Hello anons, i haven't been home much lately and i found this thing that looks like something from an insect. I don't know what to do or what this is, thanks in advance.
Hello anons, i haven't been home much lately and i found this thing that looks like something from an insect...
Looks like a wasp or hornet nest of some kind. Try asking /an/.
That looks like a mud dauber's nest. It's a type of solitary wasp.
Oh fuck, what do i do?
This. But the mother doesn't stay there. She builds the nest, incapacitates a spider, and lays her larvae in it. Encloses the nest and leaves. Take a broom and knock it down. Literally no danger to op. If you're interested open it up softly with a rock and you'll see a stiff spider in a mud tube. Pretty cool shit actually.
Def looks like the beginnings of a wasps nest.
>its the wii u all over again
Its not like any mud dauber's nest I've ever seen
Im scared because there is also a nest on my house with these black, wasp looking things.
This nest is finished. There is nothing inside but a soon to be dead spider with a baby wasp inside it
Take a picture and post. I worked pest control for awhile and may be able to help out. Been bit and stung by everything under the sun and I can promise it's not that bad.
What do i do after i knock it off? Im not throwing it the garbage because i dont want that baby wasp to come out and probably starting a nest in there or something
Its in thailand and i have heard from many people that there are very dangerous wasps here.
Mud daubers typically build cylindrical nests, almost identical to a termite tunnel. But depending on where op is located, humidity and other variables can play a factor in how the mother shapes the nest. Definitely not a paper wasp nest so all is well. For all op knows, the baby could have already hatched and went on it's way to continue the cycle
Also im not home right now, taking a picture in half a hour.
By the time it hits the ground it will be broken into pieces. It's made out of dirt, so just sweep it into the grass. When I'd knock them down for people I'd tell them to do cleanup. I did my job lol just sweep it off in the lawn and it'll eventually be recycled. The term "nest" scares people when it comes to insects, but a mud daubers nest isn't a home. The mother is already half way across the country, impregnated with another bastard child
Thailand, chaiyaphum, ban khwao. About 33% humidity
I'll be on my way to work by then. I'd love to give you my number to text because I have an obsession with those animals. But seeing as you're in Thailand I doubt you have a way to text U.S. numbers
Right. There's no danger concerning the nest, but I've read their stings are pretty nasty if you happen to really bother one of the wasps. If you open the nest up, you'll probably find larvae (in addition to dead and/or paralyzed spiders.) The adult wasps themselves are really weird-looking, if you get the chance to see one.
Black and yellow mud daubers build nests like OP's pic. The organ pipe mud dauber (a separate species) builds the cylindrical type.
What do you not understand?
Good shit. I never read up on different species, I was just told by the boss that they will make different shaped nests depending on location. He was in the field 22 years so I took everything he said as gospel. Thanks for the info bro. I like bugs in general but I'm mainly into arachnids.
He's saying op has a black and yellow mud daubers nest, not a pipe organ. The pipe organ daubers nest looks like a straight line.
Wii u? Is that some sort of meme?
These are the most helpful answers i have ever gotten from Jow Forums, thanks guys. Hope you all have a nice and wonderful day.
No, I was the one who said that lol
I wouldn't call it a meme, just a fairly well known "event" from a few years back.
No problem man. Also did a quick search on the Thailand wasps. Looks like you most likely have a paper wasp nest. Generally pretty docile, but their stings can ruin your day. If you want to get rid of it, which I heavily suggest, go to a hardware store and by a pesticide. Pyrethrins work the quickest, but cover your mouth with a shirt or something when you spray it. You don't want to breathe that shit in. Do it at night. Wear extra layers of clothing to prevent stings if you really feel nervous. Good luck bro, get your house taken care of.
Holy fuck....
Jesus, this generation is so fucking retarded they can’t brush off a bug nest. Wtf?
Fortunately im not from this generation.
> Oh fuck, what do i do?
There's a hole in the front that looks about the right size for your dick. You even need to ask?