the pub if time itself had slowed... the giggles of terry & baz became slurred... the confrontation of the century has begun. Souf FC took two massive strides towards norf FC before bouncing forward and slamming his mountainous belly into Norf FC's chest. *boom*. the gods would be proud. Norf FC flies backwards stumbling over himself... all honour and joy has left him. but it gets worse. *crack* ... his back hits the corner of the snooker table. he's going down. *thud* his head smacks against a chair. *wahey* his flailing arm knocks a pint of fosters and a glass of rum n coke all over him. the shame. he gurgles the cocktail of sweat and beverage and desperately tries to get up. Souf FC is victorious once again.
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone got norf vs souf Dio Walk?
first for me
>white 26 year odl roastie who i haven't seen since school
>her face when she realises she has hit the wall and has no effect on me anymore
Someone just shouted "have you got a loicence fer dat" on BBC
quality brit/pol/ OC
Lads, realistically how easy would it be to go innawoods and off the grid?
What programme?
Very difficult as you’re only 6 feet away from a Barrett home anywhere in the uk
To the la in the last thread talking about smoking the fleas off.
In this country? You're having a fucking laugh.
JoJo meme this please
Suck on my dragon balls
When will the EU fuck off whining and crying about us leaving? Like a fucking fat girl you railed once while drunk, and now just want to get the fuck away from, but all she does is hang outside crying and screeching and threatening to get you fired or something.
Fucking pathetic, man.
>An introduction to off grid living in the UK
>moking the fleas off
Tinfoil, can you get high from smoking fleas of tinfoil?
>Feel extremely depressed and anxious all day
>Drink that first beer and feel normal again
What does this mean? I'm not an alcoholic, but I have a family history of alcoholism.
The suicidal thoughts and depression seem a bit more manageable now after a few beers.
Just destroy the grid.
difficult in the UK lad
theres pretty much no place that is untouched or unmanaged (farmland etc) - you might get lucky in the highlands but it'll be difficult to live there.
I too would like somewhere remote, innawoods but 60 mins drive to somewhere to get supplies etc - just not possible lad unless you move to America
why do you hate your own people and culture
I prefer the rough around the edges neanderfal norf fc brits to faggy bluepilled london types
ever fapped to ladyboys?
The Scottish Highlands are one of the least densely populated areas in Europe. You can go for days without coming across a road.
its self depreciating banter
Nah, that's alcoholism. If you need to drink to feel 'normal', then you've got a problem. Sorry, lad.
followed this guy for a while - pretty comfy viewing but he got really lucky in his situation to get off the ground - probably not doable for anyone else
I admire you honesty, it seems everyone has
>south wins
Except at football and fighting and mass immigration.
During the madness gig, just before the started a new tune
Happy new year chaps
Thought I scored big when I was matched with this 10/10 mixed race girl
Her profile was "...t-girl..." She had to explain to me over the phone what that meant..Thinking back I did think her voice sounded too deep to be a womans.
Almost met up with it, lads.
I don't 'need' to drink to feel normal. The thoughts are still there, but it's like that first beer acts as almost...a blanket placed over the thoughts of suicide and depression. I have started craving a pint after work lately too. I'm on antidepressants, and they are working in some areas, but not in others. Suicidal ideation is definitely exacerbated on them.
I'm in the fucking Higlands RIGHT NOW, and I can assure you, AS A FACT, that I can drive from one end of it to the other in about 3 hours, crossing multiple villages, roads, and hordes of fucking EU cunts in caravan parks the entire way. From the bottom of Scotland to Thurso is about an 8 hour drive at a sedate pace. From Inverness to Ullapool about 3.
You don't know what you're talking about. It's a tiny country.
Shemale on female > Male on female
i bet he has lice
pets which are always with you
The norf is what happens when there's an absence of culture.
>not building a lil cuckshed out of recycled pallets
Did she still have her willy?
>drink that first beer and feel normal again
literal definition of alcoholism.
what are you doing in guatemala anyway ivan?
Remind me where Dewsbury and Bradford and Rotherham and Blackburn are?
This is brit/pol/, everyone has at least done that and/or patted an Irishman's head.
