Weekend whine crackers
Weekend whine crackers
I hope I can muster the courage to kms before I hit 30
I know I'm supposed to be glad that i look like a teenager at 23 but honestly i think it's impaired my ability to mature as a person.
Day three without adderall. I'm feeling pretty ditzy and a little achey but I'm doing pretty well, considering I haven't been without in three years. My mood is for sure elevated and my sense of humor is back. The big down side is I'm exhausted so much earlier than before, like 5pm instead of 12am.
lemme smash
Oh well this is marvelous , now I am alone not only in real life but online too , nice.
I already know everyone is temporary , but it still hurts
Online dating is the biggest fucking bullshit I've ever seen. Like how the fuck am I supposed to get a feel for someone via a profile. How the fuck does anyone find love online.
You're doing good bro. Stay off that shit, you'll feel great. Just hard to get off stuff like that, I get it. Pull through though.
I actually can't stand the fact that I will never be in a relationship. Am I that ugly? I don't know because no one will be honest with me. I get so down because I know girls aren't interested and it eats into the rest of my life I should be living.
I love you mom
Eat ramen,disrespect wamen
>really liked coworker, we become friends, but she's not interested in me romantically
>several months ago, move to a different state, haven't spoken to her since, but still thought about her occasionally
>get a random text from her today, wanting to see how I was doing; she moved to an area relatively close to where I ended up (~2 hour drive)
I know this doesn't mean anything. If she didn't like me before, there's no reason to believe that would have changed after almost a year of not talking to or seeing each other. Still threw a wrench a brain, really threw off my routine. I hate that I feel like this.
I became so fucking irritable on it. And I could tell that it was time for me to up my dosage which was kind of the last straw for me. I'm pretty much done with having to focus today and I'm feeling pretty confident now without it. Thanks man.
I think my libido is dead. I can't maintain an erection let alone get excited. This feels a lot worse than expected I hope to God I can recover.
I want to kms. Should've done it back in 2012.
I still think I should have done it back in the 90's but what the hell, tomorrow is a new day.
I feel you bro, ever do any antidepressants?
I already disrespect women, but it just makes me feel more distant.
>Am I that ugly?
Yeah, obviously.
Food is so fucking repulsive. Meat especially makes me want to die. I try to make myself puke after every time I have to eat but it doesn't ever fucking work and I end up feeling disgusting all damn day.
I want to kms but can't, no balls, too much of a pussy. I want to get better but can't, depression too much.
Just dosed high dose tianeptine which is probably stupid but whatever I'm bored. At least its not heroin a drug that acts like heroin....
Waiting to get myself to a doctor to see psychiatrist but probably wont be prescribed anything and told to get the fuck out and deal with it.
Falling behind on bills and dont give a shit because I want to die anyway, but know Im gonna get some retard calling me not giving a shit about suicidalness and calling me a retard for not just manning up and dealing with it.
Well. I'm sitll gonna be here for a while. Too afraid to kms, to ill to get well. Stuck in some sort of permanent suffering. FeelsGoodMan
let me go
anti-med fags are the worst.
You're definitely the kind of people that don't actually need them. It's always the people that have absolutely no idea what it's like to be fucked up that hate on medications the most. The kind of people with no understanding of mental illness or what it's like.
But I'm sure you think exercise, organic healthy meals, and meditation will cure everything.
Literally kill yourselves.
Why does Jow Forums always tell me to go out and pursue girls and then tell me that these girls I'm trying to date are bad people that will only make me feel worse?
Please God give us strength and guidance.
After failing time and time again, I've decided to try and correct my life again. I'm starting NoFap to strengthen my will, going to focus more on increasing my lifts and I'll fix my diet. I'll seize every opportunity I have to improve my social life (that is, going out atleast three to four times a week) and I'm going to start taking my studies more seriously this year. I am aiming to become the best version of myself. I absolutely refuse to die as a fat kissless virgin loser. Hopefully I won't fail again, but I'm far from giving up. I want to be a happy functional human with real friends, financial security and possibly a partner, I really do. Not for anyone else, but myself.
because no one on here is sane
Being on Zoloft but it's not working for me. Though I do believe my depression has something to do with it. I think I need to hit the gym and go nofap for a while.
Dude I need some strong meds man. They definitely do sht these anti-med fagts are just retarded. My first time starting fluoxetine was gave me strength and confidence like no other drug even alcohol, too bad it disappeared though prob cus i need stronger meds.
The only thing stopping me fron kms is the fact that there's no body donation to science programs in my country.
