fell in love with camgirl.. went bankrupt giving her all monies.. traveled halfway around world to meet, got stood up..been 5 months that I had no contact with her.. still full of feels
wat do?
Fell in love with camgirl.. went bankrupt giving her all monies.. traveled halfway around world to meet, got stood up...
inb4 kill self
Not an option
Is your first worry the feels you still have and not that you dropped a shit ton of time and money to be stood up and bankrupt?
What do you mean “got stood up “
can't do anything about the past
Well I have no words for this level of idiocy.
Hookers, cam girls etc are professional manipulators. That is literally their job. They entice you with their pussy for money.
You should fix whatever you're lacking internally. Your romantic delusional "feels" are the last of your worries.
I mean she never met with me
Well you sound like you’d do the same thing over again, considering you still have ‘feels’. She only showed you what you wanted to see. You loved a fake person
do some weed. read Jow Forums for relationship advice and go get a date (good luck getting the nazi uniform)
It was all a fantasy friendo. Never real. She played you and got what she wanted. She's right now doing it to the next sucker.
If you are looking for a serious answer to why this happened and what you are feeling, do a search for limerence.
If you can, see if your doctor will give you an SSRI temporarily, like Zoloft. The problem with your feels is serotonin related. But I promise, it will get better with time.
the nazi uniform perplexes me.. please elaborate
yes, I know.. it was all bullshit.
why the fuck can't I get over her tho?
oh yeah, and I divorced my wife
Because you probably convinced yourself you loved her. Just know that you didn't, and you might not be able to fully understand until you've truly felt love, but at least we can tell you the truth.
no, I had more feels for her than any other b4.
I knew she was playing me, but I'm a shit person too so I thought I could break through that..
once that chemical in the brain gets released you're fucked.. I tried to manage as best as possible. In any event, I'm asking how to fucking move on. I know where I fucked up.
She’s not the one dude. If she stood you up, she’s not worth it. Also, you kinda dodged a bullet. Imagine dating a woman whose job is getting men hard. I hope you find someone worth while. Best wishes!!
Using Jow Forums for date advice means you're going in fully geared up.
actually I'm just a little bored
Try squid
she gon get dudes hard no matter what
Infatuation and love are not one in ththe same. That's your first mistake.
she was thot and hoe, terrible person
just try to regain money by working for it and learn from your mistakes
and fap to her picture for revenge
got the fapping down
no, they're pretty much the same thing. it's whether you remain friends after it dies down.
No. You sound incredibly niave saying that, and now it makes sense why you fell for the trick. Love involves trust, and dedication. You already proved that you didn't really trust her.
so I should have trusted a camgirl?
So you didn't actually trust her to begin with this you didn't love her. Nice try with that ventriloquist act there.
I fell in love with her personality.. that's something that's hard to fake. She and I share many personality traits, which is part of the reason I thought I could break through her just seeing me as an atm. Had she actually met me in person I think that could have happened. but alas the three years I spent trying to get to her had little effect. had we met under different circumstances, it may have worked out.
No offense but I think you might have autism. You lack emotional intelligence and it's really worrisome.
jesus christ.. you speak of love as if it's magic.. it's a chemical that gets released in your brain man.. and it's temporary. you actually get addicted to that person. once the high wears off, that's when the real shit happens.
I could be on the spectrum. KEK
actually, I'm just a sociopath
First of all this
Second of all you clearly don't want advice since all you've done is combat and argue. You just want pity. And to that I say
Alright, you faggots are useless
not surprised
one more pic and I'm out.
Peace out with your empty bank account
recognize that you're some kind of retard
story of my life. I spend it just as fast as I make it, before the fiat currency collapses
Limerence is the reason why you're having a hard time letting go. Look it up and see.
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give money to strangers online