Is the U.S. national debt a meme?

>Pic related.

Attached: nonExistentDebt.png (1847x775, 187K)

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He doesn't count unfunded liabilities.
That's supposed to be over 200 trillion.

>He doesn't count unfunded liabilities.
Unfunded liabilities?

any debt is a meme because they've become so large that debt is now money and most of them will never be paid off. every single nation around the world is cool with the banking cycle as it exists now where big banks who create money out of thin air loan it to them to spend and realistically they only ever have to pay the interest and never the principle

It's hard to truly know the total amount of US debt because of convoluted rules and constant changes. Unfunded liabilities are a just another part. They mostly consist of benefits, like healthcare, pensions etc that have not currently been paid for.

Check out this article, might help. It's quite a deep rabbit hole.

The USA was forecast to collapse by just about every leading economist after it went off the gold standard and started borrowing money. It didn't. Here's the problem with economists: it's not that they're wrong, it's that when they're wrong, they don't tell you why. In this case, they were wrong for a simple and strange reason. When you examine the finances of an entity, you ask three questions:
>What's its revenue?
>What's its debt?
>What's its net worth?

Economists judge countries by taking its total debts, regardless of when it falls due, comparing it to one year's revenue, the GDP, and holding their heads while shrieking about the end of the world. You have to take a look at the national net worth to understand that Japan has withstood 25 years of crushing debt, which it should not have withstood, and likewise, the United States has withstood, because they both have an extremely high net worth. Iceland however, with a gross national product of one herring and eve online, wouldn't be able to withstand a much smaller hit. At the end of the day, size does matter. And you can't get away from the fact that the economists who analyze nations are not looking at the whole picture.

Instead, they should look at the structural capability of the nation and cost out the debt over time, which is how debt works, rather than looking at a single year's revenue as the source of the nation's wealth/power. Which is a complex way of saying if I took a look at your bank statements, some of you probably have car loans or mortgages that exceed your yearly income. So if I was an economist, I'd figure you're all bankrupt. But you're not, because you have assets.

And when you bring up this point to an economist, they ask two questions: How can you measure the net worth? And how can you monetize it? Well monetization is easy: you print money, which is a flat tax against everybody. It's not completely exact, there are some things can't be monetized, but it works pretty well. How do you measure it? Well you can generate a value by using the financial formulation for a growing perpetuity given the GDP, the average market return, and the average growth rate. But honestly, it's really not all that important. Drive around the United States for a while, you'll see there's a lot of stuff there. You don't always need a quantitative analysis to know that "Hey, those guys are pretty rich."

All this is to say that anyone who tells you the national debt is something that will lead to imminent collapse isn't telling the whole story. Sure printing currency devalues the dollar. But with 25% of the world's GDP being American, currency manipulation isn't really all that hard to deal with. And if you're that worried about it, you can buy gold or stocks. But the overall point is that the national debt, while not a good thing, isn't something you need to panic over, and should start coming down when the baby boomers die off and their kids (another large generation) are in their 40s/50s and paying taxes on their peak lifetime incomes.


But yes, as long as OPEC is traded in dollars we ar at the top of the collapsing pyramid.

Our gimmick is that debt is automatically transformed into money when it's redeemed (that's why all that shit's digital now), but we still pretend we have to pay it back so the party not in power can have something to complain about.

>what is petro yuan

the federal reserve takes in birth certificates as IOU's then it prints money out of thin air, gives it to goldman sachs with interest, who then lend the money out with their interest attached.
corporations who deal with are NOT the government.

corporations who deal with oil*

>They mostly consist of benefits, like healthcare, pensions etc that have not currently been paid for.
The article says those are future debts. Besides, pensions and healthcare are defined by law. Which can be changed. I was talking about the debt owed to other countries.

>Iceland however, with a gross national product of one herring and eve online, wouldn't be able to withstand a much smaller hit.
>one herring and eve online

Except that is US dollars in international hands. The only way that could make sense is if the US suddenly demanded all countries to hand over all products traded in US currency.

