Jow Forums approved movies

Tl;dr movies worth your time

I don't own a TV, nor Netflix account etc and I don't watch movies. However, I have a good two weeks ahead being incapacitated. I have a solid reading regimen, physiotherapy and daily meditation but days are long and I need something to do.

A few years back I watched The Greatest Story Never Told and I really enjoyed it. I'm not going on YouTube. Can you guys suggest movies or documentaries worthy to suffer? I don't even have the first clue of where to begin.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The thing

This one was actually pretty good and gives a solid idea of the last days of Hitler

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The Road.

Family unit is sacred. Woman is weak. Staying true to your beliefs. Willing to kill to protect family. Not relying on others. The negro is a thief. Raising son to be a man. Prepping.

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This one is a great movie and gives a glimpse into the mind and works of Yukio Mishima

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LOTR trilogy is hands down one of the best ever done. Why watch it?
- all whites
- no trannies, kikes, fags (except gandalf)
- only bad guys are dark skinned refugee orcs
- master evil is depcied as jew-eye with hook-
nosed servant jew whose pawns are
niggers/muslims (orcs, uruk-hai)
- great soundtracks
- great visuals with real niggers used in
costumes not 100percent CGI
- describes current state of Europe with no
extra words required
- motvational war speeches which give you
energy to fight niggers and jews

If you're a Christian or you're interested in the transcendent, this is one of the most metaphysical movies ever made imho

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You are needed and hated at the same time.

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I used to be big into Lovecraftian horror as a kid and this was a fav. Feel like They Live would probably be more up my alley today. But thanks, and I just might, if nothing else, just for old times sake

Thanks, boys, much appreciated and added to my list

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Cool reactionary movie, even if the bourgeoisie triumphs it gives an honest perception of what was lost

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Scariest film ever made.

Back when white traditional family units werent frowned upon.

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Wake in Fright is kino. but just ignore that one scene. The rest of the movie is just some good old fashioned male bonding and drinking some cold beers with new mates.

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Also check out Tarkovsky's movies even if he was under strict control of the USSR he made extremely philosophical works of art

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honestly there are a lot of good movies just ignore capshit

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This one's my all time favorite

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This was a fucked up movie

An entire theater of top strategic brass had been turned to stone by watching this movie, they had been ordered to in the first place for being too hawkish

Thanks, user
I really loved the books and this might be a good opportunity for me to watch the movies

Yes, I'm a Christian. This looks interesting

>needed and hated at the same time
This is the feel. Thanks!

Looks great, thank you guys

Sounds like something I'd very much enjoy. I used to love horror before I became more and more aware of the Hollywood agenda and I started to have actual nightmares

Sounds comfy as fuck, thanks!

Much appreciated, one of the reasons I usually don't watch movies is because I'm afraid of being dumbed down, so this sounds great

Will take your advice, fren

Looks awesome

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This is one of my favourites.

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Ha. If nothing else, Bruce Campbell and the Elvis reference had me

Threads is a docudrama based on what would happen to a British city in the event of a Nuclear war. All factual stuff.

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did you take those pics swedebro?

If you are afraid of being dumbed down just leave all the Hollywood crap and go for Kurosawa, Kobayashi, Ozu, Bresson Antonioni, Fellini, Tarkovsky, Welles, Dreyer, Herzog and Bergman; you should be ok because they all make deep movies (but I cannot say that all of them are /ourguys/)

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>nobody has posted pic related yet
I'm disappointed in you guys

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kurosawa bros


Master and Commander
The Truman Show
LotR trilogy
Conspiracy Theory
Mad Max 1 and 2. Fuck Fury Road.

Even better. This is how factual stuff should affect people and I'm looking forward to this one in particular

This isn't the remake of Heart of Darkness with a good soundtrack, is it? Might sound cliché for a Jow Forumsack but I find war and destruction most inspiring.

Also, sorry for being completely clueless ha

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another good african film is Africa Blood and guts, the narrator is a bit PC but the footage is incredible and speaks for itself

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This movie is based, as well as redpilled

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The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
little known fact is that this is the movie that got heath killed. el ite child trafficking through non profits was exposed there.

that looks intense
I'll watch it tomorrow though, very interesting

While this thread is young and before someone posts that one picture with all the movie posters on it, can someone please explain to me why "Come and See" is apparently Jow Forums approved? It's a good film but it's literally communist propaganda against the German Army.

Love the Duke, yes.

Unfortunately not, but this self-portrait
>pic related

Yes, I've got all of Bergman's, Herzog's and Jodorowski's works on DVD from way back but don't have the means to watch them now and don't mind broadening my views. Taking notes from your post, much appreciated, fren

I've seen the same .webms will definitely give it a shot, thanks for the link, man

Time machine-flick? Messing with time/space continuum? Looks great!

Looking good! Thanks

Looks interesting and I think this will be up my alley

Gosling is a handsome chap. Someone posted the latest Blade Runner, also with him. Is he a good guy?

Looks inspiring

Naturally, didn't know, but this sounds pretty based and looks good. And Lily Cole isn't too hard on the eyes

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definitely worth the watch, had me super depressed and inspired at the same time. My boomer dad couldnt believe the footage, it is shocking.

Anything with Clint Eastwood or by Clint Eastwood.

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Thank you, all of you for putting in the effort and contributing. I sincerely appreciate it - also, a happy new year to all of you.

He's supposed to be pretty redpilled, right? I've seen a lot of his old movies where he's acting. But anything particularly good as far as his directing goes?

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These too

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Holy shit.
^this so much. The wife was a cowardly whore who couldn't handle hardship, and tries to convince her husband to kill her and their son. Also, that part where he absolutely wrecks that foul nigger was great. Total justice.
Highly recommended.

Cormac Mccarthy is a brilliant writer, so if you guys vouch for this I'm going for it and looking forward to it. Didn't read this one, but am also a prepper.

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About to watch this. Based on what is said here, When the Wind Blows sounds a bit similar. Depressing film about an old (senile) couple who live through a nuclear attack on England.

Uh, how the fuck is it that no one has mentioned this?
Literally a movie about how, when left unchecked, niggers and subhumans will turn society into hell, and the only thing keeping law and order is instant and hard punishment punishment. There's a scene where a psychic blonde goes into a niggers head, and his thoughts are literally "muh dik."
Also moments railing against race treason, drug use, and bumming. This movie is one of the greatest I've ever seen in my whole life. I cannot recommend it enough.
All hail Judge motherfucking Dredd.

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This is my new desktop background

When the Wind Blows is added to my list, thanks, user, the premise intrigues me

Boomer OP used to love the comics as a kid, know there's a Sly-movie but this is what I should watch? Based on your post, this sounds based as all hell.

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Thanks dude, I'm honored! I love photography but I'm not even joking when I say that I have no idea what forum to use - not for "fame or fortune" but just because.. Fucking nature, man, it's heaven - I want to preach that gospel.

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I busted my shoulder and had to have surgery, was prescribed morphine but I usually don't even drink. Bedridden for a while now, pain is killing me and I'm trying to rough it out on paracetamol and meditation alone in the woods, bumfuck, Sweden. Thirty minutes to midnight and I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be/spend my new years eve. You guys are great.

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