Do walls work or not?

So much conflicting reports on this subject lately. Idk what to believe tbqh. Help?

Attached: vattican.jpg (1600x1067, 252K)

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No, prisoners just decide to stay inside.

They've worked since the start of history

only a real go getter is willing to get over a wall.

Attached: download (1329).jpg (278x181, 12K)

Who in your opinion is the top expert on walls?


literal jews blew a horn and crumbled the walls of jericho

Chinese building the Great Wall of China

Do you think these exist for no fucking reason? Walls work so well humans designed weapons solely to take down walls.

Ofcourse walls work, but they work better with men on top shooting anyone that tries to climb them.

My company's productivity went through the roof the moment we went to an open floor plan tho..

Walls have varying effectiveness rates like birth control.

Because they could now move around freely? Walls work.

go back to upgrading your kit on cuck of duty, shitbird

Define "work" first.

Does it mean that nobody will ever illegally cross the border ever again? No.
Does that mean the wall doesn't work? To the media and liberals, yes.

Anyone who tells you "walls don't work" is counting on you being stupid enough to believe them. It's gaslighting.
>Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
>A bipartisan effort resulted in a wall that has cut the number of illegal immigrant apprehensions to a 10th of what it was in 2006.

>‘Israel’s wall works 99.9%’: Trump says shutdown only about Democrats not letting him win
>Israel constructed a barrier along its border with Egypt between 2010 and 2013, consisting of both a wall and a fence, to stem the flow of asylum-seekers from Africa. The number of illegal crossings dropped from 9,570 in early 2012 to just 16 in 2016.
>Trump has not specified which Israeli wall he was referencing, however – Israel has also built a fence around the Gaza Strip and a wall around the West Bank, citing the need to stop terrorist attacks. Palestinians have decried the barriers as “apartheid” and a land grab.

This. We only want to let in the real go getters.

Everyone could see everything.

exactly so i dont see how a concrete wall works at the border. Maybe something that you can see through the other side but an opaque dividing wall would cause just as many headaches IMO

Walls don’t work which is why buildings don’t have walls. Physical obstacles like mountains and ravines are also myths.

The Great Wall is a poor example, not only because it was breached by the Mongols, but because it was built for military purposes. Its purpose was totally different, so it doesn't illustrate our point very well.

Modern examples of barriers in Israel, Hungary and the ones we already have on our border in places like Yuma are more applicable to the border wall debate and harder to argue against.


Of course walls don't work. People can just invest resources, time, effort into particular choke points to either get through or over them. It's practically the same thing as just walking over at any point with hassle.

Without hassle.

Open floor offices make normalfags stop playing Facebook games. They're also awful and the noise is unbearable if you don't wear earplugs and have on headphones at the same time. It's hard to concentrate with all the noise. It will drive you insane and I bet these open floor offices are going to lead to an uptick in workplace violence.

In one webm: they don't.
This has only been true prior to the development of modern warfare, idiot.

Attached: mexico_training_footage.webm (720x405, 2.37M)

Invest resources, time, effort without hassle

Triggered libtard spotted.

That's the joke

Attached: LG1KN-Q4_400x400.png (400x400, 194K)

Why do brainlets always try to draw examples from fields they are well versed in and apply them to something unrelated. Like when soiboy software "engineers" support open borders because they thing it works similar to open source software.

Anyway, a wall is the least effective method of stopping immigration. But it's the most humane which america must abide by. Land mines and armed guards who shoot on sight would reduce illegal immigration much better. Nobody tries to cross the border between Morocco and Algeria because of this. The point is to send a message that they are not welcome in hopes of trying to stop people before they even decide to cross the border.

My house walls keep the wind out sooooo

Walls only work as part of a system. Liberal fuck heads think the wall will be left to passively stop beaners from and further progress northward. Reality is border patrol will see spics climbing over and have time to intercept them.
So yes, walls and fences do work. The fence in San Diego worked so well beaners started to die in the desert to the easy.

east not easy.

The leaf makes it kinda hard to tell if it's a joke.