Shutdown is on Trump

Congress has funding through feb 8th

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He literally said he was going to do this.

Schumer Shutdown. Trump sent back an offer. The ball is in their court now.

The interactive climate change flood map is down, but the slaves at the post office sorting facility still show up to work every day

>trump rejected their fine offer and sent back his own insanely shit one therefore it's congresses fault

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What? Trump said he would be proud to shut the government down over this.

Build wall. Why are democrats so weak on border security? Trying to keep our country safe. Not even meming.

>fine offer
Shill harder you relentless cocksucker

>Shutdown is on Trump
That makes me support him more.

The real issue is crypto/real Jews with dual citizenship to Israel and the US in our politics.

>they presented Trump with such a shit offer he had no choice but to send it back

I hope he keeps it shut down until Saint Patrick's Day. It's fitting.

#keep it closed forever! Trump for Czar of the Americas!

it's not trump's fault ablooo

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>The Senate is expected to pass the short-term continuing resolution on Dec. 19.

Well? Did it happen??

Are you ever going to come up with at least new memes?
you've been spamming the same shitty picture for about 2 years, and it hasn't worked not once, not a single user in this board has turned against Trump because of your subversive kikery.
Keep shilling, 6 more years to go faggots

Trump said he wasn't going to blame Schumer for the shutdown, in fact he said he'd proudly shut down the govt

or is that "fake news" by now?

also, it's uncanny how similar these "s-shill" posts are, all they say is either "kill urself" or
omg ur such a dummie", is this the Kushner machine posting on Jow Forums?

When Trump said he was going to take the mantle of the shutdown he meant that Congress is going to do what he wants or they're going to start cutting the budget, starting with their middle eastern wars.

>trump rejected their fine offer

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Schumer practically stole the show when it came to taking the blame for this with that pedantic speech of his.

Find out next year in the house.
Do tell why mcconell is refusing


Stay in your lane Canadian

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It's ALWAYS a fucking leaf

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>the Kushner machine
Kushner is not nearly as Jewish as Trump:

i hope the shutdown lasts indefinitely. i hate government employees.
fuck the tsa, fuck the usps, fuck bafta.
especially fuck the epa.
they're all a bunch of faggots.
i'm not voting for trump in 2020 (idgaf if nobody uses bumpstocks, it's the precedent that matters), but i can get behind this move.

It is on him, he made it happen, he stated that it was him doing it. There is no way to attribute ownership of this shutdown to anyone but him. And yet, by going on vacation rather than working to end the shutdown the demoshits stole ownership of this shutdown like a thief in the night.

You really should consider voting Trump in 2020.
The alternative is the entire fake arsenal getting banned when the next false flag shooting happens.

Literally nobody believes this. If you oppose a continuing resolution you own the shutdown.

This. So much this.

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But the Democrat's "resolution" is terrible for the country.
Trump would be fucking retarded to sign off on it.

Cope. You had two years to get this done.

So you then hate Trump as well for being an executive employee

>If you oppose a shitty deal nobody wants, you're at fault
Sorry, Sweaty, that's not how it works

>but seriously, in all fucking fields

Fine offer

You're a nigger loving cuck kike.

We got 6 more, faggot.

good. i hope it remains shut down. i want to see what'll happen.

To keep the government shut down for a stupid wall that nobody wants? Ok.

>nobody wants the wall
Every last person that voted for Trump wants the wall.
If walls don't work Democrat's slave trade wouldn't be threatened and they wouldn't be vehemently blocking it.
Fuck off that tryhard "unknown flag" proxy. You look like a tool.

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nice proxy you shill

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And you faggots jeer about "trumptards" not understanding nuance.

You're being dipshits on purpose so you can be snarky assholes on the internet.

Unsurprisingly, people vote for their pet issues not the platform
Just like how there's all the bring back coal people and the destroy black lung funds grouops

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They voted for a wall that Mexico was going to pay for, not a janky one that got funded on kickstarter.
He literally said. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...

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How is this even legal?

Governments of ex-colonies are set up to extract resources and keep the people quiet.

Wow you called a friend so you could post more bullshit.
I must have struck a nerve.
If "most voters" didn't want a wall, Trump wouldn't have won the election, you utter morons.
Also could you post anything more tired than "mexico will pay for the wall so they means they're literally writing a check."
The mexican government is owned by cartels. They're lucky we don't consider border issues to be an act of war.
Soros needs to ask for his money back. You guys are shit at this.

>calls a friend
>is op
And nice logic, but last check Trump got a minority of minority of Americans

That 49% is clearly Trump’s base but, sample size of 2,000 people isn’t even worth it.

>its ok when obama shuts it
shill thread.
fuck them and their mothers .

