Tfw you’re not worried about Blizzard’s Twitch intergration because you don’t act like an immature child on the...

>tfw you’re not worried about Blizzard’s Twitch intergration because you don’t act like an immature child on the internet

Seriously why are you children incapable of not being shitty to other people on the internet? Are you really so pathetic in real life that you have to be aggressive assholes on the internet?

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What if you don't play Blizzard games? No twitch accounts without buying a shitty blizzard game?

>you people
What are you trying to say OP?

You have to go back

kek. all you mentally ill kikes will be purged in 2019.

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I drop redpills in all chat all overwatch match long and never banned. Literal 'jews did 911 gg'

just stop buying their games. punish censorship with boycotts

I stopped giving blizzard money years ago. Fuck them

The only popular creators that run afoul of the rules are titty streamers and racists. Being neither, I find this doesn't affect me and I'd rather not have racists and titty streamers on the platform, so...

Twitch is a horrible for ebeggars and idiots with too much money.

I was banned from diablo 3 forums a few years back for something retarded. Fuck blizzard. Will never give them another dime.

>having a twitch account

I think you can sign up for account for free. It's a game-selling platform like Steam but just for Blizzard/Activision games.

What has Blizzard made recently that's been good? Aren't they a has-been company?

>Racism still an issue in 2018 going into 2019

Even though I hate the quartering for being an edgelord, I think I'll side with him on this issue.

This is only if you want to be allowed to chat on blizzard's twitch channel.

>accidentally use the wrong pronoun
>get your account perma-banned and all games on it are lost forever
OP is an idiot. Saged, Reported, and Hidden

blizzard is RIP for 10 years now, only soibois play there soi games

if only they could do it with dischord

Blizzard died years ago. Activision runs something called Blizzard, but the two should not be confused.

>tfw you’re not worried about Blizzard’s Twitch intergration because you don’t act like an immature child on the internet
You mean like playing video games and watching others play video games.
I'm happy that you are a good man-child; not one of those bad man-children.
You're a good one.
Yes, you are.

>i would know, im in an 8 month relationship


these faggot nerds #humblebragging about their gfs has always pissed me off. they always look for somewhere to drop "BTW DID YOU KNOW I HAVE A GF???"

There is a trend of failing companies adopting SJW policies. Blizzard will be bankrupt by 2020.

Just use Vent

wut is wrong with discord?

blizzard is essentially dead, they're going to try to pivot to phone games to sell in china where people don't know/care

heatwave is the future

Fucking regraded. Blizzard moderation is Orwellian tier

Based, Twitch is unironically soiboy HQ central anything causing them strife is a net win.

I insult the living fuck out of people in sc2 2v2.

Am I going to get the hatecrime charges eventually?

I've never felt the need to harass anyone. In fact, I remember when I became aware of /b/'s raiding, on one of those proto streaming sites, where they drove a grown ass man to tears with their harassment, and I decided that sort of shit wasn't for me. I was raised with at least enough common decency to know right from wrong.

I don't need companies to police me, or anyone else; I also don't need companies, whom I've bought products from, to decide they have the right, or obligation, to revoke my access to certain things, whether it be those products, or my access to community, over perceived violations of their arbitrary, and often contradictory, morality. Companies should be concerned with making money, not thought policing.

Also, going by the recent patreon fiasco, you don't necessarily have to commit any sort of infraction on the platform itself, only wrongthink they disagree with and get their hands on. If your account is known, they can remove you to "safeguard the community".

Nigger nigger nigger nigger

Cyberbullying is illegal now. When they extradite you to Michigan you're going to be Tryone's bitch in prison.

Being an asshole on the Internet is just what you're supposed to do. Nobody likes faggot nice people. And twitch is fucking gay. You're a pathetic fucking loser if you watch idiots play video games. Literal cuck entertainment
"but real sports"
Video games are readily available to the mass pubic. You have no excuse to not go out and buy the game yourself. You're a cuck if you watch people play video games

It is weird, they don’t give a fuck about sc2 chat, I get away with murder threats and racist trash talk , but overwatch Chat I get bans for mild trash talk, you would hear worse at a chuch picnic egg toss