>Those people whom you meet, you date (sometimes), you just maybe start to catch feelings for and then, POOF! They disappear - not a trace, not a word, nothing. >You let them know you had a nice time - nothing. You are halfway through organising another meet-up and then ... nothing.? >I used to think it was me, my fault, something I'd said or done that forced these poor men to cut all ties, who knows - maybe it is? >But after years of this, I am fed up. It's not chivalry, it's not something that has been said or done. It's a lack of respect, it's cowardice and it's downright annoying.
When was the last time you heard of a man being "ghosted". It's almost always woman. It's almost like this expression exists because woman are entitled to attention.
Justin Cook
boo-hoo saged
Dylan Reyes
Sure, sweety. I'm sure its not you. It must be something else that all of these men have in common.
Jace Taylor
Where are the hobbits?
Nathan Cook
This has happened to me more times then I remember. But the last time really put me off dating again. >meet a woman for a date >have a nice time >go out walking afterwards >talk for hours about everything >walk her back to her place and we kiss goodnight >ghosts me for two weeks >eventually give her a final text telling her I'm leaving her alone >texts me back for first time saying no no lets go out again >I cook her dinner >we make out for a couple hours >she goes homes >never speaks to me again
Nathan Collins
Once a woman developes feeling for you, you are obligated to be her emotional partner until the moment SHE decides to end the relationship. Think about HER feelings.
Luis Gonzalez
Maybe ghosting is the best way to avoid false rape accusations? Maybe the best way to avoid being metoo'd is to have messages "Why aren't you calling me anymore?" after the last in-person encounter.
Nicholas Moore
no way.. I just bang 'em and move it on to the next trick.
its because everyone is telling everyone their life story over texting. stop talking over texts and you might have a reason to meet up with a person
Daniel Morales
Probably hooked up with chad of the month straight after. Never fucking fails to amaze me how calculated some of this shit is. So too bad Zoe, not worried about your feewings love, we've been asked not to by the purple haired wahmens.
Jacob Walker
This fat slut probably ghosts men all the time, fuck her
Who gives a fuck. I've ghosted and I've been ghosted. It's more time effective than writing out something to someone you don't give a shit about anymore. I have zero hard feelings when I get ghosted. I'm over it in a day and move on.
Logan Cruz
Women do this all the time to men. It’s literally normal behavior.
Angel Moore
>eventually give her a final text telling her I'm leaving her alone Cuck text
Josiah Hill
>Signs up to tinder >LOL all my friends say they find tons of guys this way >"Yo girl, you down for a fukk?" >"He loves me!" >"Aight girl, thanks for that trim. I'll call you." >[Profile disappears on tinder] >Hey, he 'ghosted' me! >Wow, guys sure are immature these days. Let's try another one. >Ooh, he's got abs! Wow, 140k salary! Drives a sports car! >"I'm definitely into your type, baby. Down to suck some dick tonight?" >"Lots of guys don't like my body type, it's so special to find a guy like you who does!" >"Oh, gurl I'm so turned on by you, I can't wait to get your panties off." >"Oh wow, he really loves me!" >"I'll hit you up in a couple days." >[Profile disappears] >Oh gosh, 'ghosted again!' >Let me try another one...
[repeat x 50 until woman is utterly used up cum rag]
Cooper Young
This is hamster olympics gold medal tier >He ghosted you because he’s a coward. Because his heart is too grey and small to hold yours. He ghosted you because he doesn’t know how to commit. He can’t trust anyone, not himself. >He only likes to play around, to toy you around his little finger. He only likes to see people as seas of bodies, and have his way with every one of them. You were only another girl to him. Another body. You weren’t special to him, because he isn’t special at all. >He ghosted you because he has no self-esteem. He can’t take the thought of rejection, the thought of someone not wanting him back. So he ghosts. He stops communication. And he acts like you never existed.
If she always has a backup plan, then what is the problem?
Jeremiah Reyes
So honest that it hurts, damn...
Bentley Moore
>Plan B - a lot more expensive...
Yeah, why's she pissed?
Leo White
These. Women are the ones doing this shit the vast majority of the time.
Luis Cruz
Look at her pic: > She's old and past the wall. Of course men "ghosted" her. She's at the 4th of the 5 stages of grief and that's depression. Wait till to the 5th and she will kill herself.