The value of the oil barrel in USD is because America promises they will make good on that money. All racking up debt for US does is make other entities richer from that promise that America will one day make good. On what was originally the equivalent of a piece of paper with $1000USD stamped on it from well over a hundred years ago.

I get what you're shilling, but its 1d thinking.

>what is petro yuan
Petro yuan only works for the Chinese. And since the Chinese economy produces goods for American consumers, petro yuan is irrelevant unless other countries who trade with the U.S. also start adopting it. How many others have adopted petro yuan?

>And you can't get away from the fact that the economists who analyze nations are not looking at the whole picture.
Yup. I suspected as much.

>So if I was an economist, I'd figure you're all bankrupt. But you're not, because you have assets.
>U.S. is not in trouble because even though our GDP is below our debt, we have the tech to continue producing that much value.
Makes sense so far.

>Drive around the United States for a while, you'll see there's a lot of stuff there. You don't always need a quantitative analysis to know that "Hey, those guys are pretty rich."
Precisely. This is true even though we run trade deficits in multiple sectors of the economy.
>Pic related.

>All this is to say that anyone who tells you the national debt is something that will lead to imminent collapse isn't telling the whole story.
Makes sense. With our wealth, the only reason someone would say we're almost going broke is for political purposes.

Attached: 877123613123123.png (1547x973, 110K)

>The value of the oil barrel in USD is because America promises they will make good on that money.
No. That's the whole point. OPEC charges for oil in dollars. Countries pay dollars to buy oil. A lot of those dollars are recycled back to the U.S. to buy goods and services (military protection) - which gave rise to the term petrodollar.
>I get what you're shilling
>Pic related.

Attached: FXLThSZ.jpg (600x341, 14K)

>future debts
Yeah, unfunded liabilities kek
>pensions and healthcare are defined by law
Not sure what you mean by this, but SS for instance is now running a deficit. This is projected to get much worse. The fact that most poor boomers will never be able to retire on these payouts is another thing. Boomergeddon might force these payments to rise, thus sticking us with an even higher bill.
>debt owed to other countries
Well, that's not really National Debt and I didn't get that from your post. Sry.

>that's not really National Debt
I mean that's only part of...

This remains true while the US is the worlds most powerful country,

But that wont last forever

>be goverment
>be in debt
>say you're not in debt now
>outrage from banks and media
>say it's the law now and anyone who doesn't agree get's punished with death
>actually be debt free now
yeah, it's meme.

>Yeah, unfunded liabilities kek
Well I can always cook up something and say those are future debts. I was talking about monies owed to other countries for their goods and services. By including future liabilities that have not even be accrued yet, of course we can inflate the debt to bazillions of dollars.
>Not sure what you mean by this, but SS for instance is now running a deficit.
And that's acceptable. If they have accrued a debt already then that is part of the debt I'm talking about. Not the ones that will be incurred in the future.
>This is projected to get much worse.
Like I said. Projections are projections. What is the current monies owed?
>Well, that's not really National Debt and I didn't get that from your post. Sry.
Sorry. I didn't do a good job defining the debt properly.

>This remains true while the US is the worlds most powerful country,
>But that wont last forever
Who's going to overtake us in military? Australia?

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Kek. I was only talking about current U.S. assets.

Oh christ. Yes I know exactly what you're saying. But the reality is, is that type of trickle down economics just doesn't benefit the American economy in a way that keeps the middle class large and strong.
The absolute majority of that USD will never be taxed in America just to begin with.
I read your replies in this thread, you lack actual experience in what you're talking about so I am guessing college student.

>Who's going to overtake us in military?

Keep in mind you are eventually going to have a Democrat president who will cuck the military again

Attached: 1515262963421.jpg (1080x608, 62K)

it's unbelievably fucking stupid and should be considered theft of our hard labor

reminder US military spending is at 1/10 efficiency

>is the national debt a meme
Idk is the interest our kike politicians pay on it a meme

I know, I am definitely not on China's side.
But you need to do something soon, or one day China is gonna come knocking for the Trillions of dollars you owe them.

Attached: 1516481980468.jpg (650x360, 23K)

Idiot here, enlighten me... so, if we sold our oil only at a 1/3 of the price we'd pay off the debt overnight.. ?

