I'm done with voting against my interests

I am 32 years old next year. have never had job that paid more than 30k a year. starting to notice age discrimination.
i am voting for full fledged leftists. why should a board of directors at some company make 500000X more than i will ever make? i am done. i am going to leftpill all my relatives too, show them how their 8k life savings is a joke when a ceo can make 20 million in stock options plus pay. its over boyos

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>why should a board of directors at some company make 500000X more than i will ever make?
Because your labor isnt worth much if it can be replaced by an iPad. Conversely, an extremely limited number of people can run fuckhuge multinational corporations. Maybe you should try being less of a complete loser.
Dont even deserve a (You)
>In all fields

getting an early start, lying kike?

Yeah, because leftists will make things better for you. It'll be even harder for you to get a job and you'll never be wealthy.

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>stop voting against self interest
>votes Dem

Congrats, you just played yourself

>I am 32 years old next year. have never had job that paid more than 30k a year.
Get your shit together instead of voting to ruin the rest of society. I'm a grad student in English literature and I made $30k last year while working on my degree.

Yes, go and vote for the ones who will make not only the economy, but the whole western civilization collapse.

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Do you honest to God believe Republicans and mainstream """""conservatives""""" are any better than liberals? I have more respect for the Democrats. At least they outright admit they hate the middle class and want to drive the nation into the ground instead of Republicans, who pretend to care about the middle class while being RINOs through and through.

i don't want to be wealthy. i want not to be indigent. i want to work for a living.

Your anecdotal experience isn’t the same as the rest you know. It’s very easy to make money if you don’t need to pay rent because jobs exist far from your parents’ house


shareblue shilling warren so hard today seems like a tremendous waste od resources

Voting Democrat is akin to destroying your ability to make more money in the future. Democrats are communists/socialists where the following countries have turned to shit:

East Germany
north Korea

At least in a free market system you have the ability to improve your skills and experience to attain a better wage. The alternative is that Democrats will ensure you never make more money and you may have a hard time finding food

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I don't think Elizabeth Warren is the answer but I became a communist in my thirties.

Say goodbye to your job, you stupid commie nigger.

It won't matter how much you make. You didn't earn that. You will pay for the NEETs like me regardless. And I shall laugh.

i am already poor idiot. I don't care anymore. the system is rigged. i am done. Elizabeth warren has smart ideas to make things fairer for the working class.

> Do you honest to God believe Republicans and mainstream """""conservatives""""" are any better than liberals?
Yes, i do. Even if the Republican political lead consists of egoists, they are at least capable of creating a somewhat stable economy, and will not destroy western society. Something that Democrats and their flagship, identity politics, royally fail at.

Obviously, but I don't see how one could live with suicide bombing their country's political system just because they can barely manage to wage slave. Also, I do live on my own.

i believe that she will win!

that pic is so fucking true

seems like every 5 years since the 2000's they push back their "global warming will destroy the world by 20XX" prediction by another 5 years

Voting left is in no one’s interest. You’ll end up with better wages and more job opportunities to go with the right. The left only does politics for the special interests.

We accelerationist now

Democrats look to systems more akin to the rest of the modern world

Social Democracy=\socialism

They are merely advocating for a strong welfare state. Having everyone start out with the basics. Healthcare, education should be provided. Not advocating for a post/capitalist economy but a mixed one. Regulated capitalism with social safety nets. You shouldn't go bankrupt just because you can't afford medical bills, which is the 3rd cause of bankruptcy in this country.

Democrat party is for

I'm guessing you're 2 and 3

hey moron! it's the "left" that's age discriminates. The left believes that by 30 you're a grandpa and useless to workforce. I am 38 and unable to find job for past 2 years. If I post no personal details on resume, I get a phone call but then first questions are regarding my age and few other details and that's the end of the contact.

I think acceleration towards collapse is a better vote than trying to claw things back. Look at the system as it is, the Republicans have their hands tied behind their backs, they can do nothing legally to stem the destruction that the media, intelligence agencies, judges, police, civil servants etc have wrought. Our only hope is something like a civil war, though hopefully with few of our own casualties. You can’t beat a system that has been altered as a tool to control any serious opposition and ensure no serious change against the agenda can take place. Even a decade of Republicans will not help you now, not without so many enemies in the system and with the poison of the media.

Unironically agree OP. I would support her. Democrats are better on economic policy and their SJW craziness on cultural issues tends to bring more people onto our side.

Also don't understand why I'm supposed to be mad at a white person for gaming affirmative action.

