>it's still 2018 in America
>literally stuck in the past
Is that why the're so racist?
It's still 2018 in America
Somebody shoop a nigger in that is fucking that hot white ass from behind
R E N T . F R E E
Someone need to put a nigger fucking you in the ass in your every school year pictures. Gerfaggots
Somebody shoop a burka on that kafir and send her back to Ahmed's haram house. How did she escape in the first place?
>it's only been 2019 in Europe for a couple hours
>there's already been a stabbing by a shitskin
We're only ironically racist, nigger.
>The future is nigger mud people and no more native culture, isn't that great?
>Except Israel, of course, we must protect the Jewish culture!
Euro flag checks out
*The're* isn't a word. You meant *they are*. America isn't racist. The proof is in the pudding. Retarded, sum-human, genetically-defective scum like you get an equal vote to far superior citizens. Heck, The Juden has even convinced our women to fuck you, sadly.
You can't even spell *they're* correctly. Kill yourself, please. Do the world a favor.
fuck off nigger
welp were not saving you faggots again eurotrash
Trad life. We hold on to our past and treasure it. 2018 was a vintage year. Bet you're sad you're stuck with shitty 2019.
We prefer not to shit on our heritage like your kind, memeflaggot.
Non racists lose culture, quality of life, and their mothers and sisters get raped and killed by immigrants constantly...op you are a total piece of delusional shit
based manara
where's all the african blacks, muslims advancing on that white bitch to GOB her?
nice legs
The past is mutted
You are funny, so-called European "Union." You will be on your fucking knees begging for a protection from a big bad foreign nationals that is raiding your land. All because of your buttbuddies from the little gay EU club are too fucking stupid to fight back.
If that were the real europe, she would either be gang raped by muslims or forced in a burka.
>jewropean flag
>most likely one of the janitors trolling
You need an actual job.
Amerifats should be thankful their decline will be via Mexican immigrants. Surely the lesser of evils. Europe will be raped by Medieval shitskins worshipping a pedo.
In the end though, we are all fucked by (((them))). Just be thankful you were one of the last that got the privilege of being white.
I'm dreaming
of a White
Space Reich
Just like the one I used to know
you have serious issues Turkroach
I dreamed about space,
which made a wide circle passes,
where bread and the wheel that breaks down.
I dreamed
to escape the globe of non-solidarity people,
the Polish-American Commonwealth of both marauders.
I glanced around the rocket with my eye,
but the heart is not a servant,
it squezees, it cries out:
you do not leave the earth,
where's your stink from
even if the stench was "krieg und blut".
Euro chick isn't being raped and beheaded, pic isn't accurate.