Okay last time Jow Forums

okay last time Jow Forums
Are Iberians white? Or are we gonna devolve into a Basedgon of Mossad discussion of "what is white?" or that's not white"?

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Yes, Iberians are white.

Then what the fuck are they? Black? These D&C threads should be ban worthy.


2 percent of my DNA is from the Iberian peninsula, the rest is “Northern European”....Mfw one of my foremothers was probably an Iberian slave.

Attached: F0CD09E4-6C9C-4741-9306-E3FBCF2B4DEC.jpg (216x234, 10K)

nope, 711 best year of my life. Inshallah brothers, or as Muslim-descended Iberians say, ojalá. :^)

Attached: tariq.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Yes Iberians are white, they literally invented the concept as a way of distinguishing themselves from Indios and Negros

Spanish where not taken as slaves to the North. You probably have an ancestor who emigrated/traveled to Northern Europe and settled there or had a bastard baby with a woman there.

Aren't they celts? I'm pretty sure the Irish are descended from celts moving from the Iberian peninsula. Explains why Irish and Spanish can look so similar - just different eye colour.

*Not taken that much
And those raids are so long ago that it would be way less than 2%, see my previous post for that