Why does Israel want to topple them?
Why does Israel want to topple them?
Doesn't matter, the more the merrier.
The real issue is crypto/real Jews with dual citizenship to Israel and the US in our politics.
North Korea is in autocracy and autarky. Not only that, but they are willing to work across ethnic and religious lines against Israel.
It's why Jews hate NK but love the alt-right.
every time a kike starts a sentence with "indeed" you know their mouth is full of dog shit
Now everything made sense... The MSM shilling and the perpetual drama.
NK is based and redpilled.
this is even stupider than the Iran stuff
Why isn't Pakistan on Israel's "Axis of Evil" list of countries to invade?
because they have nukes
nukes = protection against 'liberation' by (((america))) and (((israel)))
that's why they are so desperate for iran and nk to not get nukes
nukes means an end to (((their))) plans
Don't forget that mass immigration to the UK and France (nuclear armed, big economies) is tipping demographics toward antisemitism. A major reason why Jews are so frantic about pushing racism, islamophobia, hatred of the third world, etc.