As we all know India will be a superpower in one year. What kind of implicatons will it bring to the world?

As we all know India will be a superpower in one year. What kind of implicatons will it bring to the world?

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How 2 poo in loo-classes will be implemented nationwide over there.
Corresponding cartoons and songs for children will be created.

Its 2020
>Tulsi wins the elections and India takes over.

I can see it now

Poo-in-loo, Poo-in-loo where are you?
Here i am, here i am, how do you poo?

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Those fucking songs. I bet they are a rogue Indian AI hell bent on making youtube shekels.

In India people poop in the street without using a toilet. Gotta get some toilets India if you want to join Western Civilization

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Wrong, San Francisco & Portland also shit in the street, they've evolved beyond toilets sewers.. Silly goy.

No one will care because India doesn't start shit with other countries.