This is America

This is America....

Attached: 1516319858718.jpg (480x854, 42K)

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Fake nigger fronting but you should report him anyways.

Imagine telling on yourself this hard

bro its real. The white dude refused to give this one black nigger 15 dollers so he sucker punched him.

>commit violent hate crime
>accuse the white victim of saying "nigga"
>no charges, social media likes
the current state of Trump's America

is that a leftist with ketchup?

Talk shit get hit. You don't see his simyan form in your trailer park for similar reasons.

That is literally a utility worker

Why is the photo bigger than the post?

ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies

FBI report - Israelis caught with bombs on 9/11

Christopher Bollyn 2014 (60 min lecture)
“Israel Is Behind the 9/11 Attacks and Iraq Wars”
(keep in mind this guy used to be an alex jones nwo NWO missiles and holograms, believer. and may well be being prepped to be a spokesperson for Israel's 9/11 attack hitting the mainstream)

FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1

RT News and Press TV journalist Ryan Dawson - War By Deception 2013

BBC journalist Alan Hart on Israel and 9/11

RT News - Was 9/11 an Inside Job

Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, ( mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot

2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...

3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'

continues to blame the CIA for storing bombs in the towers.... ,,.,..,,,

Black people were a mistake.

Finally! About time the black man stood up and took what is rightfully his. Black people built this country, whites are just leeches exploiting us for their advantage. Give the country back to the native black people. Black lifes matter!!!!!!!

Good for him.

Anybody that says that word deserves to be knocked the fuck out

dude probably told the nigger to get a job, which is more offensive to them than nigger ever was.

Blacks never built anything they weren't instructed to build. Look at Africa then look anywhere else. Plus it's lives not "lifes" you illiterate nigger. Back to the plantation.

>that splatter pattern
He was hit while already out

The nigger knocks you out and claims you're racist as he robs you.

Everything is made out of cotton!

Don't catch you slippin up

EZ prison for ze nigger.

Fuck it, lets just turn off all utilities to black communities.
If they're so smart, let them figure out how to do it.

The faster we give niggers this country the faster they die off and white enclaves reconquer the land, fully support this idea

And Nice repost u fucking faggot this happened in 2017.

There's a reason they keep the animals in cages at a zoo. It's to protect the guests and the staff. And the animals, but they have value. White people are going to have to start wearing body cameras just like cops if this shit is ever going to stop.

Attached: kenyan test.png (852x912, 465K)

> Nigger
Imagine being so primitive that a word makes you violent

It's surely just an excuse at this point? Like they evolved enough thus far to realize if they say accuse whitey of saying nigger that they can chimp out?

fake and gay