>But the reality is, is that type of trickle down economics just doesn't benefit the American economy in a way that keeps the middle class large and strong.
Our middle class has been a meme since NAFTA. Most of the grunt work is being shipped abroad to make the U.S. a technocratic state.

>The absolute majority of that USD will never be taxed in America just to begin with.
Because of the petrodollar, U.S. dollars are government property to begin with. Government, Feds, whatever you like. All of us are indirectly working for that entity.
>I read your replies in this thread, you lack actual experience in what you're talking about so I am guessing college student.
How about you resort to slander after you've exhausted all your arguments? Or should I take it that you've already lost the argument?

>Keep in mind you are eventually going to have a Democrat president who will cuck the military again
I don't think so. Obama engaged us in multiple wars. If anything has been consistent since 1971, it's American military superiority. That's the only reason this party goes on.

>it's unbelievably fucking stupid
The petrodollar? I think it's brilliant. We bully others into paying us money by forcing OPEC to sell oil in dollars.
>should be considered theft of our hard labor
Theft of G.I.'s hard labor you mean?

>But you need to do something soon, or one day China is gonna come knocking for the Trillions of dollars you owe them.
Ok. Let's play this scenario out. For China to actually achieve this, they will first have to convince OPEC to sell oil in Yuan rather than dollars. Let's assume they do that and now everyone trades with China to obtain Yuan to buy oil. What then? How will they make us pay their debts? Land invasion of the U.S.? How long with such an invasion last?
>With a globalized economy, only proxy wars are feasible.
>Economics is the primary means by which you beat your enemies.

"Petro dollar" in OP's pic only works until you realize Arabs can take their Fed bucks to America and buy tons of shit from the dumb plebes.
>US national debt IS a meme, but not from taking advantage of foreigners. The bankers own the plebs, who are duped into giving bankers real shit for their fake money.

It's not brilliant because all that wealth flows into the hands of the wealthy private bankers instead of into the country.
If you had a national publicly owned bank then it would be brilliant.
As it is, the Treasury takes hundreds of billions from the Fed each year, but that's nothing compared to what the Fed bankers are making with their ponzi scheme

nope its real as the oil is not under oyur controll and it can be sold any day for not dollars.

Liek rubbel or yuan or euros.
And you even more fuckt because who the fuck needs dollar then anyway.

Modern Monetary Theory

Petrodollar is one of the key tools of the Pax Americana and US preeminence. We benefit immensely from it and the only people who want to go back to a gold standard don't understand that taxes and federal reserve policy allow control over money supply and therefore inflation/deflation while spending directly stimulates economic activity

SS is funded by its own trust fund, which cannot be used for other purposes.
If the fund is unable to cover all of the costs, they will just reduce the payments to 90%, 80% of expected return. Not a big problem, and since we just got tax cuts we should be seeing a massive increase in tax revenue soon.

How does one get off on being this aggressively stupid?

So the insane foreign policy protects this?
>Muh bomb if you don't pay

As others have stated the current deficiencies of SS/Medicare are a quirk of the Baby Boom that resulted in an acute spike in the elderly population compared to generations before and after it. Once they all die out which will take some time because of longer lifespans, outlays will decline precipitously.

In the meantime, to bridge the gap in outlays vs. funding we can increases payroll taxes or make more of the income subject to the taxes just like how if an insurance company has to pay out for huge losses they will raise rates to refill the reserve tanks. That's if we don't want to reduce payments.

>we're almost going broke is for political purposes.

Not really. Your institutions, society and above all military might/influence are waning because your elites became corrupted with greed. An you're mired in much PRIVATE debt.

You should have built a utopia yet your elites cream off the top and keep you fighting over ID Pol whilst pilfering your pockets and denying you basic amenities on the premise of muh commies/#believe in American dream
whilst bombing places to back your oil and Israel and "muh Allies" which are the very people that create the reason for you to be there to fight "terrorists."