>Bitch does bitchy things >Chads fuck off to the next one >I DESERVE AN EXPLANATION! >No you don't.
Jaxson Perez
Because you act and sound like a guy she SHOULD like, but shes just not attracted to you
Ethan Butler
and 20 years later they commit suicide
Josiah Young
I only ever ghost chicks, first time I ever dumped a chick she made a huge scene and cried a lot so now I just block their number. I also dont put in a 2 weeks notice when I quit a job unless I really like my boss.
Nathaniel Nelson
>It's a lack of respect that's because she's not respectable
Justin Davis
thats still disgusting behavior
Grayson Allen
How can I ghost someone? please fill me in thx
Julian Ramirez
i never understood this 2 week notice thing. it's not like your job gives u 2 weeks notice before they fire you
Jaxon Davis
Take her out to your place for some subpar sex then never text her again.
Brody Cooper
It's a bandwidth problem. We're all on these social media platforms with millions of others, and if we're successful at all it's with a half-dozen people at once. There's just not the time and energy to be upfront and straightforward with everyone about everything. Ghosting lets you avoid an awkward conversation, yes. But mostly it just saves you time and effort. You have limited amounts of both, where are you going to spend it? Chatting up the girl you are going to bang, or giving the gentle let-down to the girl you're never going to see again?
I also bet her profile is 100% photos that hide her waistline.
Cooper Morris
It's to give them some time to find a replacement. And ya firings are usually immediate to prevent opportunity for disgruntled employee retaliation. Sometimes in lay-offs though, bosses will be legit, and let you use your unspent vacation days for your remaining 2 weeks.
Easton Morris
thats why you bring a gunt o work every day. when they fire you, shoot them.
>letting her know your address Learn to ghost son.
Cooper Nelson
Dear Zoe,
I am better than you. That’s a fact. Objectively. You petty, horse faced beast.
Joshua Collins
Wrong. I can blame them and then punish their behavior.
Ryan Torres
Gavin Howard
Female incels are the worst
Nolan Wright
Owen White
she just wanted free food
Eli Brown
>you just maybe start to catch feelings for Look at her use this street nigger terminology while she tries to find You've Got Mail style romantic love. Pathetic. Death to Israel.
Blake Reyes
>talk for hours about everything
here is your mistake user, ideal first date (and subsequent dates) is that when you know all about her and she knows absolutely nothing about her. Let her fill in the blanks in her mind of how awesome you are.
once you switch to relationship dynamic, it becomes a different beast. However, as a starter it is a good strategy. Let their rationalization hamster figure out for themselves why they like you.
Lincoln Rogers
Looking For Love While Using Nigger Pimp Reasoning
Luke Roberts
Oh no, I caught empathy like a disease!
Wyatt Phillips
If she was 20 years younger she would probably ghost men all the fucking time but now that the shoe is on the other foot...
Luke Foster
Get ready for "ghost rape" accusations, gentlemen. They're coming.
*you know everything about her and she knows nothing (bare minimum) about you
Ethan Cruz
Complain all you want, it's obvious no one cares.
Alexander Russell
More proof of how stupid women are. The first hint was he did not return your call, or call you back. Most likely it is her fault, I bet her conversations are filled withfeminism, while not direct, just enough to let you know she is not wife material.
David Ortiz
So you orgasm like 3 times every 24 hrs.
Take away the ~90calories that removes. You're also losing
-2.814/volume mL a day of Calcium -54/volume mL a day of Citrates -6.5/volume mL of precious lactic acid -1/volume mL magnesium -1.5volume mL zinc
Do note that these are the metabolized nutrients that your system needs time to replenish, and that time altogether is beyond the 12hr jizz and repeat circle.
you're draining your body from resources this will come back and bite you
i know it feels great to splash all over the face of random roasties, but that's just the brain chemistry. the body gets drained faster than you can refill it.
You were on the back burner. She was dating someone else and wanted a hand on you as a monkey bar. The second date with you was just watering the plant. She probably was doing this with 2 other guys at the least.
Anthony Williams
Cameron Mitchell
>reeeeee where is my attention ffs every fucking time. lol
Thomas Lewis
>It's not chivalry chivalry is literally "special treatment" which is incompatible with equality. Women can have chivalry or equality, but not both.
