New Year, New Chapter

What is your politically related New Years resolution?
What can we expect in 2019 or will it be the same shit?

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as long as jews are running things, it'll be the same.

to get a job

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continue being an in incel NEET

I want to lose 100 pounds.

an incel NEET*

I’m going to send a mass email to my office proclaiming the superiority of whites. Fuck your optics. I’m going in.

>I want to lose 100 pounds.
Get a divorce, i lost 300 pounds with one.

left = marry
middle = fuck
right = kill


marrying the middle or the one to the right is a bad move, the girl in the middle looks like a retarded thot and the one to the right has a choker (thot warning), the one to the left looks wholesome, but nowadays it's hard to know, even the seemingly innocent ones are sluts too

Harsh bants m8.

I guess you lost a lot of weight from liquid.

Get to a one armed chin up/pull up whichever comes first.

I'm going to fuck a black girl. Fuck what pol says I hear they suck dick like none other.

Decent analysis Sven, but you’ve got it mistaken. The one on the left is the dirtiest.

kill marry fuck

Their head is shaped perfectly for it as well if you are into that..

Same two blondes.

Good luck bro

Are you being lazy or what? If you wanted a job you would have gotten one. Being NEET is a choice

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I'm gonna start lifting for myself, I'm tired of a 5'6 German Norwegian Anglo manlet.

Is that ocasio-Cortez on the right?

exquisite taste

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95% the middle one will cheat on you

the right one looks pretty ugly here, thousand cock stare

im not sure whats wrong with me. ive been like this for a few years. my social filter vanished awhile ago. i became a horribly abrasive person nobody likes, so i just quit

Same here, I think I realized what the problem might be: try taking a picture of yourself with the other camera, like turn the phone around, I thought I was hot af until I saw a picture of myself, yikes

why would you kill the right one

One more of them both.

So many self loathing people here. If you have no confidence in yourself people will easily pick that up in conversation.
Hit the gym and cut off the sodas and tendies. Go buy clothes that don't have fucking graphics on them and fit. Hairstyle can literally turn you from a 5/10 to 8/10.

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>Typical thot see through garb, leaves nothing to the imagination
>Fuck me glasses
She's probably a good fuck but that's it

Why no more of the spicy Latina on the right :-(

I think I might kill myself next year

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brutal titmog

its not really self loathing, you asked.
i have so much confidence in myself i told everyone to fuck off. its like my 'give a fuck' broke

Livestream it

That’s your tastebuds rejecting harmful chemicals.

This, but unironically.

that's called being an asshole
no wonder no one likes you

Italian. People never seem to like her, man face. Not the prettiest but I don't think she's bad, and has nice body.

That's why you're unemployed and alone now? That's false confidence friend, it's an excuse. Even if it wasn't and you have a superiority complex, nothing ever good comes from that as you can see.

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ive been practicing being a deceitful lying person though, i think im just about ready for a real career

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Every day is exactly the same, whether or not it's a different year, it's been the same shit every fucking decade

chokers dont mean any of that

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Post italian brunette

I am leaving Sweden

>looks wholesome
>evaluates wholesomeness based on looks
she looks like every other thot you dumbfuck
apparently yoga pants are enough to change your mind one way or the other

>lose weight
>start lifting (already got a set ready)
>stop masturbating to porn
>start working hard in school
>reject degeneracy

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To sniff the braaaps from that girl on the left

Speaking of which, what's the best country to live in?

Self improvement.
Probably get to about 15% bf and start lifting. Currently at about 20 or 21 percent rn and am disgusted by how I look. I also want a gf really bad.

Have your back!

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One on the left I wouldn’t trust with my ten foot pole. She is as fake as news on tv.
One on right cute get a thumbs up.

Financial crash in 2019 mate.
Also European Spring and Brexit.

Fun times ahead.

>What is your politically related New Years resolution?
gas the kikes
>What can we expect in 2019 or will it be the same shit
absolutely nothing