
You may remember a thread a made a while back in which I confessed that I’m in love with my best friend since year 6. I haven’t said anything to her about it yet, but she recently invited me to see her in a production of newsies. Should I ask her out after the show?? Or should I wait??
>pic looks like her

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Nice quads

Also STOP WAITING. youre probably already friend zoned because you waited so long after you started liking her. Don't be a pussy and just ask her out. The perfect moment doesn't exist. Damn.

>I confessed that I’m in love with my best friend since year 6. I haven’t said anything to her about it yet,

yeah good, don't do that.

Ask her out on a date but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT go up to her and "confess" to her that you're "in love" with her. That is always a disaster.

Also asking her out right after that thing would be one of the worst times to do so. She'll have other things on her mind then.

any other views?

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Nope. Don’t barf your feelings onto her if you don’t know how to sweep her off her feet. Just fucking take her on a date. Assuming she’ll say yes; for all we know, you’re like a little brother to her.

Oh my god what a fucking retard you are so delusional and ignorant you can't even see it coming. Do you realize how much it will hurt for a limp wristed weeb fuck like you when she says "I'm not interested" fucking retarded teenagers I swear, worst thing is in these days and even before people still believe love is something magic and relationships are built and sustained only by love lmfao enjoy suffering for the rest of your life loser.

Geez dude! Sorry I ruffled your feathers, not my intention. Sorry you’ve had rough love life, no one deserves that. I just have feelings for this girl so I asked if I should ask her out after her show. I’m sure you’re a good dude. Have a good day/night!

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This. Confessions are for children.

Well sorry but usually losers in here have no idea about how to deal with their emotions or are delusional about it most of the time, good luck friendo

It's moreso the fact that it's extremely inconsiderate and selfish on behalf on the person doing it. It's like "here are my emotions with absolutely no social filter whatsoever, I don't know how to act on them so it's up to you to figure it out".

or maybe its just a person being sincere with another person you know

Either way it's a bad plan.
Sincere isn't always good. You shouldn't tell your asshole neighbor that you hate him and hope he suffers immensely right as he wheels his 8 year old with leukemia into his car to go to his wife's funeral.

Please don’t expect anything to turn out like your pic. And don’t come on too strong. Matter fact don’t come on stronger at all. Just speak as casually on the outside as possible even if your sweating like a bitch. Don’t try and be dramatic about it or anything just ask “hey do you want to do x together.” That simple.

Don’t try and make a romantic anime moment.

And I can’t stress this enough. Do NOT try and imitate something you saw on anime or fiction. And don’t think that just cause your on a date means you need to “confess” either.

Pro tip confessions are NEVER GOOD! EVER!

In essentially every other situation I would agree with you guys. However, this girl is a film geek and openly hates the mundaneness of reality and is constantly going on little adventures to escape it. So I don’t know if she’d like it if I was super real and straight forward with her. She’s tells me that she’s attracted to creativity so just saying, “wanna go out?”, wouldn’t be her thing.

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why did you come here for advice if you already made your mind up and are now going against everyone who is practically screaming at you to not do it

it's your funeral dude

Good advice so far, if I had to add anything is to as her out as fast as possible instead of making it more agonizing and potentially more awkward for both of you.
Remember no shitty confessions, ok mate?

I just have liked her for so long and I just want to know what I could do that would have the greatest chance of me getting a date.

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Please Jow Forums, I know I’m being super obnoxious, but I’m crazy about this girl and I need somebody to help me find out how to ask her without losing her.

Do what you feel like and what you want. There are three outcomes to this.
>She accepts a date and you might get somewhere together
>You fail miserably and she starts feeling insecure around you and starts ghosting you.
>She denies and you just go on like any other day.
Either way it's going to be a learning experience.

>without losing her.
The way we told you already, don't go full confession on her or you will definitely make thing awkward. You can't control how she feels if she sees you as a friend she sees you as a friend and no matter what you do on your "confession"(don't do it) you can't change that.
As her fr a date and if she says no stay cool.

You guys are right. I need to quit stalling and just ask her out. Thanks for all the responses!!