Is nationalism really a good thing?
Wouldn't we better off as one united country? One planet? Surely then we would be better off
Is nationalism really a good thing?
Wouldn't we better off as one united country? One planet? Surely then we would be better off
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Of course. Nationalism is primitive tribalism used to manufacture consent.
i dunno, it caused WW1, WW2, Cold War era, and so on.
That's exactly what it is. TRIBALISM. We have to abandon such primative ideals to move forward
>Wouldn't we better off as one united country?
hell no
the very idea makes me sick in the pit of my stomach
No, you raging fucking retard.
It's not about 'nationalism' - it's about democratic accountability. The closer your legislators, the more you influence the laws that you abide by.
Really not fucking hard to comprehend, you fucking shill.
Why not? It eliminates competition and means no one is getting screwed, invaded, and out competed. Why should we be losing out with protectionism when we could be trading without barriers?
Once then niggers and kikes are gone, then we can abandon nationalism. but even then i like diverse people remaining diverse.
Why should I view somebody differently just because our ancestors are from the same region.
>Wouldn't we better off as one united country? One planet?
Yep, just as soon as all the kikes, niggers, spics, chinks, and other shitskins are dead.
We have no choice it has to be done or the aliens will interfere.
>earth votes for a leader
>mexicans, niggers, chinks, poos, and sweden vote for gibs
>everything goes to shit
Great argument.
Give it time.
Countries and nation states will soon be a thing of the past. Our descendants will look back on us and think how primitive we were going to war over arbitrary borders and flags.
We need a one world government.
you've got a whole lot more to lose than to gain from that deal, my british friend
how will you ensure that people wont find differences after the one world government
lamaquon will realize martin cole is 3% more mixed than him, and war will ensue
There's no need for such racism agaisnt your FELLOW humans
We don't have the technology. Instead of developing it, we are supporting shitskins, niggers and kikes. They are unable to maintain an independent society, and they have been unable to do so for centuries.
united under european hegemony and imperialism, perhaps. We were pretty close to achieving that. But if you think you can live as equal next to the rest of the savage world, you're a fool.
>world government
>countries and nation states being in the past
yeah maybe in 500-1000 years
fuck you illuminati shill.
Where will you run when the reality of human darkness manifests in a worldwide collective power structure?
to be honest, we already have world government. it's called "UN" and it's useless as fuck
>not even trying to hide it now
>Surely then we would be better off
why? people being mean to each other isn't a reason, it's not like you'll stop race and religion from existing, and even if you did, people will always find a way to classify themselves; everyone feels the need to be part of a group of their own, not just one giant blob
Nationalisim preserves culture, culture preserves strength. Having cultural strength makes it harder to control you.
We'll see.
>hurr durr iluminerti durr
It's useless because it has no real authority.
It would be best, but I doubt that "one country" can be legit prior to years of asimilation (also setting which of culture takes over); or authoritarian force. Obviously not before trash is taken out.
How would someone run that in a way that it could possibly be kept accountable and fair to all of the different cultures and people?
What's wrong with a new world order? Like seriously? What do we have to lose?
The same way that large multicultural countries like the US or China are run. The EU is also a good example.
Tell them that.
>Great argument.
if you don't understand why that's best for everyone you're an absolute retard who i'm not even sure i can help
All three things you listed are fucking awful though.
Most countries are garbage. I don't wanna be associated with them.
Okay then don't bother. Not interested in having a discussion with a brainlet who's incapable of explaining his reasoning. Probably incapable of reasoning at all.
US, EU and China are bad? Depends where you live. They're all big places.
t. American who hasn't ever travelled outside of north America
Literally utopia. The world is too diverse to coexist and speak as one. Cultures are too different from each others and some groups are too wide. If it had to be democratic chinks and poos would choose for everybody.
The world is, relatively, at peace now (in terms of war activity compared to the past). Competitiveness isn't a bad thing imo, it boosts up progression and development.
Divided we stand
>Most countries are garbage
America is a literal shithole outside of rich and upper middle class neighborhoods
You mean the three biggest economies in the world?
>manufacture consent
>I just watched a documentary/read a book, and you should know that!
you're right though
When you take selective pressure off an organism it degenerates.
Nations must compete for mankind to stay healthy.
So why can't minorities lead the way and abandon their tribalism? If they are that serious about it..
>Okay then don't bother. Not interested in having a discussion with a brainlet who's incapable of explaining his reasoning. Probably incapable of reasoning at all.
i laugh at your pitiful taunts, dumb shit
How does it eliminate competition? We are still competing for resources under globalism.
Yes one nation would be better. All of you faggots bend the knee to Trump and renounce your sovereignty; and we might let you prospect into our club.
if it goes wrong you're stuck on gulag planet.
fucking dipshit retard. would unironically shoot you just to see if you bleed chocolate milk.
Wrong. You're forgetting about the 95% of America that is rural, nature, parks, reserves.
Brazil has beautiful nature as well, it is still a shithole outside the gated communities.