With emerging markets and a population deficit due to you not accepting migrants and low birth rate you will be out-competed on many economic fronts

2019 is the year of the US's sharp stark decline
>In b4 muh muzzie/commie hatr jew

>It's not brilliant because all that wealth flows into the hands of the wealthy private bankers instead of into the country.
I see. To a certain degree, that makes sense. The part where it breaks down is that banks can't eat oil or dollars. They need goods and services from the local population - and that's how the wealth comes to us. Say Germany wants dollars to buy oil. They export VWs and BMWs to America. Sure, the bankers take a cut, but we get cars. Same with Toyota.
>If you had a national publicly owned bank then it would be brilliant.
Get real. Banks will never be publicly owned.

>Modern Monetary Theory
Summary? What is the gist of MMT?

Excellent analysis. I agree. Can't go back to the gold standard. Pegging a currency to the most desirable commodity is the way to go.

>So the insane foreign policy protects this?
>Muh bomb if you don't pay
Precisely. Some very smart people run the government. They're not spending money on defense just for kicks. It's to keep the party going.

>Your institutions, society and above all military might/influence are waning
WASP Institutions? Yes. Jewish institutions? No. Society? Yes. Military? No. If anything, some country will be propped up next for our military to fight with to keep the balance of power going.
>An you're mired in much PRIVATE debt.
Private debt is still owed to the people within the country. I was talking about debt owed to other nations due to balance of trade.
>You should have built a utopia
Get real. Humans will never build a utopia.
>With emerging markets and a population deficit due to you not accepting migrants and low birth rate you will be out-competed on many economic fronts
By whom? Everyone sells us their stuff to buy oil. Out-competing us is not even a possibility.
>2019 is the year of the US's sharp stark decline
Decline in what?

You can't ask that here. It was a big deal when Obama was President. It's not a big deal when Trump is President.

Wonder why these people think that, hmm...

Probably cause Trump will spill the beans on the petrodollar.

>Private debt is still owed to the people within the country.
I know you were but the above is what should scare you

>Get real. Humans will never build a utopia
At least feed, house, and educate your people with decent healthcare.
Like fucking Ebeneezer Scrooge you are

>Decline in what?
Influence globally as before
Domestic cohesion instability

>By whom? Everyone sells us their stuff to buy oil. Out-competing us is
>not even a possibility.

It is precisely this hubris, arrogance and lack of self-awareness-deprecation that will be exactly the reasons why this will all happen sooner than you think.

>WASP Institutions? Yes. Jewish institutions? No. Society? Yes. Military? No. If anything, some country will be propped up next for our military to fight with to keep the balance of power going.

How will you manufacture consent in the digital age?

>It's to keep the party going.
For whom?
and please describe the US as a country as an actual Party please.

Like Elites are in the VIP section?

Used to be petro pounds... used to be.

>I know you were but the above is what should scare you
Why? Debt is a way of life in the U.S. Everyone is in debt. It's socially acceptable to be in debt.
>At least feed, house, and educate your people with decent healthcare.
Sure. But our money comes from keeping you poor. How moral is it to enjoy a good life when we subjugate ME for oil?

>Like fucking Ebeneezer Scrooge you are
Wrong character.

>Decline in what?
Not existed since NAFTA
>Influence globally as before
As long as the petrodollar exists, our influence is just fine.
You mean information? Intelligence is subjective.
Dollar is pegged to oil. We're ok.
>Domestic cohesion
Hasn't existed since the Civil war
Are you joking? Do you even know what the U.S. is? We haven't been stable for most of our history. We pretend to be stable to keep people going.

>It is precisely this hubris, arrogance and lack of self-awareness-deprecation that will be exactly the reasons why this will all happen sooner than you think.
Get real. The world economy is highly interconnected. You can't replace the petrodollar overnight. To do so, you need to find another country that will consume as much as the U.S. and has a strong military. So first, there needs to be a war where the U.S. is thoroughly beaten and invaded. The citizens of the victors will then believe they're morally right in consuming the spoils of war. That war won't happen for another 100 years.

yes the US government will spend any amount of money it feels like just by printing more. If you think this isn't the case then you are a blue pilled faggot

Debt isn't real.