Well, most voters didn't vote for Trump, and he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Also in terms of drugs and slaves crossing the border, El Chapo had a fleet of submarines. Nobody walked drugs across a land border on the back of a person, the person would surely die or get caught as often as not. In terms of human trafficking the US doesn't keep statistics that are useful but stats from other countries say that human trafficking doesn't happen on foot across that border either. It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Ah yes, sure 2 grand should be ignored
Which means all those wonderful polls trump quotes

Mexico can't "pay for the wall" unless Congress allocates funds for wall construction. If Congress refuses to do so then it doesn't matter how much money we get from Mexico from wall construction.

This isn't true. Money is fungible. You get the money from Mexico and I promise we'll build the wall with it. But you won't because that's fucking stupid and you were an idiot for being suckered in by it.

Trump shouldn’t ignore the people who elected him, which are clearly the Republicans on that poll. Remember, majority vote doesn’t matter and never will.

Ah so the plan is for minority rule eh?
Sounds like then its just a quibble of which minority runs things
You or kikes.
Sometimes dikes

This is a interesting one
conservative and libertarian sees
>Trump being fired into Washington to clean it up
Liberal sees
>A fed up american firing Trump out of a cannon to get rid of him.
I normally don't like his work but this one is okay, still cringe but okay
It's very difficult to do,

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Trump said a shutdown shows that the president is weak and cannot get his own party together

USPS is partially self funded

Well, that's how an elective republic works. Tho, equating Trump to kikes for shutting down the government is nonsensical. Your rhyming post is also incredibly cringy. Jow Forums really is a shithole these days.

>the old "muh 1/4 of voters" excuse
Who's fault is that? It's also not my fucking problem.
Next time actually fucking vote instead of trying to cheat because you cant cheat an election win without it being obvious as fuck.

Daily reminder that Paul Ryan had enough votes in the house to pass a veto proof budget, but decided against it because he sucks Trump cock

>acquire government funds from another country
>can now bypass congress and do whatever you want with it

From what I heard today it is only 9 agencies affected.

An elective republic would have equal appropriations by population
Something we do not.

>You didn't win because you cheated
Nah, seeing that Bibi made trump his baby, the kikes cheated for Trump
Oh woe to israel, with the US pulling out, they have no choice but to ensure their safety by annexing Syria.

I'm giddy for foodstamps being amongst that.
Just think, literal food scarcity finally.
Will it happen in the food deserts first?

If he somehow got Calderón to write him a check for $5b he'd be installed as emperor and he could put the wall wherever the fuck he wants. Everyone knows it's bullshit and always was.

I'm a federal employee currently furloughed. I want the wall, because unchecked illegal immigration is an issue that needs to be addressed sooner than later.

Better make sure Trump keeps the shutdown going until March then, let's crash the gibs system until it dies.

>Paul Ryan
>doing Trump any favors
You must be retarded.

Why is it that representatives and senators never have to answer to their voters? Every public appearance is planned, and every chance to even attempt to converse with them is blocked. They get away with this shit because they know nobody will ever make them fear for their life should they vote one way or another. Why can't ordinary citizens meet with them in a public setting and put them on fucking blast for this bullshit lack of ethics and disloyalty to their country.

I think the next time there's a political rally, we need a group of maybe 50-60 Jow Forumsacks to bumrush Schumer and ask him why he's more loyal to Israel than his own country.
Everyday my faith in the republic and it's Constitution wanes because they very people the Constitution was written to protect, are having their rights openly violated by the very people who write the laws themselves.
Fuck the Civil War, fuck having a race war, we need another Revolutionary War to replace this garbage system that treats us like the Brits treated the American settlers.

>Nobody walked drugs across a land border on the back of a person
They do this literally all the time along with the same people getting sold in to sex slavery.

A long-term shutdown will essentially dismantle the United States, and that's a good thing.

At first, the same promises will be made as all the previous shutdowns: Social Security checks will go out, the military will stay on guard, federal employees will get back pay, and overtime.

But let's think about the shutdown being counted in months, not weeks. Two things will happen.

1) The government needs to actually start shutting things down in a significant way, and 2) it needs to borrow more money from increasingly skeptical lenders.

Among the first to be cut would be programs with weaker political support. We are talking about decisions being made by politicians.

So what goes first? The food stamp program. Child care. Infant care. These programs are vulnerable, because their constituencies are not constituents with a whole lot of political power.

Next in line, regulatory agencies. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) or the EPA or financial regulators would likely see their budgets slashed. There are political benefactors for these things, but compared to other budget priorities, it's easy to see why they'd be cut quickly. Also cut early, are Visa and passport issuances, arts programs, scientific research programs. The things, in other words, that affect the smallest and least-vocal and -powerful groups of people — or affect the powerful and vocal in only minor ways.

