Explain yourself Brazil

This is a Brazilian stamp in the current year 2019

Attached: brazillian stamp.jpg (481x527, 54K)

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Jair Bolsonaro's sons wearing Mossad shirts.

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This is what happens when you elect a neoliberal jew like Bolsonaro the Bag Man.
You can still kill him, huebros.

Oh no no no noahahahahahahaha
Brazil mokeys belong to the Jews now

jesus fuck , so B&R it hurts

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Bolso the clown is a jew shill

Always has been this way...Rio and Satan Paulo are jew hubs.

the stamp literally says מושיע , which means savior .
and bibi is unironically the savior of brazil , seriously look up the government they had before we put our guy in charge that leftist shit makes me sick

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Never change, kike


as a mutt you shouldn't be talking about people looking like hostages

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Since when do filthy blasphemous kikes believe in Jesus?

nobody said anything about jesus

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Bolsonaro surname is Messias or Messiah

obliviously his parents meant bibi

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Yeah and some people are speculated that either him or Jared Kushner are the "messiah" for the jews. Its all about prophesy with these people. They want to rebuild the third temple no matter what the cost is.

>and bibi is unironically the savior of brazil

That demon is going to burn your own stolen country to the ground. We all reap what we sew.


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top kek wtf

They literally got an alt-kike pres, kek. Fucking retardation to the max.

no, but Bolsonaro sucks your cock so much, that it could either be they gave intelligence support or straight hardcore lobbying

you won Brazil, I have to discuss with normies why it's bad for us on the long run, they all support you, gg

either that or an explicit commie

fucking Jews. Not enough to already rule Brazil. They have to rub the salt into the wounds.

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Good. You get no where in life unless you suck israel's dick first.

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Go to bed, Adam Sandler

>Means cancer in portuguese

Seems about right, dirty Jesus killer

>it's bad for us
no it isnt
how could you possibly justify saying something this silly ? we pulled you out of literally demonic (((socialism))) , you'd be starting to build gulags if not for us

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They cucked him.
Just like they cucked everyone else.

If you ever want to hold a prominent political office in the US you literally need to sign a loyalty oath to Israel. Almost every state has this mandate. We are so fucked. And the overarching narrative is still "muh Jews don't do anything".

As a kike, you shouldn't be accusing people of being mutts.
You inbred desert infiltrator.


not a grat step forward, it means trouble for the next generations, it's cancer

Anything that the Jews touch is automatically bad for the host.

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if they didnt sign an oath to israel you'd be standing in a breadline right now while your neighbors snitch on you to the secret police for extra rations .
of course it's a great leap forward , it demolishes the leftism\socialism that has been keeping your country down . over the next few years brazil's GDP,HDI will rise through the roof , foreign investment will flock to you like never before , wealth and prosperity will come to you because of this .

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Getting stronger every day

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>its a 'Jews and memeflags push the accusations that Bolsonaro is Brazil!Trump when he isnt even in office yet'
Is he super pro-Israel? Sure.
Does that stop him from pursuing everything he campaigned on? Oooh yeah, Bolsonaro is definitely gonna be sending troops into Afghanistan instead of favelas

>the absolute state of Cirofags

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