Damage at Sydney’s Opal Tower appears to be spreading with two new cracks found on a different floor to the one that sparked the crisis.

New Year’s Eve fireworks went off with a bang in Australia and around the world — but a major gaffe caught revellers’ eyes.

204 minutes late: Sydney Trains descend into chaos on New Year's Eve

Pre-teen girl indecently assaulted on Flinders St just after midnight

Cabinet documents reveal Pine Gap expansion deal and concerns about 'weaponising space'

AUS/POL Pastebins. 5NXqdmJFFgm/PvBusZeo7Y8mYLWtJQ/f

Attached: sodom.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

Other urls found in this thread:




>be chink
>think youre Australian

oh no no no no

wtf is going on with Jow Forums lately?
Place is worse than usual, is it filled with shills or bots, or worse, shill bots?

t. chink

Also what is this shit of changing the OP and making paste bins? This is the only OP aus/pol/ needs.


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty

If you're an Australian Jow Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

>fuck off we're fu--

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this will be the year i finally kiss a girl for the first time and maybe lose my virginity at 21. we are all gonna make it bros

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How do I get a job this month bros? Are they actually easy to get or not? In Brisbane btw.


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>go to a doctor
>tell him you have depression/anxiety
>get on centrelink

Morning from the states mates
Any of you fags near the CYP are getting drenched kek

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Looks full to me

Attached: full.png (720x760, 256K)

>buy piece of land/house in bumfuck middle of nowhere
>live like a king off DSP

Checked, and good luck to you, fren
I'm waiting till marriage personally, but some times the urge to get some slampig from tinder is hard to flight

>I'm waiting till marriage

Sure you are ;^)

I'm back to work tomorrow. Say something to cheer me up, aus/pol/

shuddup, it'll happen some day
2019 is the year of happenings

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Don't delude yourself
We're all virgin's because we are all pathetic losers and it's gonna stay that way

You guys told me there was almost certainly going to be a happening last night in Melbourne or Sydney. What happened?

Is the opal tower built by chinese? Asking for a friend

Prostitution - should be legal or illegal?

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Dude i fucking broke my cock getting a rough handjob from a girl in a carkpark half an hour ago its fucking swolen. Dont convince yourself everyone here is like you

Agreed. This is the important stuff.

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Tear your foreskin up?

That is at least one perk of being gay, easy to find booty.


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Nah mate its just all swollen and fucked up now, anyone know how to fix this shit? Do i need to see a doctor? I guess its blood vessel burst or something under the foreskin

Inb4: small dick
Its soft now cunts

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Illegal desu, propagates trafficking and breaks down traditional relationship standards (as if there were much alive today anyway)

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>2019 is the year of happenings
Yeah, I suppose, if nothing else, we'll get to see a shitshow over brexit.



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Y not?

Did you know.... building inspectors work for private companies... not government...

Why not?


It's aids user

You have to amputate


God damn you're fat.

Also, probably just inflamed or small tear to the frenulum, take some nurofen and see how it feels in the morning.

been there lol.
better for it to be legal, otherwise you get too much pimps and organised crime. Have it be in the open, sole traders with an abn can sell their ass, and if anyone gets involved in pimping or human trafficking just shoot them.

You don't have to amputate. Just hit it with a hammer a few times until the swelling goes down.

Thanks man thats the advice i needed to hear

>mfw jewed from birth

Attached: mfwjewed.png (471x415, 204K)

You better marry her user. And I don't mean some faggot loving piece of paper from the government.

I mean stand up in the sight of your families and the sight of God and vow to love, protect, cherish, lead, and make a family with her for the rest of your life.

This is the /only/ point to "losing" your virginity. And if you pairbond with her, and then leave? You make another roastie who will vote to destroy this country with niggers.

u guys think you'll ever control women again like the 50s dream on

Technically speaking everyone waits until marriage - since the act of sex /is/ the act of marriage.

Listen to this man, user.

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I wish that were true, but these days sex is nothing more than a drug.

What's aus/pol/ listening to?
(sorry christbro)

the original pedo

It is true, user. It is eternally true. The Talmudic culture that pervades the West does not make it less so.
>do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.”

what are you a virgin? everyone knows that dicks grow bigger after having sex, yours is just deformed because you only got an hj thus only getting partial growth

>t. talmudic pharisee
Only someone whose father is the devil could project their own sins so hard they claim the Christ was the originator of them.
Be careful user. Knowing who Christ is and saying He does the works of Satan in the only unforgivable sin.

I've spent some time in the circumcision threads over the last year arguing against the practice but today I decided to stop because all the cutfags have all been getting really upset and freaking out. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

I'm don't know how circumcision will ever end in america except by activists persuading people that circumcision is wrong but doing so sure seems to upset people.

It won't. The false health benefits will be widely known but they'll still do it because "it looks good."
We're that damn pozzed.

