Claims to have Jewish ancestry

>claims to have Jewish ancestry
>doesn't want to bend the knee to AIPAC
>criticizes Israel early and often
>doesn't seem on the surface to be part of the Zionist cabal
>wants to eat the (((bankers))) alive

Here's the thing, faggots. Something most of you are aware of is that there are many sects of Kikes around. Most of the attention here goes towards Askhenazis, Khazars, and Israeli (honestly which are mostly Khazars and some Ashkenazis) Jews. One group that doesn't get talked about a lot are the Sephardic Jews.

Here's a pink pill (red and white) about Sephardic Jews. They hate Ashkenazis and Khazars. Let me repeat that... they HATE the other kikes. Probably more than you do. Jews are typically very matriarchal, and part of that is their ability to hold a grudge until the end of time, and the Sephardic hatred toward other groups of Jews is akin to the same hatred two sisters have toward one another over ruining a marriage. It's personal, and they nurture that hatred more closely than they do their own children. They consider themselves to be racially superior, and more "pure" Jewish than the other groups of Jews. They believe very much in the diaspora, and therefore despise Israel regardless of how religiously active they are.

Make no mistake, they hate Christians too because of the Spanish inquisitions (Sephardic bloodlines typically come more from the Iberian peninsula than anywhere else) but their hatred towards us is secondary to other Jews.

You want to know the best strategy for taking down the kikes? Fuel this rivalry and widen the schism.

Attached: ocasiocortez.jpg (780x439, 21K)

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did anyone find her nudes yet?

omg those Sephardic fuggin' MILKERRRRRS

I would gladly get excommunicated from my group of racist friends to get a chance at motorboating those fucking milk sacks.

She's so adorable the way she gets worked up about stuff she's doesn't fully understand

And the milkers are definitely a bonus

Go larp as a commie and romance her and let her have your nazi children

Yeah, Sephardics, in true Iberian style, consider themselves to be the most racially pure and superior group of Jews, but they're typically the most retarded.

But as an example of this longstanding rivalry, back in the colonial period of American history, groups of Sephardic settlers in the Carolinian colonies would go out of their way to persecute other groups of Jews like Ashkenazis and Khazars because they fucking hated them so much.

www accessgenealogy com/america/happened-sephardic-jewish-colonists.htm

"A Protestant minister in Savannah wrote, “Some Jews in Savannah complain that the Spanish and Portuguese Jews should persecute the German Jews in a way no Christian would persecute another Christian.” "

This is the first time I've ever dreaded this... but...
Fuckin' checked, son.

Gonna make my way to romance the dummy.

you can't be a jew if you're atheist
you cant be a commie and a jew since it is a competing religion which replaces the previous faith in the host individual

she has the crazy eyes of s bunny boiler

>Kangaroo post
Wrong opinion discarded.

>crazy eyes of a bunny boiler
Incidentally you prove my point here:

>Sephardic hatred toward other groups of Jews is akin to the same hatred two sisters have toward one another over ruining a marriage.