By having only one country, you risk the whole thing being a mess. And then where can you flee? Nowhere. By having lots of countries, you can at least count on some countries being stable and prosperous. The best example is the U.S.
It's called genetic drift:
Pic related, an example.
do want to be living in an Islamic version of China, because that's how you get an Islamic version of China.
This. Would have USA lend on the moon if USSR wasn't competing with them? Hell no. The fact nobody has done it again proves it. Competition is healthy even in the scariest ways.
>implying the moon landing was real
I think the whole wide world would be a nicer place if only everyone would be nicer to everyone else and if we take peaceful nice refugees from parts of the world where it is nasty and not nice then we can all live together in harmony and be nice to everyone!
Wouldn't it be a nice thing to do just to be nice to everyone?!?!?!?
remember. there's only 1 one race - the human race
#refugeeswelcome #hopenothate #iamaniceperson #everythingislovely #jesuswasarefugee
>Wouldn't it be a nice thing to do just to be nice to everyone?!?!?!?
it would be nice user, but others only want to take advantage. they don't have spirit. they're neither animal nor human. they're parasites.
Yeah Kubrick staged it, of course.
Anyway you will understand what I meant once China starts mining Helium-3 on the moon.
That fish doesn't have eyes because there's no need for it in caves and it takes a big chunk of the brain to have vision.
>they're parasites
eww! that's not very kind of you mister grumpy-trousers
can't you find it in your heart to be sweet and nice?!?!
Bait thread.
Im not going to discuss places outside of europe because their are not as evolved as us. Genetically and culturally.
Now within Europe we are a diverse set of people and uniting us in one will kill all of our cultures. But we can be nationalistic within our boundries of working together to stave off the menace of the outside world.
>can't you find it in your heart to be sweet and nice?!?!
wish i could, but maddox said it best; "you have a finite amount of sanity" or something along those lines. empathy works the same way, and my has been all but depleted. i long for the day of the rope, but i know it's a pipe dream. we're too domesticated.
although, that's not how you get things done. you can't say it's a pipe dream. you have to believe it's possible.
Imagine being governed but by another nation values and standards. Not the worst of all , but not the best of all either. 2-3 % of what you would consider 'English value' but nothing much. Also all priviledge of being english are now equalised to a more low 'worldly' level. Because One world governement means borders has no value, Millions of south afrikans have as much rights about the land as you. Imagine being torn between the interest of hyper-corporations and masses of animals. That's your life now , you got no nation, barely a name and you'v no rights.
>implying you can ever get niggers to change
>what’s wrong with forcing all cultures to dissolve in a hideous, meaningless void of consumerism populated by npcs?
Sage this kikery
Wouldn’t it be better if you weren’t a mentally retarded beta male?
>hurr durr only white people should abandon nationalisms, and I’m totally not a kike btw
>Wouldn't we better off as one united country?
No. The UK should become more segregated with walls around each county.
I agree. US should conquer the planet and remove the tumors of civilization. Unless cucked britbong wants a big red dick in the ass while he watches the world burn under a globalist commie rule.
Unless theres a hostile alien species to unite against, it wont happen. And if for some reason it does, it wouldn't work without that common goal. Cant have a global system without force. Youd have to erase all but one language, youd have one leader, one government. And what government would that be? Who would decide? Democratic vote? Or maybe a conquering force? World communism? What do you do with the people who dont agree? Silence them? And what of all the unfriendly or unfavorable lands? Are the people to abandon them and huddle in nice comfy Hawaii?
As you can see, a globalist rule would be more than complicated, and people who dont like it have nowhere to turn, so will strike back like a cornered animal. The only option is to kill off much of the population.
If you really want the world to be run like the EU, you're a massive faggot who loves taking it in the ass. It's a terrible example of a governing system otherwise.
I have. Can confirm. Shitholes in central and south America. East Asia is good. Southeast not so much. Europe is turning to shit now, at least Germany, France, and UK. Never been to Africa, or India. I'm sure worse.
>Cold War caused by nationalism
You cannot be so stupid, no way.
Nationalism started big 1848, you piece of shit. Until then Europe was 3 large empires, full of cock-sucking globalists. What you push now, is modern feudalism.
The left want to complain about big corporations,money in politics..what do you think nationalism is? its about putting the interest of the community over global capitalists/capitalism.
>human social consciousness develop with a global horizon in mind
listen here
>Wouldn't we better off as one united country?
Only the whites. There's a reason why Britain, with seven ethnicities, managed to found the world's biggest empire, while Ghana, with about a dozen, is a massive shithole where half the population lacks proper sewers or electricity.
For what reason?
There's a very good reason that Nationalism exists at all. Generally, nations/communities/ethnic groups/families will stick together against the "others"
Globalism would be a good system if you could actually expect to get a fair shake. Unfortunately this isn't the case and within such a large system, power would corrupt the power holders and SOMEONE would be screwed.
Now who do you think that would be, user?
>nationalism caused the wars of imperialism
and let me guess, war itself is the product of nationalism and would simply end along with all conflict were we to surrender our sovereignty
fucking utopianists
btw multiculturalism caused the Holocaust