Female unit has found a provider unit that promises to provide exclusively for her in the future.
Provider unit provided her with 30.000$ carbon allotrope on top of a metal finger ring to signal the honesty of his intent.
Female unit signals happiness over being provided for.
Apple Inc. also profits from provider and will probably signal to the newlyweds with a genuinely-caring automated congratulatory email.
IRS will then signal too, informing of changed tax brackets.
Soon enough sperm carrying genetic information in form of a physical signal to a female egg will induce the growth of another signalling device capable of receiving and transmitting signals. twitter.com/DebbyRyan Not so user. He only receives signals, and never sends any of importance; actually Anons prefer to be non-signalers, by being always in socio-sexual stealth mode.
>meanwhile the user adjusts his scope, signalless he fires, the supressor muffling the shot (and outgassing into his face) killing the male unit. He takes his time with the female, striking her leg to make her scream before targeting other limbs.
Adam Ward
A fun game to play in Australia is taking a padlock, sneaking up behind someone with a stretcher then locking it to their ear, they can't run to chase you due to the weight.
Brody Fisher
I acknowledge that many people are indeed severely underkilled.
MAN WHO GET'S ON HIS KNEES TO PROPOSE TO A GIRL IS A PIECE OF SHIT MAN. Every male friend I had after I found out they got on their knees to propose a marriage to a girl I quit relations with them. Some of them called me and asked me why I cut them off, so I told them that I despise them for their act of weakness. They were shocked. Fuck you ..you weak male pussies. Propose marriage standing up, like a real man, not like a some homo pussy snowflake cunt on your knees. Have some respect for yourself.