okay last time Jow Forums
Are Iberians white? Or are we gonna devolve into a Basedgon of Mossad discussion of "what is white?" or that's not white"?
Okay last time Jow Forums
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Yes, Iberians are white.
Then what the fuck are they? Black? These D&C threads should be ban worthy.
2 percent of my DNA is from the Iberian peninsula, the rest is “Northern European”....Mfw one of my foremothers was probably an Iberian slave.
nope, 711 best year of my life. Inshallah brothers, or as Muslim-descended Iberians say, ojalá. :^)
Yes Iberians are white, they literally invented the concept as a way of distinguishing themselves from Indios and Negros
Spanish where not taken as slaves to the North. You probably have an ancestor who emigrated/traveled to Northern Europe and settled there or had a bastard baby with a woman there.
Aren't they celts? I'm pretty sure the Irish are descended from celts moving from the Iberian peninsula. Explains why Irish and Spanish can look so similar - just different eye colour.
*Not taken that much
And those raids are so long ago that it would be way less than 2%, see my previous post for that