Alright faggots, what's Jow Forums's opinion on who did 9/11? The kikes or the muslims?
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The Muslims on behalf of the Kikes.
The Federal Reserve and its monetary authorities, CIA Niggers, British Intel, Mossad, Jesuits, Neocons
Most people don't know, Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof:
No demolition or missiles. Those 19 hikackers were allowed to board those planes that day. John Ashcroft went on record admitting that “walls of separation” among the different intelligence agencies “prevented” the sharing of information on the Al-Qaeda cells. The Deep State wanted a new Cold War in the Midde East—now we’re fighting a proxy war in Syria.
9/11 literally changed everything.
Trick question, they are the same.
Friendly reminder...Trump was the first person to tow the OFFICIAL narrative on 911, 2 days after the big show.
On the same day he claimed bombs had to be in the building.
Shitskin Muslims did it largely in part because they were pissed off by our Jewish Zionist neoliberal foreign policy of the last 50 years. It's also the fault of our loose immigration system. There isn't a single benefit accrued from letting Muslims into the country that outweighs 9/11.
the fake jews the sand niggers and the
dago wops and the fucking red coats.