I'd like to hang myself in my house, but that means people close to me would eventually find my corpse and have to deal with the burial and shit, which I dont have enough money to pay for.
There's the option of going deep into the woods where my corpse will never be found out but I'm to big of a pussy to die there.
i'm 90% sure i wont really care where the fuck are you if i start fucking someone else.
(to someone else) where the fuck are you? you were supossed to tell me where we would meet four hours ago >:c
Anyone else /boring/? I'm super boring. I don't enjoy doing anything. I sit around a lot because I can't find any hobbies that are fun AND feel worthwhile
Oh, I'm miserable...
Also, I'm really glad flossing exists. I got these weird tooth pains a little after lunch yesterday and was worried it was a developing cavity, but it turns out it was a fucking shitload of plaque. I kept flossing and shit kept coming out, including some nasty grey gunk. Thankfully I floss regularly so it wasn't like months of build up...
I'm a cheater and always have been. I've cheated on every single long term I've ever had.
I wonder what this actually means about my character. I don't even want to be in a relationship but they are persistent and I go with it. I end up cheating.
So far I haven't cheated with this one. Close to a year now, but I'm getting urges to fuck his friend. Thank god he lives in another town and I'm never alone with him or I think it would've happened.
Can I stop being a cheater?
It hurts knowing I’m not attractive enough to date right now. I really wish I had someone. I won’t go back to my ex-gf because I know I don’t love her even though I know she still loves me. I miss consistent sex and having someone to talk to. I’ve been working out to try to look better but it just takes so much time. I hate feeling this lonely
Don’t lie to yourself, you like it. You like the ego boost that comes with knowing you can fuck people you shouldn’t. That’s why you just happen to end up in relationships you don’t mean to. Yeah right. Without the relationship you wouldn’t get the rush.
Can you stop? Sure you could. But we both know you won’t. Because at the end of the day you will always put your needs and wants over your partner no matter how you might hurt them. And I’m not trying to be on some high horse, I’ve done things most would consider cheating too.
But at least I’m honest about why I did it and also what I needed to change to stop.
Maybe you are scared of actually having a positive long relationship with someone and you should see a therapist and stopping breaking guys hearts because its worse than getting shot in the leg.
She wants to meet up to catch up. I made the mistake of Facebook stalking her, and she's in a relationship.
I've been having another mild case of paranoia today.
My best friend and his wife went to Vegas for the next few days along with his in laws ( mother, father, and sister).
I asked our mutual friend if he was free to hang out today, but no response. I've known him for years so I know that's his way of saying he's busy (as douchy as it is), so no big deal.
But my paranoia kicked in and I thought about him secretly joining them on the Vegas trip, and none of them wanted to tell me cuz they knew I couldn't go.
I've always suspected the sister in law and him had something going on despite him being in a relationship, but I know that's my paranoia too.
It's gotten to the point im checking social media every few minutes for pics and videos until I confirm he didn't really go.
The worst part is I don't ever tell them and I dont have sex with other people. I only kiss them.
I don't ever confess to kissing someone else. They never know about my cheating. I do get a rush from being with someone new but can therapy really help me?
You make it sound like it isn't up to your personal choice. Of course you can stop cheating. Just close your legs and cut the bullshit.
That or stay out of relationships. Sounds like you only crave casual sex anyway
I just woke up so before my huge ego wakes up I need to tell you to not fall for it.
Don't get baited, don't come back. You made the right choice just stay on course, I can't be with other people when all I do is look for their pain.
You need to stay away.
You need to stay away.
You need to stay away.
You need to stay away.
You need to stay away.
Is there anyone that actually cares about me as a person??? I should just throw myself down the stairs and try to end it.
millennials were a mistake.
this goes double for the rest of the thread. cringe
I can't wrap my head around memes, I can't understand why people find them funny, it makes me feel like a bitter asshole when a friend shows me a picture of a meme and I don't react in any way, it's not like I'm some sort of humorless twat, I can enjoy jokes and I make people laugh pretty often, but memes are a fucking enigma to me.
I think I have a crush on the guard from my math tutoring center. He's like at least twice my age but he has the most beautiful personality I've ever seen. Always nice and smiling, always offering the other students his phone to call their parents come pick them up... Yesterday he told me that there's a cafeteria in the building if I wanted to wait there, I thanked him and then he said those words (translated): "No problem girl. doing a good favor for others in life is never a burden, take it as a rule in your life" with the brightest smile on his face.
My heart hurts.
I know none of you can make me feel better about it but I hope at least a few of you try.
