why is the black community such a hotbed of sin? even in louisiana, a black catholic stronghold, they're still crazy sinners. whereas white and even hispanic catholics aren't sinners, at least not publicly and as grave like black people.
Catholic priests absolutely rocked my world as a young boy. Flipped onto my back on a pew and given the best hummer of my life. Well I was only 8. Still. Fond memories.
Then we swapped positions and I took a hot salty communion in my mouth. Delish.
To have a concept of sin and virtue you need to have a moral compass to begin with. Something the beast of the field lacks. There is simply no goodness in them.
Nolan Evans
but catholicism is fior all humans
original sin is washed away by baptism. why do they sin MORE and GRAVER than other races? what is their role in salvation if all they do is succumb to demons?
Samuel Wilson
>but catholicism is fior all humans Exactly, hence not for niggerz n spix
Jaxon Jackson
christiannity is a white supremacist religion, their "god" is a white boi u expect us to worship that? sheeit honkey u even dumber than i though
i have less problem with islam at least them niggas are moors
Adrian Powell
Because they're not really Catholic, like most who profess to hold Catholic values.
Jordan Parker
Case in point. These things are in a perpetual rebellion against all that is good and proper and only seek to worship their vile image.
Sebastian Turner
You don't understand what a human being is nor what a perfect being such as God is. The difference is summarized by Original Sin, but it's more complex than that. Basically, *all* men depend on God's grace for salvation. Jesus said it somewhat with this parable:
10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’
13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’
14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Men raised without fathers behave much like chimpanzees that do not know their place in society, no matter what race. With no father to punish violence and anti-social behavior, it then becomes the states problem.
This is also why most converts to Islam in America are also blacks. Islam preys on the vulnerable people of our society, especially the fatherless. They have no concept of god as our father, as Mohammed explained Allah as a master. For what other reason did he do that, other than that he was an orphan who had no reference for who a father is? And so it happens that these black men fall into physical imprisonment and spiritual slavery.
Evan Nguyen
Fatherless homes are just one of the many symptoms of their dysfunctional nature rather than the root of it.
Isaiah Bennett
>If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Everyone is a slave to sin. Even yall crackers
David Cruz
It's a great talking point when lying to normies.
Ethan Wright
>Everyone is a slave to sin The difference is that we recognize it and do our best to combat it.
Bentley Long
They are the descendants of Cain, the first murderer, who was turned into a nigger as punishment for murdering Abel.
I assume you're talking about americanized negro Catholics. Actual Africans are like a different species
Mason Cruz
This I believe. I think American black community is unironically a lot worse and way more broken than black communities in actual Africa (minus the civil war countries of course, but even there I still think they are less degenerate).
Liam Bailey
yes, true. a lot of the blacks in my parish are african or african once removed, or just foreign black. They are pretty concrete people. They have that loyalty and social order retained from the old continent.
Jordan Bell
Even the "bad" African countries aren't as bad as murrcan blacks. It has a lot to do with (((their))) undermining of the black family unit in the 20th century in the US. Most people don't realize that black families in the old days were at least as stable as white ones.
Caleb Lopez
Africa is plagued by the same cycle of never ending senseless violence, savagery, and squalor. It's even worse actually. Cannibalism and witchcraft are still going on. In Ghana there was a "pastor" recently stabbed to death after accusations of witchcraft and negroid sacrifice.
Jaxon Hughes
Unironically I'm not convinced that non-whites go to heaven. At the very least blacks don't get in
Ryan Gray
Yep. Liberal: They are oppressed by racism Conservative: It's fatherless homes! Basedman: It's their genetics
Cameron Price
Everywhere is a hotbed of sin. The hottest bed of sin is yours and my own and all of ours. To act as if we have moral superiority is difficult. Assuredly things like murder and thieving are problematic, but us whites do it on a state level so it’s not under the same lens.
Ian Williams
>To act as if we have moral superiority is difficult. I don't even have to ask if you'd rather stroll through Detroit at night or an all-White area.
You can tell a lot about somebody just by looking into their eyes. When I look at a White person I feel empathy, love, and just get a generally good vibe. With blacks it is like looking into a bottomless pit of darkness. There is just nothing there, nothing good anyways. There are exceptions here and there but the rule is ultimately what matters. Even animals like cats and dogs tend to have an aversion towards them. They sense things we often can not. They are more sensitive to the spirit realm too. >murder and theft on state level Explain
Luke Harris
fag user is here too wtf pls eat a bullet
Anthony Gonzalez
stop licking cats and you catlicks might have hope.
Not to worry. You’re religion will not make it changing the 10 commandments mate.
Dylan Lee
dey du not noe deh wey
Isaac Long
I might be wrong... But wasn't Catholicism forced on a metric shit ton of whites as well?
Juan Carter
Its the Roastie Church.
Jeremiah Nelson
So was education...