>voting for Democrats who arguably suck more corporate cock

How the fuck does a white person game affirmative action?

You're a low value individual and your inexistant skills can and will be replaced by machines or you could be replaced by the very niggers coming as immigrants brought for the people you're voting for who will demand only a 10th of your wage and won't complain and work all their hours.
Face it, not any political ideology, left or right or anything, will ever compensate or change the fact that you're unskilled and of very low value.
Do whatever makes you happy. Soon, you'll be completely replaceable, expendable and you'll go where you belong : in the streets dwelling in piss and dirty pavements.
You are the problem. Not the state.

By checking a minority box based on extremely distant heritage, as Warren did. Again I'm not sure I understand why we are outraged over this.

I'll just use one of my votes to cancel yours.

Everywhere in the world , this bipartism suck anyways. Only far right or far left will shake up things , bad or goodly.

Enjoy your Sharia patrols

If you believe in voting, you have already lost any power you might have had in life.

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Those"modern" systems are only afforded because those countries rely on the US for defense and healthcare innovation. Even in that case, many are going under financially (France, Canada).

Norway is the only one that can actually afford it and that's because Norwegians are based and have bajillions in oil money per their tiny capita

Oh god, please let this frumpy bitter leftist church lady run. Trump will grab her right in the pussy. The mainstream media spin, as they desperately try to package her into something "hip" and "cool" a la Hilary will be. Fucking. Epic.


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Because of the innate hypocrisy, Warren wants to perpetuate the system that she abused instead of reforming it so people actually get by on merit instead of skin color

This is a pretty good troll post.
I almost thought it was a shill until I realized how much work you put into it.
Either way you're getting a sage

Because she's a hypocrite man. Just look at her support for Ex-Im. She's a power hungry charlatan.

You shills are hilarious.

This reads like a black boomer woman wrote it.

everyone tells me to work harder, invest, the market returns 7-8%... yet that is all i hear. never any real leads, never any real job oppurtinities, not even want to img snap their portfolio. that's why i am done. everyone is just lying sacks of shit. you are right, i have given up and probably don't deserve much, but i am still alive and might as well vote for my best interests, maybe i can get better housing vouchers and food stamp benefits so i don't have to rob someone with a butternkife and at best end up in jail getting beaten and raped or worse they guy i try to rob uses their gun on me.

>why should a board of directors at some company make 500000X more than i will ever make?
Only point I agree with you on, these people are by and large anti-American globalists who have actively pursued a left-wing agenda. These tools of the Rothschilds need to be held accountable.

Vote for your interests
Vote for third world niggers to overrun your city like all of California.
Running out of water. Perpetual wildfires.

Only english speaking people are millionaires in gated communities.

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then maybe you should vote for the most nationalist candidate there is so you aren't competing with pedro and pajeet

Voting Democrat. Voting for "your interests".

Hey Commie faggot shill, elaborate about how the Right is voting "against their interests".

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God that pic is disturbing.


What's funny is every commercial space out of frame belongs to a billion dollar company.

Any apartment building out of frame rents at $5000 for a one bedroom.

Leftism fucks up Silicon Valley when industry is on the way up - making it unlivable just like it fucked up Detroit when that industry was on the way down.
The Commie filth fuck it up no matter what.

Daily reminder that Republicans were the one who lifted the 1965 immigration act.

No republicans and no democrats about you, they only care about their own money and your vote.

So many kike shill threads, it's amazing!

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>Republicans were the one who lifted the 1965 immigration act.

You mean Jews, proxy flag.

>the system is rigged
no, youre just a lazy whiny faggot. if you want better you have to do better. start your own business on the side and work it up until youre comfortable to quit and go on your own. ffs its not that complicated

Just hang yourself if life is so bleak. No one will miss you I promise.

I don't vote Republican because they will help me economically, neither party really does that, I vote Right because they are the closest thing to a white party I have.

My job is moving a boulder up a hill and then letting it roll back down. Why does it not pay very well?

>Elizabeth warren has smart ideas to make things fairer for the working class.

Imagine actually believing this.

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voting is for boot lickers

hayek and friedman were my go to guys before, that is when i talked freely and with hope against my more left leaning friends. now i am with them, it's time for new reforms. when companies do shareholder buybacks because they are nothing but slaves to shareholder capitalism, shareholder capitalism has ruined everything. warren has a plan to address this, at least she is trying.

This is one of the lamest /leftypol/ operations ever. Get a life you guys, we see right through you

>I am a complete loser incel so I'm going to start voting left

Every time.

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