Who's going to win in 2020, Jow Forums?
Who's going to win in 2020, Jow Forums?
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we will
as we always do
Greatest ally
Kike post true post
A wise user with 7s once said, "Trump will win"
>kamala harris 2nd
see this is why nobody takes those faggots seriously anymore
Beta O Dourke
This kike is right
Jews ROCK!
Thank you based greatest ally!
>Who's going to win in 2020, Jow Forums?
The Jews.
smart money is on trump and beta
>we will
>as we always do
This. Because voting won't save the White race from the Jews.
let the goyim hit the floar
let the goyim hit the floar
let the goyim hit the floar
Trump or Klobuchar
The guy who holds the world record for the most media coverage, obviously.
This, Trump will be reelected
>This, Trump will be reelected
how does that save Whites in the USA?
This isn't very judaistic behavior, I'm telling you're getting in trouble
President O'Rourke.
5d ping pong, he will send all the money to israel and there is none left for welfare so all niggers starve
you brainlet wont understand
it will not
Trump himself declared to hate white nationalists
>it will not
It's almost as if voting is just a way to placate White people into inaction...
Presiden Burni Soundas!
Who's going to run as a Republican in 2024? Romney?
McCain can't run by my estimation
>Who's going to run as a Republican in 2024? Romney?
It doesn't matter. Whoever it is, they'll lose. Even if Trump is re-elected, control shifts back to the Democrats as it has done for the last several election cycles.
The scary thing is, if Trump pulls out a miracle and wins re-election, the Democrat after him will be the most anti-White president ever. Gotta punish those Whites for voting in a racist, after all.
Here's a blackpill: civic nationalism is a bait to set up jewish dictatorship with state worship
>Here's a blackpill: civic nationalism is a bait to set up jewish dictatorship with state worship
Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals are just two sides of the same shekel.
Warren, because Trump won his presidency on social media and has done nothing to stop the censorship of views similar to his since.
> Race baiter Kamala Harris
Yeah fuck that. Run her and Trump wins in an epic landslide.
If they want to be serious, run Beta. Even Bloomberg would probably be okay on a ticket, they both lose to Trump regardless.
Uncle Joe with cousin beto
The Democrat candidate will win. Doesn't even matter who it is. Trump has lost too much support to win even against a shitty candidate. Factor in that the economy will likely tank in 2019 and we're looking at a typical one term president.
This. With the economy in the toilet, with the wall not being built and with the 24/7 media's constant lies (and this time around the Democrats not underestimating him) Trump is toast.
Trump's chances will improve if he ever gets his hands out of his pants on the FISA declassification. What a collective jackoff his administration turned out to be in Justice.
>Trump has lost too much support
Imagine being this delusional.
Trump is more popular than Obama and Obama got 2 terms easily.
Yeah Beta O'Dork is really a man of the people.
Wasn't Bernie labeled americas most popular politician in 2018??
Nate Silver, chekem
Who do you think should be #2? All those choices suck. Maybe Biden since he can probably mop the floor in the primaries but Pedo Joe would an hero against Trump.
Which candidates do you think Trump would struggle the most with and which ones would he mop the floor with?
Adam dropping redpills
Ill see your truth bomb and raise you another.
His favorability ratings have always been very high but a lot of his primary vote was rural anti-Hillary voters, they'll probably swing to Biden.
Biden looks underrated on these things, so does Cory Booker, he shouldn't be all the way in the wilderness
Bernie Sanders can still win the nomination you guys, he just needs our donations!
But with low turnout.
Based Schlomo
Dark horse candidate would probably be best. Trump has had too much time to amass blackmail files of sorts about anyone we would think of. Likely a low tier celebrity that's able to get the pissed off Bernie bros from last election to vote for him.
Worst, Warren or Hillary if she goes for her third loss.
Who indeed
virtually anybody not named Donald Trump
the regular folk are running away from him in droves
>virtually anybody
The only kind of candidate that could unify the left would have to be a non-white; and any such would unify the right behind Trump. None would have his bant ability either.
Dems don't have a chance in hell until 2024.
Seriously the only name I've heard so far that could potentially beat Trump at his own game. Even though him saying he'd run was likely a joke, and he's ideologically Republican.
I can see him deciding to go Dem solely to win, however.
Jews RULE!
Beto O'Rourke - a white dude from a weird part of the country no one knows about, who's culturally CHI - can beat Trump on the race issue i think