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At this point, it's safe to assume that financial markets would be freaked out. The government has a significant role in the national economy. You could see a huge swing in the stock market. Federal contracts would dry up, which means cities, and suburbs, and rural communities across the country that depend on the government, would not have the money they were expecting. It would affect the housing market, as loans from the federal government stop. The closure of parks and museums, would mean sharply reduced revenue in places that depend on tourist money.

For those things that the government can't shut down, it would need to take out loans. Interest rates would spike as time passed, with creditors increasingly nervous that they'd ever be repaid.

Incoming tax revenue is never enough to pay our bills by itself; it wouldn't be in this scenario, either. And that's assuming people actually kept paying their taxes, which, over time, might be less and less the case

If the shutdown continued, it's hard to predict the order in which services would go dark. But some programs will be maintained until the end.

Social Security would continue, because it's funded on its own. Air traffic control. Emergency response, in the event of a natural disaster would still get funded. They're not going to allow the kinds of things you see in a Hollywood movie to occur.

National security would still get funded — as would federal prisons and border control. The government is not going to shut those down unless there's a scenario where we've hit rock bottom. We wouldn't want prisoners released into the public or the borders opened entirely though people might start emigrating more than immigrating, once the other programs start shutting down.

After a year, American society as we know it would shift substantially. It's hard to imagine Congress wouldn't act by then, but if it didn't, the country would essentially revert to the Articles of Confederation.

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A long term shutdown will result in this.

1. Federal government reverting back to a confederate of states.

2. Emmigration increasing, ILO immigration increasing.

3. The country becoming isolated, ILO globalized.

4. Hyper inflation: Land and stocks will increase in value. Government bonds, cash, and existing debts, will become worthless.

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>the kikes cheated for Trump
Not that you haven't utterly exposed yourselves as shills already, but that's an insulting amount of projecting.
I mean if Jews wanted Trump to win there wouldn't have been an endless stream of anti-Trump propaganda from nearly every media outlet and major corporation for the last 3 years.
Not to mention how assblasted Israel gets at literally everything Trump does. They got mad at him for moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Fucking Jerusalem. Why did they get mad? Because he actually built the fucking thing and didn't indiscriminately send them 1 BILLION dollars for a fucking building.
Then you have the 1.1 BILLION dollars in donations and funds Hillary had to play with. No one politican has ever had that much money to play with. This doesn't even include the free advertising and support she got from the previously mentioned corporations and media outlets.
Not to mention the millions moved through Russian front companies to the DNC. Then they have the nerve to claim Trump worked with Russia.

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>implying Schumer will let himself be within 500 feet of ordinary citizens
He is a coward.

Then maybe we should storm his mansion and make him talk with us

>tfw I do it for free
>tfw I don't give a fuck because I have plenty of savings and and no debt on my credit card
I'm in this shit for the long haul.

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Just pull an iran contra type deal. Then little baby trump can be like the real presidents who came before him.

The shutdown is on the people who refuse to let us build a wall, yet funded Israel's wall. Those people are traitors and deserve a traitor's sentence.

See and there is the fun part
What better way to cover corruption than pretend you are agaiunst it
50 bil from Trump to Israel in August

>muh free adverting
Like everything for Trump?
No such thing as bad advertisement
People voted for Trump with ideas of him as a toupee with small hands and a spray tan in charge of bankruptcy
What they got was hair plugs over a toupee

>storm Schumers mansion
>get shot up by police
Nah. Just keep calling him out online and publicly. He'll ignore you but he can't shut you up, either. Start pushing for the banishment of dual-citizens in Congress and watch the kikes call themselves out by crying about it.
There's smarter ways to go about it instead of endangering yourself or sending the guy letters that he'll ignore or claim are full of anthrax and "bombs."

>i'm just pretending
Jews playing both sides doesn't automatically make both sides wrong.
It is the Jews that are wrong. You're not fooling anyone.

The other guy will betray your more, vote for mine even though there is no wall, no fed audit, and no deepstate purge

>One side is slected by the Jews
>One side wants die for israel and and has AIPC
>Clearly means they like both
Yeah so do show where Netanyahu met with Hilarry. He went straight for that closed door meeting with Trump and that was it.

No wall because of the betrayers on the other side.
This isn't a case of Jews playing both sides equally.
Jews WANT Trump to be literally Hitler. They're seething because he refuses to play by their rules.

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>Yeah so do show where Netanyahu met with Hilarry.
Show me where Hillary was the fucking President and I might be able to point you in the right direction.

You are a liar or else you are one stupid mother fucker