I can't wait to see leaf fags explain this one
The government of Canada makes saying 'Thank You' illegal
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so what do i say to my dog after it blows me? gimme your food?
Why do you Americans keep giving Israel $38 Billion a year of your hard earned tax dollars? Thank you.
>more reasons for leaves to commit suicide
wow, it really is a happy new year after all
Praise Allah
Your country created Bono. And you haven't committed suicide yet? Can you get on that?
>"You've affronted me with your thanks."
Thank you
This is satirical news like the onion. Sage this thread.
What is it going to take for you pathetic effeminate little cowards to fight back?
I need confirmation
is this legit or cbc pulling a prank?
Doesn't look like satire to me
This has to be satire, but it appears not to be. I'm in the full grip of Poe's Law right now. Can some leaf take the black cock out of xir mouth and explain if I'm being memed or not?
isnt that canadian's favorite thing to say?
nvm just checked "this is that", sum dum shit (((comedy)))
So we can thank them
Leafs take note how easily we all believed that this was true.
It's sad that it's tough to tell these days.
speak for yourself nigger. first thing i did was check the source.
Satire nonsense
There is no law, or ruling, or president which supports this.
The CBC is publishing "fake news"
Fuck I hate the people in this place
Thanks all!
Rocketman still has all his nukes but Blumpf already blew him. Thank you.
holyfucking shit is this actually real?
also just wanted to for
it is satire, here's another """story"""
>Canadian becomes the world's first person to apologize for being hit by a car
Leaf bullying is a serious problem on Jow Forums and needs to stop.
Hey, u can can’t say that
What is this Canadian shite?
Mustn't say "Thank you" because it thanks an individual.
Must say, Thanks all" as if everyone had something to do with whatever it is that you are thanking an individual for.
What could be better than that?
Where should all this PC shite lead?
I know.
I know.
Best idea yet.
Instead of thanking helpful individuals why not thank one of those non-existent God thingies.
"Allah be praised".
Canada wake up. Get rid of this PC shite before it paralyses your minds and your liberal pluralistic democracy, you fuckwits.
Hahaha it’s board culture, Nancy
>still not as bad as generating Canadians every year
Go blow a dingo you drunk abbo.
You're a full fucking idiot
Easiest Google search of my life
Ok...must be a catch to it.
justin is trolling us he knows how dumb the average person is here he is doing all these things as shit tests to see how far he can go
"Thanks Trude...
>you can fuck your dog but not be polite
canada r u ok?
Knowledge is power
Lol, that article. I like the part where it says female Muslims will still be permitted to say “thank you” but all other Canadian citizens must say “thanks all.” Canada you are now officially worse than Sweden.
There's no individualism in canada, what xi meant was all of society affronted xim with xem thanks and we should all appoligise to each other.
It’s a joke!
There is no thank you in Chinese
On behalf of those who read the article:
>theres no law or anything making it illegal
>just a woman and a "government initiative" (basically a nothingburger)
>This is That
this is a parody & comedy section of the CBC. This Is That is some satire liberal canadian comedians that write this shit.
not bad considering how believable it is
Apologizing will "thank you's replacement
xie xie
You're thanking them for stealing from you and killing your young men in wars? Thank you for being a good goy.
>TFW you don't know if reality is just fucking with you at this point
Fuck our government.
I'm done defending this place.
Canadians worse, kek confirms.
Thank you
I don't know. Maybe you can ask your wifes boyfriend for some advise.
>TFW you know for a fact that it is. The simulations handlers are making shit ever more bonkers to see how long it takes us to snap out of it.
Thank you.
I have a feeling this is going to become the standard reply to leafposters
Assuming this isn't a joke article and that leafs have balls to begin with:
I sure do hope they do this and just publicly say it every chance they get until they repeal this retarded (((law))).
This is a parody - everybody relax.
Yeah, but Canada is a parody. So that means it must be real.
Now what will my cousin say to all the wives of wh*toids he impregnates?
how's the scam business treating you?
Name a gayer country than Canada
Just when I think we've seen all the disappointment possible out of Canada...
>The government of Canada makes saying 'Thank You' illegal
And I say to those CBC idiots:
"Fuck you very much."