>i bet he has lice
>says the Guatemalan
Didnt ask lol but if I was to guess i would have said yes (hence the warning before hand)
Are you seeing anyone? The alcohol isn't going to help long term, and it'll probably mess with the meds, too. I'm not telling you this to fuck up your life - it's just in my view some people are alcoholic at a genetic level and you can't control it. Fine now while you're young and still reasonable able to adapt, but once you become really set in your ways and dependent, it'll destroy you.
I'm just saying.You seem a good kid.
england init
>rated it 10/10 before he knew
should have flipped it over and gone to town lad
I was shocked when I discovered Inverness is only 7 hours from me (Birmingham). Thought it would be 12 minimum. This really is a small country.
Dude is on SSRI's too.
Nothing learnt
Depends on what part you're in. You may see the occasional gravel/dirt road, but you can easily get a weekend hiking trip out of it without encountering civilisation.
But I don't crave beer badly or drink until I pass out. I know my limits.
the fir cones spread across the table really bring the room together
I thought this too but Skye is cram packed full of chinks and niggers there on holiday. you'd have to go to the very norf west coast where there is literally nothing and only accessible by boat or off road
Probably is seven hours if you drive like a bloody Spaniard.
I love seeing roasties age like milk
v guatemale yo doomaioo que es mas govno que russia
I'm visiting a therapist, but I am on antidepressants, and I have one or two friends left, and they're both friends I've known for over at least a decade. But my depression keeps telling me they don't want me, and that they're objectively doing better than me in life, and that causes anxiety in me. So I drink to numb the pain, despite my parents' concerns.
Tu espanyol es superbueno tio
>Tfw too much champagne
The same is true for all of Europe.
pissed off girl walking down street with her drunk bf shouting abuse at her
makes me proper angry because he reminds me of myself when i used to get drunk
I'm on SNRIs. I tried SSRIs, and they didn't work at all. These ones worked very well in the beginning, but I've noticed a sharp increase in suicidal ideation.
Am Scottish can confirm, HOWEVER, it's still not densely populated outside of Glasgow.
Even Edinburgh is pretty much a big town
>the fag has suicidal thoughts
Fucking do it you waste of space
yup, lel
was invited by a friend, the offer was ok so I decided why the hell not
no pats for you
How do spainards drive?
that's called dinner m8
>I'm visiting a therapist, but I am on antidepressants, and I have one or two friends left, and they're both friends I've known for over at least a decade. But my depression keeps telling me they don't want me, and that they're objectively doing better than me in life, and that causes anxiety in me. So I drink to numb the pain, despite my parents' concerns.
See Complete and utter shame on the both of you low test pillow munchers. Absolute states of ye's
Nope. You cannot. Why lie? The west coast is riddled with fucking long-term hippie encampments full of fucking stoners and god knows what else. Skye is so rammed they were even thinking of shutting down access to it over the summer.
Sturgeon and the Scots love to make out it's so low-population but what they really mean is it's low-populated with people who actually fucking work. The rest is EU shit - and believe me, they are here to the extent of being a fucking infestation. The ONLY place where what you say MIGHT be true could be on the islands but given they're so small, you'd manage a half-day's camping at most.
>Not buying South African wine whilst it still exists
how many TV sets does the queen have? asking for a chap
gdye v guatemale? yo byl alli in pesado.
Yeah. Faster if you drive like a regular white man. I usually do the other way - pontefract to morpeth, then Kinross service station to inverness in about 3 hours.
As if their pregnant wife is in the passenger seat.
I can't. My parents are still alive.
Can't wait for the nogs to take over so I can buy premium VQA South African Jenkem
Give me a second, I'll ask.
>I am on antidepressants
Dont take these fucking kike pills they make you 10x worse in the long term.
Get out for a month and go somwhere you can clear your head and detox from any drug and then start good eating, sleeping and exercise habits and youll be on your way to feeling better- not gonna fix everything, youll still feel depressed constantly but but its a start and it will clear your head so you can meditate or find ways to deal with the problem better.
Its all about the cope- embrace the depression but do it healthily- we were never meant to be happy- those happy idiots are slave npc's with no soul