300.000 Russians fought on German side against Jewish Bolshevism in WW2

The Russian Liberation army ( Russian "POA" German: "RBA", was 300.000 men strong, while the biggest unit in there were the Cossacks.
Their leader was General Helmut von Pannewitz.
At the end of the war, Helmut von Pannwitz could avoid to get handed over to the Soviets, but he said: I stood in good times with the Cossacks and I will stand in bad times with them.
On 16. January 1947 he was executed in Moscow.

Attached: Generals_Shkuro_and_von_Pannwitz.jpg (900x523, 85K)

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Cut the lies Hanz. Our ancestors kicked yours asses and you are now my long distant cousin cuck.

I'm half-Russian myself, so fuck off, inbreed retard.

>was 300.000 men strong
That doesn't sound right. Even the Wikipedia article that claims this can only list 3 divisions with 42.000 men in total.
Face it, Germany came to exterminate the Slavs. If Germany truly came as liberator all the white emigre would've joined you, and they were some 500.000 with strong ties to the populace.

Well, honestly I'm also not sure about the real intentions of Hiotler, but what I'm sure, is, that the Wehrmacht didn't had the intention to kill Russians, they really tought the were only in Russia to free it from communism.

How did he get this haircut so slick? Asking for a friend

Germany never used propaganda to recruit local populace (could be ideological or a wasted opportunity to raise manpower or maybe logical problems). Plus in Russian territory partisans were a thing and the further they went he less they trusted the population.

my dad told me they used to use mayonnaise

>my dad
ofc nigger

>Our ancestors
I guarantee 'your' ancestors would be kicking your fag teeth in, Commie.
The Bolsheviks were not Russian.

those were the only based Russians ever.

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russian ubermensch hairline

fuck off then


Why are you surprised.
The remainder of the White Army wanted to remove the communist government that subjugated their people.

tfw ywn be a hiwi captured by the soviets

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Meme flag . Larping fag

The similarities between the US today and 1918 Russia are astounding.

Attached: communism rules.jpg (329x1280, 172K)

Makes me sad to read about WW2 and see these types of old world groups invoking their own history and tradition as one final rallying cry against the wave of godless, materialist, modernity brought on by the Allies.

Churchill, Stalin, and FDR are all burning in hell. History will vilify them for their crimes.

Attached: 677E9531-7C9D-4C23-AFB9-28FAFED63639.jpg (500x704, 134K)

Defectors/Survivors from the white armies fed into early Nazi antisemitism.

Well yeah. How do you think Germany managed to last so long against everyone? French were big supporters of the Nazis too.

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