>How will you manufacture consent in the digital age?
You must be one of those people who believes that people have independent thinking. Everyone's opinions are shaped by the information they're exposed to. Keep bombarding people with information and soon you will see them gravitate towards one opinion.

>It's to keep the party going.
>For whom?
Those in power. Who else?
>and please describe the US as a country as an actual Party please.
See pic in
In 2014, we ran deficits in every sector of the economy except agriculture and petroleum. That means we consume more than we produce. Everyone's in on the party. Party's been going on in the U.S. since NAFTA. Why do you think Americans lead such a lavish lifestyle? Because we work hard? Produce something of value? Please. It's because the petrodollar subsidizes all of our consumption by forcing countries to sell us stuff to get the dollars to buy oil.

Until the British fucked up in WW2.

You are so very, very wrong.

>You aren't in debt because you have assets
Look at Canada. Outside firms are using debt-based money to buy real property. The constant printing of money that you suggest as a flat tax against everybody is funneled to people who create things. Those people then buy real property that cannot be printed into infinity (directly into energy, tools, land, equipment, natural resources, etc.)

>Instead, they should look at the structural capability of the nation and cost out the debt over time, which is how debt works, rather than looking at a single year's revenue as the source of the nation's wealth/power.
According to
The US debt is currently just under 22 trillion.
The US GDP is at 21 trillion.
Just looking at that metric, the US government itself is currently an entire year in debt. Add on personal debt in the country, and that's another 20 trillion - or another year of complete indebtedness. Factor in Unfunded liabilities (stuff that we are scheduled to pay but aren't in debt for yet) at about 116 TRILLION, and the US is in no position to ever pay off their loans. They are already over 5 years in debt. The US would have to make itself a slave for 5 years+ to cover its debts, which is not going to happen.

>So if I was an economist, I'd figure you're all bankrupt. But you're not, because you have assets.
They are. Good luck liquidizing those assets to cover the debt - the US is going to default, and suddenly money gets scarce (because money is debt).

>The US debt is currently just under 22 trillion.
>The US GDP is at 21 trillion.
U.S. control of OPEC oil reserves puts it in the black by 40 trillion U.S. dollars. See

>Factor in Unfunded liabilities (stuff that we are scheduled to pay but aren't in debt for yet) at about 116 TRILLION,
Unfunded liabilities are future liabilities that have not been incurred yet. It's not an issue. It can be restructured with internal law. The problem is external debt.
>the US is going to default, and suddenly money gets scarce (because money is debt).
Yeah, no.

Fuck off it’s happening. Panic now. Dollar will collapse and we’re all screwed. Head for hills now goy

>Dollar will collapse and we’re all screwed. Head for hills now goy
So you can buy all the real estate at dirt cheap prices? Not buying it Rabbi.

nope, our asses will be killed by the governments
going to war because of the debt, dipshit.

Attached: master builder.jpg (957x557, 426K)

What debt?
To who?
Fuck em!
Wipe out all debt now.

You can ignore the future, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring the future.

>but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring the future.
I get what you're saying. But think about it this way. We can always manufacture public opinion to shift the opinions of seniors out. Call SS ponzi scheme, or a pyramid scheme, or whatever. Get the younger people to guilt the older people into opting out of it. Why, heck. While we're at this topic, we can legalize euthanasia for all those above 70. But we can't euthanize our say Japan or Germany without going to war with them - thus we most likely will have to repay our debt to Japan and Germany in some form.. The point is, internal debt can be resolved a lot more easily external debt.

Americans are idiots. They dont pay taxes to cover their spending thus increase the debt. The only reason US is even allowed that High national debt is because is currently reserve currency for financial transactions so the dumbasses pretend they dont have to repay it. US was and is really close to being declared bankrupt and large portions of its ressources sold to creditors. And another ressource currency tied to opec

You are just using a large number of words to say "The US is defaulting on its obligations." If you write off Social Security as a ponzi scheme and sucker some Boomers out of their money, you have by definition defaulted on your debts.

You are making my final statement here correct.

