It's mild stuff user, full body lycra suits.

>no difference between spaniards and moortugals

>work for the world

Attached: 1541457409510.jpg (233x246, 17K)

>hundreds of transgendered migrants grow hairier by the hour
This is like a Godfrey elfwick tweet

I remember Janet Reno, she was so right

Attached: Trump curse janet reno.jpg (720x720, 93K)

>That .gif
In the 80s when I watched this I thought that was the coolest scene, then after trying it in vidya I realized Rambo didn't hit shit shooting like that.

I just got back from /jp/, I've completely overdosed on cute

Attached: 26.jpg (300x100, 20K)

Hey to be that faggot who requests a Photoshop, I know you niggers are not my personal meme studio, but an Elizabeth Warren "crying Indian meme" would be helpful.

>It's America's responsibility to vaccinate the world

It's part of her plan to give illegal aliens free health care, it's breddy transparent

Attached: 1540554447366.gif (817x402, 215K)

This better be fake. Holy shit.

Attached: 45645622.png (714x1000, 351K)

Any excitement today or is it just the same slow nonhappenings as usual?

Attached: naptime awoo.png (900x900, 284K)

>and we will beat it together
fucking lol

>trying it in vidya
Shooting in vidya is just like real life

>I just got back from /jp/, I've completely overdosed on cute
JEJ, here is a "SHOT - CHASER" for you guys

> perfectly OK for a blue board on 4channel

Attached: Screenshot - 2018-12-31 , 19_15_22.png (1181x718, 334K)

Today we have a nonhappening in the Netherlands as someone who screamed about having a bomb got pacified at Schiphol Airport.

Waco makes me so furious I can't even put it into words. The only arguments for the government being in the right are:
>they were a cult
>they were sex slavers having sex with children
None of which they had any proof of, until they eliminated anyone who could testify otherwise. They killed not only the "cult leaders", but they killed the very children they were sent in to protect.
This overbounding government intervention into private matters makes me sick. This and Ruby Ridge really gets my neurons firing.

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The projection of these Senate reports, and their propaganda value as vector against Trump is v. suspicious.

Nope dems are in full favor of removing the 4th amendment.

> got that other portuguese bloke banned from Jow Forums Jow Forums, a red board half spammed with blacked porn 90% of the time


Attached: Screenshot - 2018-12-31 , 18_24_55.png (965x464, 117K)

Bit rainy on the East for New Years, just head to the pub for a pint and wait for it all to blow over.

Attached: 1545702275609.gif (540x360, 105K)

Marisa is best girl

he screamed Allah Akbar stop lying

heh, nothing personnell little awoo

but no, nothing happening except for warren announcing her run

Attached: Trump Drawing On Sleeping AWOO 2.png (1525x1173, 1.1M)


clearly mods and jannies have a anti white agenda


Attached: 1538485432981.png (489x424, 129K)

What makes me rage is that they're trying to retcon mcveigh into being an act of muh ebil white supremacy, rather than a response to waco/ruby ridge

Yes, making the broad assumption that you arent brownish on top of being an old hage grave robber.

solid bet on when Trump caves to the Democrat House?
2 weeks?

Attached: 1516380039311.jpg (1024x1014, 493K)

I thought this was the coolest scene (from different Rambo):
Remember when the Mujahideen were the good guys? I remember because of Rambo 3.

Sounds about right

> /me flashbacks to two years ago when a big RWSS war spilled over /qa/ and a mod got fired with the relentless help of that other portuguese guy
Fun times! After that staff has something about the portuguese flag, they must have an accumulated 10 years of bans for bullshit reasons like "TROLLING".
> YEP, that's right
> banned for trolling
> on Jow Forums

He deserved it tho, he managed to get a mod to sticky a fake headline of McCain having died.

Attached: banned-for-trolling.png (754x230, 83K)

>going to pubs
if you aren't drinking dinner alone on new years you don't belong on Jow Forums

Attached: 1530511130845.jpg (850x1399, 277K)

Well, that's better than a real muzzie happening I guess.

Is Warren the first official announcement? Kind of pathetic given that she already torpedoed herself with the DNA thing

Attached: Tuhu tribe overthrows false chieftain.gif (1280x720, 3.18M)

To stay high energy after eating a MAGA lunch, I like to make sure I drink at least one full glass of Water™.

Attached: drink water every day.png (900x900, 312K)

The Trump admin is surprisingly agile.

Why should he give them anything? The worst of the Senate's RINOs are dead or retired and a good many of them owe their political carreers to Trump. The Military was the only real leverage and they're already funded for a good long while.

it won't be directly caving to the house, what will happen is that the senate will pass a house bill without wall funding and then Trump will decide not to veto it
that's a much more likely caving situation

Attached: sultry millie.jpg (667x670, 57K)

There is another portuguese flag here that make you look bad
I remember that other user suggesting sex work was real work

Attached: thot audit 2018.jpg (960x483, 38K)

Has this faggot been indicted for his domestic abuse incident yet?

>what will happen is that the senate will pass a house bill without wall funding
DOUBT. Even Graham is sticking his nose in it, trying to save his pet spics

>one full glass of water
It's good for washing all that sperm out of your mouth too I imagine

Wah happened to me face ?

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this has to be fake

Attached: 11C0E077-0B7F-4749-9D52-066A70BEE8EA.jpg (478x708, 37K)

Are stiff cocktails from American goodness Pence aproved lads?

Second bar of the day already lost my flask though and I dont want to concern the normalfolk around. Hopefully 4 before the day is out to celebrate Grumpf shutdown.

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Don't even get me started on Timothy McVeigh. Sure he was a terrorist, but he did what he did in response to the government over reaching their control. Of course the propaganda machines will paint him as being absolutely evil, without ever considering his motives.
I'm not saying he was right doing what he did, but I can at least recognize why he did it. Which the (((mainstream media))) is apparently incapable of.