Is this the official “ I’m a bootlicker” bumper sticker?

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Is this the official "waaaaaa a cop took my skate board" thread?

What's the blue line supposed to indicate?

"the thing blue line" is essentially the cops. They're the line between us and feral niggers


Cop uniform I think
Idk why certain people get so triggered by bootlickers. I've seen it on the left and the right.

There's a saying the the cops here (the boys in blue) are the "thin blue line" protecting the people from criminals.
It's fucking horse shit. Cops here have no obligation to serve nor protect anyone. They fine you for minor infractions, or shoot you or your dog when you don't do what they say.

Some cops will serve and protect out of the goodness of their own heart, but any population of people is going to have good guys. Cops here have a much higher rate of violent offenses than the general public, including spousal abuse, they're just protected by their cop friends. Biggest gang in the country.

funny because most cop uniforms aren't even blue anymore, but black, for more authoritatian effect. i want bacon

It's the official "fuck niggers" bumper sticker

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Leftist Gen Xer spotted.

I think this entire whole thread is 'Im a fucking nig nogging nigger mcnigger" post

I figured it was because it stands out less

bootlickers bow down to cops and actually think they're here to protect you like the beta males they are. Literally one move from the government and you don't exist anymore. We'll see how much you enjoy these cops when the police states happen

>it'll be different when things are different!

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Hey ponyfaggot mind talking to your faggot pony friend before posting and getting fucking hung?

>"the thin blue line"

Ah right, i heard that expression before.
Thanks Anons

And yet these same pigs always want you to kneel before them at gunpoint.

officially "I support the police", unofficially " I hate niggers".

Oh look this same exact thread again. I guess when youre an npc all you can do is copy paste content.

Basically how asshole piggies think they're some kind of a branch of the army and are basically above the law.

This. Mine says Blue Lives Matter

ok, this is epic

It's the get out of a ticket sticker. Works more then not.

This thread is supremely better than the /ptg/ bootlick daily threads

That's the FOP sticker you're thinking of.

Do you realize how pointless it is to complain about copy paste threads on Jow Forums?

Getting paid some fat OT rn to watch the ball drop in Times Square while cunts like you shitpost on NYE lmfao

if you have problems with police, you prolly aren't white and i don't care about your problems.

Spoken like a glorified mall security guard. I can smell the bacon from here.


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Holy fuck I'm BTFO
Speaking of bacon thanks for paying for my house paypig


without police there would be no one to protect them

the same thin blue line that keeps cops from telling on other cops and allows them to escape punishment for violating the exact laws they are sworn to protect

kill yourself you disgusting worthless nigger

You lolbertardian faggots can keep crying. As long as the coppers keep shooting niggers, I'm jelly.

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yet oddly enough, throughout history, stories exist of regular folk defending themselves as necessary.

and not one of them was a fat donut eating overgrown nerd everyone picked on in gradeschool

I have mixed feelings about cops.

Cops have been really nice dudes to me in my life---one of my life time best friends became one.

I don't know what to say....I've also seen police be power tripping yeah...

No its the, "Keep killing brownies boys Freddie Gray downed best day ever" sticker

If you have a problem with police its probably because you are a criminal druggie.


Berniebros hate fascists rascits corrupt cops too

>wahh I should be able to drink and drive if I want! THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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way to show how irrelevant you are, pops

I wear blue line clothing, not really out of support for law enforcement, but out of contempt for black people, specifically black lives matter. Blue line is basically the counter movement to BLM. It's basically a somewhat subtle fuck you to niggers. It also has the added potential of serving as a get out of jail free card. Cops are much more lenient with you if they see that you support them.

>Cops here have no obligation to serve nor protect anyone.

this is true, ask the judge

Cops, schools had no duty to protect students during Parkland shooting, judge rules

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Threadly reminder: if you have ever had issues with the cops, you are not white.


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You cannot force someone to risk their lives. Police are not military.
Oh but I'm sure you, a law student with many years of study under their belt, has a vast educated opinion on it. Tell me, I'm interested in your surely unique and knowledgeable response; to what degree should cops be forced to risk their lives to serve and protect someone? If a cop refuses to run into a burning car wreck to try and drag someone to safety should they be charged with not being willing to endanger themselves for someone else? Cops can't be everywhere at once, they're very limited in number because despite there being no end to stupid faggots and niggers complaining about them nobody wants to step into their shoes to try and do anything about it. Should they be charged for not showing up to each and every available call immediately? Every moment they spend attending a more immediate threat is a moment they're not protecting or serving you, so should they be stripped of their job for that?

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i'm italian and everybody thinks im white so eat shit

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>i'm italian
>everybody thinks i'm white

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whiter than you

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if you have hairy arms you're not white.

And the lighting in my room is what's doing that.

Why are you showing off your comically stubby fingers? You should feel shame and hide those silly little fingers in your pocket at all times!

>i-it's the lighting and also I'm not prepubescent I'm just a real white man!
>those hairy snow dwelling nordic aryan men aren't white! us m*diterranean pasta-niggers are!
Fucking pathetic, it's just like those Amerimutt shitposts except real.

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Chris Dorner was a hero

Fuck all cops

i'm 19

And why do you hate southern europeans

Dorner was a cop.

>Mediterraneans are considered Europeans now
How low europoors fall.

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Seriously, what the fuck. He posts like a drug dealer.

Nailed it.

Fpbp pack it up people

Those jungle bunnies wouldn't do that shit tf those two grunts were looking. As stunted as the nigger brain is, even they understand that a FAL is serious fucking business

No, anything supporting (((the military))) is.

Cops are basically a military unit

the police are becoming the paramilitary arm of political correctness. the cops are more likely to shoot white people under any circumstances. The police are more likely to let black people off for crimes too.

Kys bootlicker