Not only did Trump make 500K law abiding gun owners felons he helped setup a door to ban all semi auto rifles to get the AR15 banned once and for all. He helped get more gun grabbers on the senate floor, pushed for more red flag confiscation laws, wants a gun registry and has no problems taking the gun first. Truly the best year for gun control in years,
Obama had 8yrs and couldn't even ban a stupid bump stock
I support gun rights, but holy fuck you faggots getting worked up over banning bump stocks are fucking nuts.
Jace Rivera
Clinton had a 10 year "assault weapon" ban.
Kevin Butler
We aren't fucking around with the shall not be infringed thing, user.
Jaxon Smith
>worked up over banning bump stocks are fucking nuts.
Statutory law is clear: Under 26 U.S.C. 5845(b), a “machinegun” is a weapon which shoots “automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single FUNCTION of a trigger.” (Emphasis added.)
A firearm equipped with a “bump stock” uses the recoil of the firearm, coupled with forward pressure exerted by the shooter, to force the trigger to function more quickly than it would normally. But the trigger is still required to function each time a round is discharged. Therefore, the gun cannot be said to function as a “machinegun.” Another problem with the regulation is that it is overly broad and could later be relied on to ban semi-automatic firearms in the process of trying to ban “bump stocks.”
The ATF has previously said that “[Bump stocks] convert an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun...” But hold on a minute. If the AR-15 becomes a “machinegun” -- or even if it is readily convertible into a “machinegun” -- then AR-15’s could eventually become illegal as well.
Think the ATF wouldn’t use this regulation to summarily outlaw semi-automatics? Maybe not right now. But you can bet that the first anti-gun Democratic president to win the White House will order the ATF to do so. These regulations would deny honest Americans the enjoyment of their Second Amendment-protected rights.
And so based on these objections, Gun Owners of America will shortly file suit to overturn the illegal, unconstitutional, politically motivated action by ATF in outlawing “bump stocks.”
Anthony Bennett
it's okay when the republicans do it
Christopher Myers
the ironic thing is that all free trade agreements and other laws that bend the working class over a barrel are from democrats. Really causes one to ponder
>We aren't fucking around with the shall not be infringed thing, user. Donate and help support the lawsuits against the Trump administration and help protect our Constitution
Mason Bennett
Except free trade is great for everyone. Without it how can companies get us cheap I phones?
Austin Gray
Mostly when the retarded republican base wakes up and elects a "former" democrat.
Bentley Hill
And it was the greatest thing ever to happen for the gun rights movement.
Andrew Davis
yeah, too bad he hasn't been president for over twenty years, dipshit
Parker Turner
kill yourself shill rat
Gavin Adams
you first, chaim
Jordan Baker
>kill yourself
Trump supports a gun registry
Background checks Since the Parkland shooting, Trump has said he wants to strengthen background checks, at times appearing to support universal checks that would apply to private sales and gun show sales. “Very strong improvement and strengthening of background checks will be fully backed by White House,” Trump tweeted Monday. “Legislation moving forward.”
Trumps supports restricting accessories that Obama approved
Bump stocks In February, Trump directed the Justice Department to develop regulations that would ban bump stocks, devices that are used to make legal semi-automatic weapons fire similarly to machine guns. In March, the Department formally submitted a regulation to ban the accessories, Reuters reports, which now needs to be approved by the Office of Management and Budget and then will be subject to a comment period. Trump tweeted Monday that bump stocks “will soon be out.”
Trump supports violating gun rights of 18 to 20yr old adults
Raising age limit Trump has backed off raising the age limit to buy semiautomatic weapons, for now. The Washington Post reported that Trump had been interested in the idea of raising the minimum age to purchase a semiautomatic weapon from 18 to 21, and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said at the end of February that raising the age of purchase is “on the table for us to discuss.”
Trump supports gun confiscation without due process
Mental health measures Trump often emphasizes the link between mental health and mass shooters. After Parkland, he suggested that law enforcement should be able to take guns away from people they think are safety risks without going through the courts. His new plan doesn’t go that far and run afoul of due process, but he’s calling for an expansion of mental health programs and enhanced coordination between mental health care, schools and law enforcement.
Brayden Moore
Drumpf supporters will defend this.
Xavier Baker
the only ones worked up are leftie shills who have no idea what it is they are talking about, since there mommies wouldn't let them pretend a stick was a gun for risk of upsetting some school authority.
This naturally doesn't include trumptards or other liberal scum.
Caleb Nguyen
In response to crazies. Which he didn't act on. Which, obviously, is a good thing.
Angel Ward
Some of us dont like it when a president does illegal shit to take away gun rights
Attorneys for Firearms Policy Coalition and Firearms Policy Foundation submitted over 900 pages of analysis and supporting exhibits, including a video that shows the actual operation of a “bump-stock-device” on an AR-15 type firearm, in an extensive opposition that shows the Trump Administration’s illegal proposed ban fails every test.
Hyperbole does you no good. Obviously, bump stocks shouldn't be banned. Obviously, banning a meme attachment does not open any backdoor for banning the AR15. The reason why so many anons dismiss concerns over the bump stock ban as "shilling" is because retards like you try to frame it as a reason to despise Trump and stop supporting him. Trump needs to know that banning bump stocks was a mistake. Trump needs to be pressured not to make that mistake again. You will convince very few people to do that when you approach the topic in such a sensationaliized and misleading way
Unlike a auto sear, a bump stock does not change what the gun can do, most semi autos can bump fire if you learn to hold it correctly, the stock just makes it easier to hold,
The ATF has previously said that “[Bump stocks] convert an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun...” But hold on a minute. If the AR-15 becomes a “machinegun” -- or even if it is readily convertible into a “machinegun” -- then AR-15’s could eventually become illegal as well.
Doesn't Alaska have it's fair sahre of problems with injuns and shit? Also don't retarded hippies like going there to smoke weed in the woods or some shit?
Jonathan Butler
Yes. But s.b. 69 combined with the red flag law getting struck the FUCK down I will always have my binary triinary and guns.
Luis Thompson
Trump is a joke you Trumpkins are blind sheep, and he's taking away your freedoms while you cheer him
Andrew Hall
No he isnt. Alaska gets to ignore all federal gun laws.
Kevin Fisher
Nothing is going to convince the trumptards. They are useful idiots to the core.
Jordan Kelly
Bush negotiated nafta . So we would have had nfta either way .