The weak should fear the strong

The weak should fear the strong.

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> straight
oh, the irony...

I could masturbate to the bottom girl's face.

Well, they wanted "equality", heh, enjoy!

the symbol on that bitches uniform looks like one of those nigger drawn swastikas...

the future is trans, get used to it females

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men proving they are better women than women, good one leftards

This is great. Men are far better at being women.

hail hortler

I'm cisappointed in all of you

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Faggot beats up girls, no one cares, gets trophy.

Her dare you laugh at her mustache and Adam's apple!

It's a girl on test.

Isn't this a woman who identifies as male pumped up on testosterone?

She's no faggot.

Yes. Texas makes them compete as they were born.
They need to outlaw roid users

just a friendly reminder that this boi is peak twink and i'de smash that literal boipussy with the power of a thousand exploding suns

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>"not a man"
>gets put in female wrestling
>destroys them
>wow this is bad


You are correct polacks always get confused by this story. She is a girl on high test that wanted to wrestle boys. Based Texas said you are what you are born with and she must wrestle other girls...only difference is she has 3 years of performance enhancing test in her body.
This country used to make fun of chinese female swimmers that looked like men because the cheating was so apparent.
Now the liberals accept it. The best part is for every girl she beats, she redpills not just that girl, but her parents who went to every practice and wrestling match up to that point cheering for their little girl.

hero to the patriarchy

>roid up
>'rassle nattt sluts

It's a girl faggot

exactly, so it's not gay
checkmate biphobe :^)

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Hippy chicks not shaving their pits is gross. Pass no smash

I've read this story many times before.
In it's defense, it wants to compete in the men's wrestling league but isn't allowed to.

This should be a Disney movie. It's very inspiring.