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP)[a] as of Q1 2014

They pretend they never have to raise taxes to pay it back aswell by raising gdp hence infinite growth but it won’t work to lower the debt enough ultimately. when infact they should have had several periods of paying 80% tax and extremely limited spending already to recoup. Meanwhile calling others poor for paying their national operation bills.

Raise taxes or sell your assets to pay your bills.

>You are just using a large number of words to say "The US is defaulting on its obligations."
Not on international obligations. We can't default on those without risking war.
>If you write off Social Security as a ponzi scheme and sucker some Boomers out of their money, you have by definition defaulted on your debts.
Social security was formed in 1935. It's not a constitutional requirement for us to take care of boomers. If SS is removed by law, boomers can't enforce it in court.
>You are making my final statement here correct.
On the contrary. Our asset is OPEC oil. We have 1241 billion barrels of it to liquidize.

Worrying about the debt is a high school tier problem. It will either never be repaid (most likely) or never be repaid with uninflated currency.

>Raise taxes or sell your assets to pay your bills.
Instead of raising taxes, we just force OPEC to price and sell oil in dollars. That forces meme countries like Denmark to trade with us to get dollars to buy oil from OPEC.
>Pic related.
Go check the economy of major countries in the world. All of them trade with the U.S. This is not a coincidence. We spend all that money on our military to ensure OPEC prices and sells oil in dollars.
>We are the bullies and we don't need to raise taxes as long as we can bully you make stuff for us.

Attached: economyOfDenmark.png (1913x979, 121K)

US National debt issue was solved by Bernanke when he was leading the Fed.

The federal reserve now gives loans to Banks at a very low rate. These loans can ONLY be secured by US treasury bonds.

So the banks take this free money and go bid on US bonds, when the bonds mature they return the money to the Fed who instantly deletes it in the hopes of avoiding inflation.

Of course the banks keep the bond interest, the US keeps selling bonds at stupid prices and we are no longer dependent on foreign countries buying up our debt.

Until the whole thing breaks down one day, which it must. What, me worry?

Attached: s.jpg (550x483, 44K)

Yellowstone + new reserve currency

Mostly, it will cause some grief eventually, but in the end, who's going to make them pay it?

This mutt jew burger reserve currency exploit is why you no longer deserve it. You pretend it means you dont have to pay your own bills.

Sure, come spend some dollars seeing a most beautiful national park.

Attached: 3946.jpg (256x192, 8K)

>Yellowstone + new reserve currency
Meteor + No Danes.
>If you're going to rely on fantastical events to get your job done, then you are a meme country.

No. Yellowstone activation would be Worth it to execute you monkeys

>The federal reserve now gives loans to Banks at a very low rate. These loans can ONLY be secured by US treasury bonds.
>So the banks take this free money and go bid on US bonds, when the bonds mature they return the money to the Fed who instantly deletes it in the hopes of avoiding inflation.
Can you elaborate more on this. The Feds print dollars, and then lend it to private banks at low interest. But the loan can only be repaid in U.S. treasury bonds? Then where do the banks get the money to loan to the general public?

How hard would it be to activate?

To collect on debt, you need military force. The US military and nuclear project has made it impossible to collect on that debt. The debt meaningless.

>you monkeys
More pure than you I assure you

>This mutt jew burger reserve currency exploit is why you no longer deserve it.
Then who deserves it? You can bet your ass we're not giving it to you.
>You pretend it means you dont have to pay your own bills.
That's my question. Bills to whom? Do you not realize that because you're forced to trade with us, we don't have to pay our bills to you? You're already a vassal state of the U.S.

This is the retard burgers you really should be fucked by the entire world

>How hard would it be to activate?
Not sure. Maybe a single grenade, or a nuclear bomb. Not sure.

You are a shit monkey kill all humans


Pure at what? Being garbage excuse for human?

this exactly

>This is the retard burgers you really should be fucked by the entire world
Get real. Do you think it's possible for the entire world to rally against the U.S. for the petrodollar? Most of the world's military strength is in Asia. How are you going to transport so many troops to the U.S? Illegal immigration?

Attached: worldMilitary.png (1913x959, 140K)

if the US economy goes, most nations follow suit.
doesnt matter how much debt we have, we'll keep going till something breaks.