My boomer parents bought the "it's healthier and prevents diseases" meme and cut me.
But by the time my boys came along I had learnt the truth and they are whole and without the life-long emotional damage it does to men.
>pretty sure my dad molested my sister too, but it could have just been one of his friends who was accused of molesting his own daughters

Kek fuck user thanks for that

Just a thought, You want to kill a thread made by a Rabbi in Israel?
Post these 3 images that expose their Neanderthal ancestors.

Attached: Long nose tribes.jpg (2968x2792, 2.53M)

Attached: Long nose tribe.jpg (3544x2128, 861K)

Attached: Long nose tribe 3.jpg (1467x1653, 1.83M)

Don't most whites have neanderthal admixture though?

There is a tear in the lining of your corpus cavernosum, if it isn’t repair you will be impotent forever.
The window is like 4-6 hours to get it fixed.

What the fuck really??

neanderthal is simply one of the races created from the tower of babel. Since the "jews" of today show the greatest characteristics of "neanderthal" and they are Canaanites it stands to reason that the Canaanites are the "neanderthal".

I honestly think this should be the OP for AUS/POL/ for as long as it takes to get "anti-semitism on the rise" on ACA.

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>I'm don't know how circumcision will ever end in america except by activists persuading people that circumcision is wrong but doing so sure seems to upset people.
it wont go away completely but it will eventually become more and more taboo. a cutfag not cutting his kids dick is more likely than a non-cutfag actually cutting his sons dick. it is a snowball effect similar to how an atheist population will always keep growing because a religious person is more likely to become an atheist than an atheist will become religious

my great grandparents were jewish and i am so fucking glad that my family stopped being religiously jewish 2 generations ago otherwise i would be a cutfag

looks like it

cunt just go see a doc

Only thing you are going to make it is onto a watch list.

What the fuck is this procedure and what is it for?

Nah fuck that, redpilling Americans on what was robbed from them is your duty.









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2018 has been a rough year for me. Relationship broke up in April. Mum got diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in May. Slowly my friends drifted away as I spent more time with her as she (continues to) deteriorates and neglected their friendships.

So now I am 100% alone apart from my mum who will slowly continue to deteriorate and die at some point this year. I had to move her in with me which pretty much means no hope of any relationship in the near future. Also impacting job as constantly have to leave early or have days off to care for her.

Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back your tears and pretend you're OK. I even have my speech practiced for "How are you coping?" "How is your mum?" to save the risk of crying in front of important people.

I can understand why people give up and take their own life. Why even bother continuing to live a miserable existence. What is the payoff? nothing.

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Okay guys i’ll go to hospital now, i’ll keep you guys updated good thing i checked with pol i woulda just had some more vodka and gone to sleep

I'd laugh if I saw this on ACA.

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Probably going to need a new one, i have never witnessed such brutality.

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How do I get a job that doesn't pay shit? I'm skilled and not a sperg

I know this is sounding a bit lefty but fuck me dead, surely it isnt this normal for skilled employers to be struggling to put food on the table

good luck user, we are here if you need us

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Serrated teef for chewing on easy mode.

It's a mixed bag. More than a few expectant parents have posted in the thread and said that, based on the information presented there, that they decided to not circumcise their boys. On the other hand, there are lots of american cutfags who are now on an emotional rollercoaster and having a nervous breakdown.

Thanks for the blog post user, but you are wrong. You are never 100% alone. You have anonymous right wing friends on the internet and, if even we fail you, you always have Jesus.

Checked. My sympathies go out to you bro. You are justified in feeling like shit. But dont give up. We are the minority now. We are the underdogs. And we need you to help us fight. 2019 is full of possibilites. You are down now but things will swing back around.

If you off yourself now, thats just what they want. You are damaged but not shattered. I will pray for you.

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>how get job that doesn't pay shit
Use that brain your ancestors spent centuries selecting for and start your own local business.

It's for people who want to blow up and act like they don't know nobody

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>amerifarts having a nervous breakdown
WTF? It's not 2018 any more.

put me in screencap !!!

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fuck this gay earth

stop referencing the dick pic i don't like looking at anons dicks


Off-topic but I think I know how to make the afrikhan gangs to chimp out; simply create meme pages for "rival gangs", for example:


Simply create these pages and anonymously post shitty memes (think TiK ToK) making fun of them.

I'm almost certain that this would push a large percentage of those nogs fly off the handle.

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Asio pol...
Last night was a joke.

That anger is useful, those burgers will spread that info to other burgers.
This is how revolutions start.
You don't have the stomach for memetic warfare fren.

Yeah apparently ASIO doesn't get the night off on NYE.

Imagine being some chink cunt assigned to monitor this place on NYE by your jewish masters.

Give em' a break, mate.
They've been operating at a huge loss the last few weeks to secure the safety of all Australians. As far as I'm concerned, the ladies and gentlemen protecting this nation from the hidden dangers within are true heroes who deserve our highest praise.

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