Levi Morgan
>Change the 10 commandments >Pray to the dead and idols >”Christmas” Avoid the catholic shill like you would all the others
Jace Perry
Funny how whites, the most humble of all peoples on this earth, are being humbled yet further. We'll apologize for a Spaniard spreading disease 500 years ago, and in return our communities get destroyed. … >Whites are humbling themselves before someone who is not god, but a false idol of justice. I suppose so, but isn't the church supposed to be the rock which can withstand the gates of hell? Why has it been cucking for 700 years? Why is it accepting sodomites within the clergy and bending to the will of this sinful society? What are you trying to imply? We created our own societies, made them the best in the world. Everything bad, that's the white man's fault. Everything good? Oh, he just got lucky. He just stumbled upon, "calm seas."
Brandon Foster
the fuck are you talking about
Alexander Brown
there has never been a system that has been created that people have not found ways to abuse or find ways to justify bad behavior. Also, niggers
Austin Jenkins
The only based catholics were the conquistadors (from spain and portugal) and their inquisition, also the crusaders.
Jack Hughes
I m not a Catholic (yeah I know just bare with me) but I think that they have the mindset that as long as they go to the confession booth, they're off scot free and can fuck shit up again.
Isaiah Russell
Only some crusaders where catholic. I forgot but one Prince led a Catholic army during the princes crusade. Forgot his name.
literally every rebellion here since ages excluding (((1922 civil war))) and mi5/mi6 infested troubles (70s)
Gabriel Peterson
>they're off scot free and can screw up again No, as that would be abusing God's forgiveness. Plus then you have have to go through the whole cycle of repentance, confession, prayer, and penance all over again.
Easton Hall
>Only some crusaders where catholic.
what? they all were catholics, when the protestants appeard crusades had already disappeared centuries ago
Nicholas Collins
Just ignore. Protestant posting is shill posting. Most shills on this board are atheist or Jewish, enemies of the church, But they can’t attack it on Jow Forums from those angles without blowing their cover or being ridiculed as a fedora, So they attack us from the angle of the most nihilistic Protestant. The type of Protestant who doesn’t celebrate Christmas with the rest of the family because they thinks it’s pagan, whose only theological book on their nightstand is the Bible, who thinks wearing a cross is a mortal sin, who doesn’t think they need to go to church, who thinks believing is enough, etc. And if they aren’t a shill, and are really a nihilistic Protestant, they can fuck right off. As a fellow Christian I only pray they make it to purgatory and don’t go immediately to hell.
Low IQ + almost all blacks are raised by single mothers.
Matthew Cox
The Spanish did nothing wrong. They did the right thing in conquering Mexico and deposing the Aztecs, who were sacrificing thousands of people per year. Stop believing British/Dutch propaganda.
Jack Wilson
That is NOT how confession works. Babby needs to have his children’s catechism reread to him again.
Blake Hall
>attacks catholics
>provides zio protestantism as the ((((solution))))
Because there are no black catholics. All of them are degenerate protestants or (((whitnesses)))
French nigger witchcraft
Michael Richardson
Bentley Taylor
>catholics only Hey! What are you doing in here? You guys playing with little boy poopers again in here? Stop it. Fuckin sickos.
Brody James
it came from the middle east.
Jonathan Kelly
yes there are. either way, why do black communities sin SO MUCH MORE than other groups? constantly breaking each and every commandment. just go on black twitter and you'll throw up. mortally sinning like no tomorrow
Jeremiah Bennett
kek whiter than mohammad tho
Kayden Foster
There are black catholics in the US? How do they look like? Are they similar to there african cousins or do they havr there own thing?
Daniel Johnson
Non wh!tes are beasts of the field. They aren't sons of Adam
Matthew Gray
I believe it must be a very small minority. As far as I can tell, overwhelming majority of blacks in the USA practices protestantism or aren't religious.
Parker Myers
What s the point of being pardonned by god if you don t sin ?
Colton Davis
that's not true
the black catholics are usually caribbean or african. but my question isn't about black catholics, it's about blacks. i want to know why secular black communities are SHITHOLES and secular white communities, such as sweden, are not.
Juan Murphy
You cannot not sin, the system is well ficeled
Jaxon Sanchez
>i want to know why secular black communities are shitholes Read post number six. They are beasts of the field. Only they are capable of doing this inside of a house of God. They respect nothing.
beast of the field = wild animals. that's all. nothing else to it.
Jeremiah Barnes
>protestantism was created by jesuit catlick martin luther so rome would have a make believe enemy.
Easton Taylor
All humans act a certain way without the grace and fear of God. What you see in those communities is how blacks act.
Jack Wright
it's a shame that blacks are without the grace and fear of God. remoresless dishonest thieves and murderers man
Cooper Peterson
There are nominal non practicing Catholics who live sinful lives and faithful Catholics who live out the faith. The nominal ones outnumber the real ones.
Charles Lopez
What other wild animal than the nigger is covered in sackcloth and has "hands" full of violence?