So whats the point of getting a virgin wife in today's world when something like pic related will eventually happen due to constant brainwashing by society
So whats the point of getting a virgin wife in today's world when something like pic related will eventually happen due...
It’s a horrible risk we all have to take, just like a soldier rushing into battle may either be shot dead and rot in a foreign land or see glorious victory.
That’s the way it’s always been and the way it will always be.
Check her instagram and you'll see that she clearly wants to get back together with this guy. Every other post is #coparenting and talking about how they need to do what's "best for the kids."
I hope this means he broke up with her, but it'd also be neat if she broke up with him and is now panicking because nobody wants to fuck some single mother covered in tattoos and dressed like a skank.
Okay now I'm 100% sure she wants this dude back badly.
>because only a pedophile wants to fuck some single mother
Ftfy. I'd take care of that hoe if it meant she'd give me plenty of alone time with that loli(all single mothers do).
>Equating war to getting cucked out by a woman
What's it like holding achieving orgasm as a the highest virtue you can attain?
he was talking about finding a wife, not orgasming, please stop projecting
>is now panicking because nobody wants to fuck some single mother covered in tattoos and dressed like a skank.
user I .....
There are tens of thousands of guys in BC that would fuck that roasty leaf, probably in the back seat of their jacked up 4x4 diesel trucks.
Assuming shes around 25 27 now, with two kids, she looks pretty damn good.
Oh, you're gay, it all makes sense now.
She doesn't want him back. Here's what happened:
>dude married high school sweetheart
>works hard, has a family, things are nice
>she's pretty, gets attention, gets bored
>cheats like crazy starts dressing like a slag, tattoos, bars
>divorce happens, he picks up all the slack because he loves his kids and can't get over her
>she is still whoring around, posts about their great "co-parenting" to keep beta male picking up slack while she rides carousel
>will return to him old and used up
>he will have moved on by then and heard about her whorishness. She will then start posting about what a shitty father and husband he was.
This is the case.
Kys pedo freak