For the past few years I've almost exclusively watch black on white porn, sometimes even cuck scenes. It's started to...

For the past few years I've almost exclusively watch black on white porn, sometimes even cuck scenes. It's started to... change me.
I have fantasies that include my black basketball and football teammates, it doesn't help that the alpha on the team has a locker beside mine and likes to squeeze my ass.
How can I go back to being normal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How can I go back to being normal?

get laid maybe?

I'm an unironic Nazi. This is serious.

kys before it gets worse

Find a black gf. You like black girls, it's okay and normal to have preferences , you should not care what the stormnuggets say. Besides black boots is great

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>ironically getting memed into becoming a nazi from shit posts on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
kys Leaf

Post more chocolate Qweenz my brudda

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you were fucked from birth user

>thread is literally about OP and gay niggers
>”i am an unironic nazi”
>”i am serious”

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Go get yourself some chocolate

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>change me

Not necessary. The only thing that needs to change is the status of your head being attached to your shoulders. You are the weak man that good times have created, and you are responsible for the bad times. You and all like you need to be purged so the cycle can continue and strong men can create good times again. Your death is an evolutionary step. Please take that step yourself and fucking end your pathetic life.


U no de wei clickclickclickclick

I am a strong man. Just don't want to play a losing game. I honestly see only 2 ways forward for White Men after reading this UN document
>Become a White cuck for Black men and White women. Including watching WM get blacked, getting blacked yourself, and raising black children
>Convert to Islam and obtain several qt Arab wives

The 2nd seems more plausible but I don't believe in Islam, I have to stay true to myself.

>Watching WW get blacked*

it's sad because this place gave me an ebony fetish as a natsoc, kind of ashamed by it but black women make me the hardest of all the races.

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>Not finding and breeding a big black booty girl like your OP post
Not a real white man anyway. True white gentlemen prefer black women

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my advice is to think about what makes you so desperate that you think those are the only two options for literal existence.

>confederate flag

we all know you have a black fetish. it's fine, nobody cares.

>a fucking leaf
Why is it always a fucking leaf? Just stop watching porn you fucking idiot

That's because it's in your genetic instinct to like black women as a white man. Not a fetish

Just find a nice black girl to be with.

What else am I supposed to do? Become a tranny? Get murdered by non-whites? Spend the rest of my life in jail trying to fight the Jews?
It's more honorable to just learn how to throat a bbc. Whites will go the same way as the Neanderthals. Jews won. It's over.

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>For the past few years I've almost exclusively watch black on white porn,
rape fetish, huh?
get help user.