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Global thermonuclear war.
tfw no debt free white virgin without tattoos wife
This. Why even live?
major economic collapse worldwide. Niggers in South Africa start to flat out butcher whites. Small scale revolutions and conflicts begin in several parts of Europe. Russia and Ukraine duke it out.
easy because debt free virgins without tattoos exist =)
Brexit baby!
Happy New Year you bunch of lovely cunts
they're out there user. but that* one is mine !
Nuclear war, hopefully
Women continue taking over literally everything and making it about man hatred.
I think 2019 will be a year of women's supremacy and I'm not looking forward to it.
August 11th 2019. The golden gate bridge will be destroyed. shortly after the third temple will be built.
have a great day.
- Trump impeachement
- No deal brexit leading to 2nd Brexit referendum.
- European Union military announcement
- Pedophilia declared a sexual orientation
- Straight white males banned from universities
Also happy new year to the jannie, he does his painstaking, back breaking hard work for free!
happy new year
Also happy new year everyone
>Women supremacy
>propped up by man made governments, institutions and legislation
It's really all so tiresome
Happy New year!
Is that actually them?
most probably yes
Happy New Year potatoe user!
how fo you know?
Happy New year!
Whats Ireland like degeneracy wise nowadays? Im half irish half turkish and I have a chance to go work with gramps in Ireland when im done with uni. Should I do it? Or is the same as other western european countries
I know. Fucking cucks that allowed this should be branded on their foreheads as traitors.
New cryptocurrency created this year will rise and beat bitcoin by august.
Also, get off youtube. The whole soft half-assed censorship is intentional. Do you really think (((Susan wojcicki))) and patreon, and paypal, and mastercard and friends don't know about the streisand effect? Why didn't they just Alex-Jonesed everyone anyway?
i'm a big fan and this was leaked on the last mm thread. maybe its not them but I wouldn't mind if it is.
It's not fair
>Straight white males banned from universities
Let the firebombing begin.
white women have the best feet
>tfw when no astute waifu
7 predicted this
I don't see why people think feet are sexy
asian dude here
i have one of these - she said no one asked her out in junior high and high school because of her religiosity; no-makeup 7.5 natural strawberry blonde with blue eyes danish lineage attends church every sunday
someone fucked up but it wasn't me
feet and hands are hotter than ass and tits imo
lucky one, though
Happy new year pol
They gonna lean heavily on normalizing pedophilia. Confirm of digies
The third temple won't be fully built until april 2022. Yes, the construction will start on December 2019 but that's all.
soles are the most hidden part of the body
the sad thing is i'd literally have nothing against female empowerment if it weren't so intertwined with marxist groupthink
>moors have the best feet*
never give up
Capped juuuuuuust in case
Idk, I mean for me they don't have anything inherently sexual to them but I suppose it's subjective
that is discussable
You need to find an untapped natural reserve. They are out there to be found.
I can't be too specific, think clubs, societies, churches, think local.
look how small those toes are
would you bully my italian moor boy feet?
I went 26 years without one of these as well. Finally knew it was unrealistic given just how low women have fallen. Got a debt free hapa virgin without tattoos instead. I'm not complaining.
>hapa dude here, i'm an autistic robot but i sometimes masturbate to amwf porn and pretend its me to get a dopamine rush to feel less pathetic
why even go on anonymous imageboards and pretend hannah allyse is your girlfriend?
>lives in the balkans
>he hasnt taken the turkish women redpill yet
shame on you
that's too bad. what a waste of good white breeding stock.
>Hope you care about her racial value and get her artificially inseminated or cuked from a white man.
Wives are overrated. Better to take the red pill and just fuck around.
user is right, make it a new years resolution to be more social with women and work on getting yourself a qt
Hey stormfag, why all the white woman defending? They cause all your problems dipshit. None of the degeneracy we have now would be around if it wasn't for them.
Fuck marriage.
Kids were always on my list dude...
It's not for everyone, we've got two, fucking hard work but worth it.
you like girl feet (i think) but want to know if you hate mine because they are darker from the italian moor genes
Nah he should pump and dump.
post feet with timestamp and I'll give you my honest opinion
dont bully
Ringing in 2019 and not one of you Eurocunts could order a curry delivery to get a van of peace rolling and give us a happening. Cheap bastards.
>ywn DFVWT
Ruins the ego kick if it's a virgin
no timestamp no comment/review
Just took 60grams of meang da wish me luck. I hope to be unconssious before the bell rings.
rude :(
they are mine though.
You should, because nothing good comes from empowering your women. Your fertility goes into the toilet, both men and women end up unhappier, overspending due to women voting gibs for themselves, and so on
what is the names of the qt on the right. i swear i saw her somewhere besides this photo
>T I M E S T A M P
you'll just bully anyway and say my feet are moorish + dark
Don't know what to recommend really, the best scenario is when your crush is interested in you as well, test the waters of a girl you like and go from there
Rules are rules.
are you that british trap living in england with smelly italian feet? Are mine moor feets?
its not that hard. here i'll make the first step
Women are all around shitty people.
Bully it
also show upper side of feet with nail polish
Vai in palestra?
Defiantly go work with your grandpa for a while lad.
im not girl you silly
although i talked to this russian girl once and she bullied by saying my feet are girly looking and soft.
>second post no other post in entire thread
Wow, they’re all actually kind of attractive.
do i have moor feet? They are pretty dark.
It's in the numbers.
no not really
Nancy Pelosi AND Ruthy Bader Ginsberg both die !
Happy new year and never forget
We are all in 4 life here!
There is no escape.
i was relieved when I saw that believe it or not
i want a cute, pale germanic girl to bully me with her feet about how much darker mine are.
" “We propose a Civility Check that can accurately tell whether the e-mail you’re about to send is angry and caution you, ‘warning: this appears to be an uncivil e-mail. do you really and truly want to send it?’” he wrote. “(Software already exists to detect foul language. What we are proposing is more subtle, because it is easy to send a really awful e-mail message that does not contain any four-letter words.) A stronger version, which people could choose or which might be the default, would say, ‘warning: this appears to be an uncivil e-mail. this will not be sent unless you ask to resend in 24 hours.’ With the stronger version, you might be able to bypass the delay with some work (by inputting, say, your Social Security number and your grandfather’s birth date... "
Soon your every move will need to be okayed by the government minders programs 2019 the year of the MIND SLAVE
Good luck with the happas
i suppose that gets into a nature vs nurture argument re: whether females act that way in a vacuum or if it's socially ingrained. i've met women who do seem genuinely interested in individual self-improvement, but they're few and far between