I want more from her than she's willing to give. And it's killing me from the inside.
We're sexual friends and I want to be more. She doesn't but she wants to continue to see me. I asked her out yesterday and she said her response has not changed
Life just seems to keep pushing me towards kiling myself. Things always happen that are completely ridiculous. I love my girlfriend, I really do, but honestly these days I feel so annoyed by her, but I also want her to leave me because it gives me an easier choice to taking my life. I know life sucks, but honestly this just doesn’t feel like a life I belong in.
Guess its time to let you go. Thinking about you is poison to me (though it was cool to meet you). I hope you keep good memories of me.
people are so selfish and batshit crazy
I hate being around them
All of my stresses wouldn't exist if not for other people taking out their bullshit problems on me. I wish I could assassinate these people.
I fucked up and lost a bestfriend. I really miss them and, shit, it’s been hard not having them. I hope they don’t contact me back, they’re too good.
I fucking hate all of you. I'm going to fucking kill all of you.
You will send bigger people to get me and I'll just burn them to death with molotovs and hairspray flamethrowers. I did that shit all the time as a kid. I'm sure I can build better ones.
I will fucking kill all of you.
I just wanted my fucking meds but you had to be cunts about it.
ah this stupid nutjob fuckface is back again. can someone block this idiot? it's just schizo spam.
I miss you, but you made yourself very clear to me last time I saw you. We touched and then you pushed me away and told me to go home. Then you disappeared.
It’s very clear. You don’t like me, except for the few moments that you do. I won’t bother you again. I’d like to know you but you won’t let me. I wish you’d stay away forever so I’ll stop thinking you of someone that I like. Why should I? I don’t even know you and I never will.
I want to be happy again. I’m trying but it feels like I’ll always have an empty void.
I just recently I guessed realized my entire life has been built on being alone and loneliness has become such an ingrained part of my life I barely think of it anymore.
I have family, and they're not bad people, but they're also forgetful of me so I just kind of drift away into a corner and nobody really cares beyond the superficial aspects. Haven't really had any friends since 3rd grade, and that was just because we lived in the same neighborhood.
I'm doing fine and all, but hearing other people like my sister complaining about being alone or "Stood up" after going out 5 nights in a row with different people just pisses me off.
On one hand I like being alone, its calming and relaxing and I am an introverted individual. On the other, nobody has really cared about me ever and I just kind of feel dead and completely apathetic toward everything in life, and I'm just moving because I know I have to.
plus I can't think of a single thing that makes me happy or that I enjoy.
I've got nothing to complain about, but still feel dead.
i wish you would lay your god damn fucking phone for once and have a real fucking human relationship
I want to commit suicide so fucking bad
>Be 22 white male American
>planet is literally fucking dying nobody is doing anything, president doesn't even believe in man made climate change.
>still a handholdless Virgin no love prospects.
>people keep telling me to not think or worry about the future and live in the "now"
I just want to rage quit so fucking bad at this point. Sure yeah I'm white male and in my early 20s, but what does that matter? Everyones getting blacked and the white race is dying, I fucking hate nazis and rednecks but I literally have no future..
I love you, Moe. I wish we could've been together; had a house together, kids together, adventure together. I don't know if I'll ever quit longing for that, or to see you happy. Though it would break my heart to find you'd married and had kids with someone, I'd also be glad you could find that person for you; even if I'll always dream of it still being me
You know what, only once, I will talk to you again. I mean genuinely talk and stuff.
Starting tomorrow morning, even.
But that depends how you feel. Can you even keep secrets after our one outing? Only then, will we fully talk again. I don't tell you secrets, but I like to keep US between US.
I doubt you'll take the offer, but seeing you still talk about me to now makes me think. I think of you all the time as well, but unlike you, I keep my thoughts to myself. They aren't even dirty, I just see you and I spending much more time together, almost like an actual couple.
But hey, that's delusional.
I have the window open to order enough rope to neck myself. But too pussy to go through. I hate this. And the worst is having someone tell me "wow you're just looking for attention" or "wow you want everything handed to you" well 1) yes because of the abuse and neglect I've dealt with all my life while being sheltered by my mom and 2) I just want to actually die, I just can't muster the urge to do it.
Everything about my life has been constantly invalided all my life, and if I can actually kill myself it'll be the one thing I can be sure of and that no one can take away that it happened and if they want to give it another meaning I won't be around to hear it.
