Is he right?

is he right?

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Nigga I'll steal yo camel

Wtf is RAHOWA?

Right? How dare you start a religion without your Nordic brother.

Matt Hale has been in jail so long kids don't know about RAHOWA

If Tariq put on any more airs, he'd float.

jesus christ. that guy has lost his mind

in a world where niggers roam around with their pants around their ankles while celebrating their culture of committing a huge portion of America's crimes they are somehow also the victims in it all

this is a harder to understand mental illness than trans

There's nuttin to steal. Soooooooo.

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Race war let's gooooo


I'd give the same advice to Whites, and just replace "White" with "Jew". Remember that, to niggers, all whites look the same (just like to whites, all niggers look the same). They'll certainly fight against those of us who seek to free all humanity from jewish oppression--they'll fight for their own continued enslavement. And let them. They are, after all, just dumb niggers.

Never heard of it.
No white supremacist group would pick such an African sounding name for their race war.

This guy is a daily gift


I doubt Niggers genuinely believe this.

#7 alone is just lol
this guy isn’t particularly stupid, ironically. I’d bet it’s 75% an act, not unlike Alex Jones.

Day of the RAHOWA, when?

Why are niggers such fucking conspiracy nuts. If you watch any news it will be clear to you that almost every media outlet/government or NGO has positive coverage or outreach towards blacks and the one's that dont have positive have neutral pieces on them. Blackskill each other for petty reasons. Blacks know that most whites are scared to do shit to blacks because; a) blacks have way lower inhibitions to use violence andlookfor any excuse to "help"another black out, ergo chimpout. b) if it's a 1 on 1 the black hasthe race card, and that same media to help spin that story, how often do you see a white man kill a black one and get the racism narrative, but how often do you see the opposite, like that racialy charged kidnapping of the autisitc white kid. Blacks know this, or subconsciously understand this. Blacks are just projecting their insecuritiesand problems on the white man, they see most blacks act like feral beasts with crab mentality,and lack of planning for the future. And then think the white man must be just like that. The black community is rife with black supremacist thought where a white person could never get away with being even associated with to the third degree, the black man gets a pass, for their supposed struggle against the system. Just look at Trump, he has to dissavow David Duke for even mentioning he stands behind Trump, and there are still hints being dropped about their connection. But Obama, can invite Jeremiah Wright to his inauguration. The election of Trump was a racial backlash because over 50% f whites voted for him, but 95% ofblacksvoted for Obama but there was no hint that this is guided by racism, it was even praised.

Blacks have all these facts staringin their face and they still have the idea that there is a white supremacist system keeping them back, it is truly baffling how stupid and incompetent they are.

more guns is good so /ourguy

sounds retarded yeah