Why can't she just take the hint that they're not interested? Her old dry cunt is desperate for another free dinner. They have no reason to be nice, cordial and let her down slow. What's the point? She'll just go in on you and say you're not hot/rich guy and think she was the one that ghosted and dumped.
Oliver Torres
based and redpilled fuck all jewish scum
Jayden Watson
>not having heard of eating >implying body won't signal if reserves actually get low >believing anyone on Jow Forums has sex are you retarded?
Making out for a couple hours? She realized youre too beta to pull out your penis and gtfo of there
Brayden Wright
Who cares if she's pissed? She doesn't matter
Jason Cox
LOL we should all make fake Chad profiles and stand girls up as a hobby
Henry Bennett
Yes, but replenishing nutrients through eating takes time, and user said (and I believed him, hence I might be a retard) that every 12 hours he loses nutrients. So in the long run he loses more nutrients than he can replenish.
>Maybe ghosting is the best way to avoid false rape accusations? >Maybe the best way to avoid being metoo'd is to have messages "Why aren't you calling me anymore?" after the last in-person encounter. underrated
Parker Morales
Sorry burger, wasn't the point I was making.
Isaac Wright
They do that so they don't have to cash you out. They owe you that vacation time. It's not a favor.
It's because about the time she starts having feelings, she starts screeching about how you aren't good enough for her amd the blow jobs stop, so there is no reason to waste anymore time on her.
Men to a cost benefit analysis, infrequent medocure sex and constant bitching = time to move on.
If you are enough of a twat to get fired, you deserve no notice. Most likely they have been dropping you hints that you needed to step it up. Giving 2 weeks is not burning bridges. When I had to leave my job to care for a parent I gave them a month notice since family was handling it that long. When I left I got my sick pay, vacation pay, and later my employee stock options cashed in. Also they will hire me back even though it has been a couple of years, and will give me a glowing reference.
Hudson Russell
Das it mane
Benjamin Carter
I don't see the difference... What did he fix?
Lincoln Lopez
Men don't owe you anything.
Luke Nguyen
Ghosting is not a modern development - it’s just more obvious now, as people have multiple ways to instantly contact them on their cell phones (calls, social media, texts). It’s also more prevalant because people now have more options for meeting people. I don’t date anymore because of this. >go out on one date, kiss, seems nice >no call next day, but okay, no biggie >now a week has gone by >call. no answer. send a text. >nothing >after waiting another week, send text saying I’m taking the hint and will go see other people >get immediate text back “OMG U R SO IMPATIENT CHILL I DO WANT TO SEE YOU AGAUN BUT HOLY SHIT U R SUCH A NAG
Happened too many times. It’s this weird thing where they’re seeing other people, which is fine when you’re first going out, but they want to keep it a secret from you, get afraid to talk to you, then gaslight and try to make it your fault for wanting to talk to them. It’s very, very childish. I think the women are worse, though. Not in that they do it more (I think it’s about the same, honestly) but their tactic is to claim the guy was a creep or groped her funny. So while you have the guys who ghost claiming the girls they ditched are “overly attached” and “crazy,” the women claim the guys they ditched are “literal rapists” which I think is FAR more damaging to a reputation.
Pretty much this, after 2 mins of tonsil hockey your hands should have been undoing her bra.
Jacob Clark
Hey Jow Forums, you wanna hear a real funny story? > make tinder b/c bored > decent matches > sorta hot German girl matches me > texts instantly w/ me > I have trouble keeping up > she's kissing my butt like no tomorrow > Me: "yeah, I'm majoring in X" > Her: "ooh, I took an X class this semester, you should help me with it" > I play the apathetic chad and don't really go head-over-heels for her > we're in our early 20's but she sends a long text about wanting to meet a decent guy and settle down young > Crazy_alert.png > Anyway she's really excited to meet me, yadda yadda > Give her my snap, send pics, yadda yadda > Asks where I'm from > I'm Arab with light skin > Triggered > Conversation fizzles away, she clearly wants to date someone of her ethnicity > I'm caucasian, but not the European type > She stops texting me > Never hear from her again > Don't really gaf but kinda kek'd about it Kek, she was psycho. Pic related is my ideal gril