I’m so fucking tired of this on again, off again bullshit. I’m tired of the lies. I want to confront you so badly about your secret relationships in the past. You must think I’m an idiot, expecting me to believe that the various men living with you were friends, and you were just trying to help them get back on their feet. BTW, your own daughter told me the truth about you and Matthew moving to Colorado. You had all of this planned out while we were seeing each other. All that time I was helping take care of your kids. I keep breaking it off with you but, for some reason, you keep wanting to get back together, and for some reason, I keep falling for you. Please leave me alone. Please stop.
>You always come back
>All these things I do for you
>Why do you always come back when I take you back and do things for you
user, I.....
>take beer brewing class at community centre
>get flirty with girl
>ask her out
>she comes up with an excuse to say no
>a couple classes pass by
>still flirting with her
>she flirts back
>ask her out again
>she says no
>i play it cool even though im dying inside
>i stay a bit longer after class to talk with the instructor cause the instructor is a cool dude
>we end up talking about life, short and long term goals, family, etc.
>he tells me his stuff, then turns the tables onto me with: "you and your girlfriend [girl that rejected me twice] remind me of me and my wife 20 years ago"
>me: "oh, hah, shes not my girlfriend."
>him: "whaaaat? realy?"
>me: "yea haha. anyways i gotta go"
the intent of his conversation was not malicious, but damn was this painful.
When I first started masturbating, it was by rubbing my dick(head) against the sheets, sometimes till it was raw and started bleeding a little. It took me the better part of a year to learn how to properly wank.
Missing you more than you know. Not sure why you quit talking to me. Wish you would tell me n tell me to fuck off or something. Can't stand not knowing.
I was happy to see you again. But we're not who we used to be. Or at least you're not, you're better. We're in different places now, you much higher than I. I didn't even know what to talk about during our evening together. I was happy to have you close, but you still felt far. I will always love you, but now I know that I should have let go.
we have polar opposite opinions on the world, which constantly caused fights.
You, I've loved you for the longest time. But I did not know it was love until you said those words to me; you just don't know how much I have longed to be yours, to touch you, to hear you say my name. Please "P" don't think me as clingy or needy, I just... I've wanted to you for so long and now, I have you; we have each other.
We've both been so lonely. We've both tried dating sites, and have both had the shittiest of luck that it brought us down into despair. But now... NOW it's like, we both look forward to tomorrow - I can't wait to hold you again.
I have never seen a brighter future until now.
You make me want to be a better woman. But not for you (because if I wasn't, I feel you would not have bothered) but for MYSELF.
I have never been so in love and absolutely terrified at the same time.
Fuck I'm crying again.
God-damn it, I love you "P".
I fucking love you
I just pray that I am not losing myself.
So weird seeing my initial and everything I want to hear her say... from a complete stranger. Huh.
I wish you the best.
As for my "C"... I think I'll just say that I wish we were closer.
If I was your "C" I would tell you without hesitation. I can get quite expressive when inspired to write.
I wish "P" was closer too, but technically he is in the next state over (3 hours from Memphis for him, and 3 hours to Memphis from me) but still. I want to touch him again, he's like a drug.
I wish YOU the best as well.
You're lucky. Three hours is so small a speedbump.
Grab ahold of your happiness
I have a problem resolving the fact in my life that I'm generally ugly, and that no amount of working out, staying fit, etc., will help me to achieve the 10/10 that I want until I'm in my 40s when she has absolutely no other choice but to marry me because all of her "hot" suitors have moved on.
Although I'm somewhat funny, I just don't stand a chance against those guys with better genes.
It bothers the living fuck out of me. I can get laid by plenty of less beautiful women, but it bothers me that that's all I can get. Since I can't change the world, I need to change me, and I need a new philosophy. But everything I turn just makes me feel worse.
What should I do?
>in b4 kys
I think humans are doomed
I'm sorry Kass,and R I miss you dearly. Things.may get better soon.
Crashing in cars gives me an adrenaline rush of habit forming proportions. Losing control, never had or will obtain control. Drifting infinitely through this cosmic experience.a
I'm getting cockblocked even in my fucking dreams.
Yeah, I'm like you.
I knew a girl like you.
Made the mistake of loving her.
We were best friends and one day she told me she loved me.
Unfortunately for her because I had been friendzoned for so long I knew what she was like.
I knew she was secretly seeing someone else when she arranged a date with me.
I stopped it and cut contact. She's a lost cause never gonna change and you are too.
Pain waiting for any guy dumb enough to stick around.
Shit, every guy in town but me probably fucked her (I'm still a virgin. If I didn't have feelings for her I probably would've pumped and dumped).
Don't change, because you can't change.
Just reject every guy you actually like because he doesn't need that pain.
Zoloft definitely fucks your libido up. I've been on it for a while now. The starting dose of 50mg was basically nothing for me, but I'm definitely seeing positive effects on 100mg. I'm much more of an anxious type than depressive though. My libido is basically nonexistent at night, but I sleep very well and I'm generally less of a wreck so for now the positives outweigh that.
My Loneliness is killin me!
I must confess, I still believe..
When im not with you I lose my mind... Give me a sign!!!!
Hit me baby one more time!!!!!!
They never find out about the cheating. I never go all the way, just kissing. I cheat by kissing and maybe foreplay.
>be me with 2 other friends
>Be planning a 2 week road trip for a year now
>I was practically the only one who ever tried to organize anything
>9 months later, still trying to get us all together to talk about the trip, I've been successful 2 other times but every time we do meetup to talk they always either end up stalling never saying anything.
>Just last week one of them just said "lets just not go"
Anybody else face a similar problem with their friends? Why am I the only one who ever tries to organize something? They said they were interested.
Dumb spoiled whore.
Why don't you starve yourself to death already?
I've been tryin, user!
"Hey, so remember when two of our HR reps AND our company's CEO said you had a job with us? Uhh....j-just kidding!"
Fuck you. It's been two months since you said that to me and I'm still paying for your assholery. I wish nothing but the worst for you and your company.
Take this as a lesson, I had the same deal with a company some months back. Starting january they told me about wanting to train me for more work and that they wanted to know if I could stay. I was making 9,5 an hour so I was like uhhh I don't know. After taxes and all that shit I came back home with around 1,1k on a good month but I averaged more like 950 bucks a month working 8 hours a day and overtime.
They told me it would include a pay raise but they could only give it to me once they give out new contracts and they were already done with contracts for this half of the year and I'd have to wait another half year. I was like sure I could use a pay raise and a full time contract.
Then they came to me again and asked me to take more training and that it would stack with my pay raise already promised, I said yes. Same thing, same deal 2 more times. At the end of the day I was working the same as people around me making 2,5k+ but during those days the way my hours were counted I got 950 hours every month.
Not only did it turn out that the first pay raise was a normal pay raise they have to give people when they give people a contract but it also turned out that those other pay raises were totally foreign to the big boss.
They were all friendly, constantly praised me and my work ethic and told me nice things and that I'm going to make it big. The lesson is no matter how much you like them or how nice they seem towards you, they are a company and look at their bottom line first. If you want something for sure get it in signed form and don't be ashamed to tell them. Else you get promised a pay raise 4 times and end up having to quit because you're working all day earing less than half than the people around you do, doing the same work and multiple times over because you ''have a nice work ethic'' aka you do all the work put in front of you.
Just four more weeks and some forms and I will finally have a permanent job. It marks the end of a seven year period. I am tired and want a holiday. Just a week or two. I have been working non-stop since last year April.
I am almost there. And then I can buy a house and leave all my worries behind me. Then I can live with my fiancee and escape the rotten people and this rotten neighborhood. I just hope I do not get a burnout before this happens.
socializing with new people fucking sucks and if i gotta deal with 20 minute long awkward silences after asking about their favorite movies one more time im gonna put my head through a fucking wall
Try harder and get that rope then.
Nobody will miss you and you'll stop wasting precious food.
I wanna ask the girl out today and I'm not feeling confident at all.
Love you user, I feel that shit
I masturbate on cam in chat rooms way too much
I'm not wasting anything, user. All I said is that I thought food was gross.
I'm so fucking done, i wish you would stop. I only courted you because i pitied you that you want a guy in your life. All these issues of yours root from lack of self of confidence and your dipshit father who cheated on your mother. But you take it all out on me, vent your frustrations on me, get mad at the slightest move that might hint that i might be cheating on you. I fucking loathe this feeling of endless paranoia that the next most insignificant thing that i do might trigger you into an endless rant of how shit i am just because i chatted menial shit to a girl i was close to 6 months ago. I do EVERYTHING for you, i get shit from everyone but i still do shit for YOU. All my money, all my time, i'm not even into the goddamn sex anymore but i still do it anyway even if it gets my dick sore. Don't go pondering why i go soft sometimes because i don't love you anymore as much as i did since we started. You keep excusing yourself that that's how you are as a person, but you don't bother changing yourself. i thought i would've made an impact on you, but i was wrong, my ego blinded me. I wish i could end this shitty relationship now, but i'll do it once we get your medications for your UTI because i don't want your worries to double now.